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Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160

Preliminary evidence that prenatal alcohol damage may be visible in

averaged ultrasound images of the neonatal human corpus callosum
Fred L. Booksteina,b,c,*, Paul D. Connora, Kristi D. Covella, Helen M. Barra,
Christine A. Gleasond, Raymond W. Szee,f, Jenny A. McBroomf, Ann P. Streissgutha
Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Department of Anthropology, University of Vienna, Vienna A1091, Austria
Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Department of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, WA 98105, USA
Received 11 April 2005; received in revised form 1 July 2005; accepted 22 July 2005

Brain damage consequent to prenatal alcohol exposure can be detected by measurements of the corpus callosum in the midline magnetic
resonance (MR) brain image in adolescents and adults. The present article extends this finding into the neonatal period, when the power of
detection to ameliorate the quality of the child’s future life is greatest. The midline corpus callosum of the very young infant can be located
reliably in multiple frames of clinical transfontanelle ultrasound. We studied a sample of 18 children aged 17 weeks or less, 7 of whom were
exposed to high levels of alcohol prenatally and 11 of whom were not exposed or only minimally exposed. The midline callosum of each
child was imaged up to 50 times by a standard clinical device, and coplanar subsets of these series were averaged with reference to fiducial
image structures. On each average image four semilandmark points were set and their configuration quantified by standard landmark meth-
ods. The angle between the terminal bulb of splenium and the long axis of the callosal outline classifies four of the seven exposed infants as
different from all 11 of the unexposed infants. This simple angle measurement upon averaged ultrasound images of the human neonatal
midline corpus callosum, perhaps a version of the long-sought ‘‘biomarker of prenatal alcohol damage,’’ may be able to discriminate baby
brains affected by prenatal alcohol exposure from those that were unaffected. Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders; Corpus callosum; Neonatal ultrasound; Unwarped image averaging; Shape coordinates; Splenium

1. Introduction amply confirmed that the embryonic tissue most sensitive to

alcohol’s effects is the developing brain and have demon-
The announcement of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in
strated several mechanisms of this damage: disruption of
1973 (Jones & Smith, 1973; Jones et al., 1973) was based
early astrocyte, glial, and neuronal migration (Guerri &
on examinations of 11 Seattle children who all had the
Renau-Piqueras, 1997; Phillips, 1994); selective loss of hip-
same unusual facial features and whose mothers had all pocampal pyramidal cells and cerebellar Purkinje cells
abused alcohol during that pregnancy. In the three decades (Bonthius & West, 1990); alcohol-induced neuroapoptosis
since then, this initial publication has ramified in many dif-
during synaptogenesis (Ikonomidou et al., 2000); disruption
ferent directions (Stratton et al., 1996; Streissguth, 1997). A
of neurotransmitter systems and neurotrophic excitatory
rich range of clinical studies, some retrieved from the pre-
activity (Olney et al., 2000); and dysregulation of cellular
1973 literature and others published since then, make it
adhesion (Charness et al., 1994).
clear that this disease is found in every region of the world
At the same time, as the typical profile of neuropsycho-
and in every human race or ethnicity. Animal models have
logical deficit in human patients with prenatal alcohol dam-
age has been explored in great detail (Mattson & Riley,
1998), along with its patterns of variation (Bookstein
* Corresponding author. Fetal Alcohol and Drug Unit, 180 Nickerson
Street, Suite 309, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. Tel.: 11-206-543-7155; fax:
et al., 2002b), it has become clear that the original facial
11-206-685-2903. characterization of FAS underrepresents the range of pa-
E-mail address: (F.L. Bookstein). tients damaged by prenatal exposure to alcohol. For
0741-8329/05/$ – see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2005.07.007
152 F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160

instance, it is now known that persons exposed to high lev- variability of this spectrum disorder and the relative effica-
els of alcohol before birth show similar average neurobeha- cy of proposed interventions.
vioral deficits regardless of the presence of the classic facial It is therefore appropriate to return to the pediatric
stigmata (Mattson et al., 1998) and that within this general theme, via studies that detect the alcohol-damaged off-
pool of patients the extent of brain damage is not tightly spring as early as possible. Wass et al. (2001), in a study
controlled by the presence or absence of the facial stigmata of 155 fetuses imaged by ultrasound, noted substantial cor-
(Bookstein et al., 2002a). Recently, by analogy with other relations between a categorization of alcohol exposure and
wide-spectrum birth defects, a term was coined, Fetal Alco- frontal lobe length (from cavum pellucidum to calvarium)
hol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), that embraced the classic adjusted over a range of gestational ages from 15 to 36
FAS face as well as other classes of patients (fetal alcohol weeks, and other studies conducted as part of the same Col-
effects [FAE], alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disor- laborative Initiative on FASD that supported the research
der, etc.) defined in terms of central nervous system reported in this article are likewise attempting to character-
(CNS) effects (NOFAS, 2004; Streissguth & O’Malley, ize the effect of prenatal alcohol exposure on the brain be-
2000). Estimates of prevalence of this broader condition fore birth. To fill the gap between the fetal period and
ranged up to about 0.9% in a population-based study with postinfancy life, it would be very useful to pursue protocols
blinded infant examination (Sampson et al., 1997). for the detection of fetal alcohol damage at the earliest pos-
Although the original CNS characterizations of FAS sible postnatal age. In this article we report a very promis-
used mainly global measurements, such as head circumfer- ing finding, a possible neuroanatomical marker of fetal
ence or full-scale IQ, it has since become clear that some alcohol damage, in a sample of children imaged in the first
regions of the developing brain are more sensitive and spe- 3 months of postnatal life by a relatively inexpensive and
cific than others (in the statistical sense) to these alcohol widely available imaging modality, the pediatric ultrasound
effects. Riley et al. (1995) noted the disproportionate machine. Subsequent sections of this article set out the sam-
reduction of corpus callosum size, on the average, in FASD pling design of this study, image acquisition and measure-
patients, and Swayze et al. (1997) confirmed this in another ment protocols, and the nature of the neuroanatomical
series. More recently, our own group has found a strong sta- marker signal that we believe to have been uncovered. A
tistical signal for neuroanatomical damage in FASD, strong concluding discussion sketches implications of this surpris-
enough for effective classification of persons with FASD ing finding for the field of fetal alcohol research and for pe-
vis-à-vis age-comparable unexposed subjects, in the details diatric public health more generally.
of form of the corpus callosum outline in the midline
(Bookstein et al., 2001, 2002a, 2002b). This finding, which
pertains to adolescents and adults of both sexes, emphasizes 2. Materials and methods
variation of the callosal midline shape in any of a wide
2.1. Samples
range of possible dimensions of dysmorphology: hypervari-
ability of almost every possible pattern measure. Detection We referred 20 infants to the Radiology Department of
is by quadratic discrimination in many dimensions, not by Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center (after ap-
any specific linear combination. proval by the Institutional Review Board there) for trans-
Yet in this burgeoning literature one theme has been left fontanelle ultrasound imaging of the midline corpus
oddly fallow: the possibility of diagnosis right at the time of callosum. Babies of more heavily drinking mothers were
birth, as in several of those initial 11 patients (Jones & recruited from programs serving high-risk mothers and
Smith, 1973; Jones et al., 1973). We know from studies their babies. Babies of infrequent drinkers and abstainers
of acquired ‘‘secondary disabilities’’ (Streissguth et al., were a sample of convenience recruited from a range of lo-
2004) that the earlier that FASD is diagnosed, the better cal pools: a University of Washington research Web site for
the prognosis for an accommodation of society to the pa- ‘‘volunteers,’’ a local prenatal clinic that provides midwife
tientdfor instance, improved prospects for amelioration services, response to posters at the University hospital, re-
of those secondary disabilitiesdonce the patient has sponse to handouts at parent education classes at the Uni-
reached his or her own limits of accommodation. Inasmuch versity, and referrals from our own staff members or from
as most people with FASD are not raised by their biological other unexposed subjects. Screening for eligibility was
mothers (Streissguth et al., 1991a, 2004), early identifica- done using the Hospital Screening Questionnaire (HSQ)
tion would better inform the fostering and adoption of these (Streissguth et al., 1991b). This is a one-page questionnaire
children and would help babies with brain damage from al- about alcohol and drug use during two time periods: during
cohol to get into the existing early intervention programs pregnancy and in the month or so before the mother was
that would best serve them (Whitney et al., 2004). Further- pregnant or knew she was pregnant. The HSQ was scored
more, earlier diagnosis of babies would also help mothers according to the Binge Alcohol Rating Criteria (BARC)
with alcohol problems to get into appropriate programs to (Barr & Streissguth, 2001). A woman who was BARC1
prevent future alcohol-affected pregnancies (Grant et al., (read ‘‘bark positive’’) or almost BARC1 according to
2003), and would enable better longitudinal studies of the the HSQ was given the Pregnancy Drinking Calendar
F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160 153

(PDC), which asks for more detail. The BARC score is a standard modern clinical scanner at Children’s Hospital
a weighted sum of the monthly frequencies of three to four (an HDL ultrasound scanner with a C8-5 pediatric cephalic
drinks per occasion and five or more drinks per occasion as transducer and cine memory). Gestational age ranged from
reported for either time period. Information from the PDC 33 to 42.5 weeks, and imaging was done from 5 to 16.6
was useful in some exposed cases to determine whether weeks after birth. The ultrasonographer was directed to
they met or fell short of the published BARC threshold. hold the transducer fixed over the child’s anterior fontanelle
For the exposed cases in the present sample, the BARC1 and, by dynamically oscillating the image plane (while ac-
code was equivalent to a frequency of four or more binges commodating the simultaneous squirming of the unsedated
(five or more drinks on an occasion) per month in one or baby), to capture up to 50 freeze-frames that were as close
both of the time periods (see Table 1). to the midsagittal section as possible, as judged by the im-
Babies of mothers who were BARC1 according to ei- precise image of the cerebral aqueduct together with char-
ther of these instruments were eligible for the study. Moth- acteristic sulci of the parasagittal cortex, and that included
ers in the comparison group reported no alcohol intake or the full length of the midline callosum (our intended target
almost no alcohol intake during either time period on either of measurement). These frames were black–white reversed
the HSQ or the PDC. Babies who were less than 33 weeks and exported for analysis by an existing module of the
gestation at birth or older than 4 months of age at the ear- Edgewarp program package (Bookstein & Green, 1994).
liest feasible time of postnatal ultrasound or whose mothers Until the individual image processing had been completed
reported taking any street drugs (except marijuana or co- for all 20 subjects, the analyst (FLB) was blinded as to sam-
caine) or any drug known to be teratogenic were excluded. ple totals of exposed and unexposed and also, of course, to
We initially thought that imaging needed to be completed the exposure status of each subject.
by age about 17 weeks because thereafter we expected that
the fontanelle would be insufficiently patent for a good ul- 2.3. Unwarped image averaging
trasound view of the midline callosum. Apart from these
age considerations, there was no selection for any charac- It is notoriously difficult to quantify shape in ultra-
teristic of the infant. sound imagery. In studies of moving structures, such as
the heart, frame-to-frame correlations permit analysis of
motion separate from feature analyses of individual
2.2. Images
frames of the movie. For quantitative studies of form,
After informed consent was obtained from mothers, all we need a somewhat analogous toolda serial registration
20 infants were imaged by transfontanelle ultrasound using tooldthat builds measurable structures out of hints in the

Table 1
Ages, exposures, and angle at splenium for 18 infant subjects
Age at Other Angle at
Subject number, ultrasound reported splenium
gender Binges Age at birth (weeks) Birthweight (weeks) exposures (degrees)
Heavily alcohol exposed (N 5 7)
11F (12,3) 40.0 8.10 13.1 (none) 63
8M (3,4) 41.0 8.0 8.4 cig, mar, coc 64
5F (2,4) 33.0 NA 11.3 cig, mar, coc 82
2M (30,6) 40.0 8.14 16.1 mar 92
9M (10,NA) 39.0 6.11 7.4 mar, coc 94
10F (4,2) 42.0 6.14 7.9 cig, mar 106
4F (30,30) 39.0 NA 16.4 cig, mar, coc 118
Comparison group (N 5 11)
22F 42.5 6.13 4.9 cig, mar 51
16M 35.0 5.7 15.4 (none) 58
23F 39.0 6.3 7.1 cig 62
15F 35.0 5.8 15.1 (none) 62
6M 39.0 10.8 16.4 (none) 64
13F 39.0 7.5 16.4 (none) 65
12F 41.0 7.12 14.3 (none) 69
14F 42.0 8.14 12.3 (none) 71
20F 41.0 7.8 11.0 (none) 73
7F 37.0 6.10 11.9 (none) 73
3F 39.0 8.6 16.6 (none) 83
Note: Ordering is by angle at splenium within alcohol exposure group. Binges 5 monthly frequency of binges of five or more drinks per occasion, before
and during pregnancy. All binge scores in the comparison group are 0. NA 5 not available, birthweight 5 pounds and ounces, Cig 5 cigarettes, Mar 5 mar-
ijuana, and coc 5 cocaine. M, F: male, female.
154 F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160

separate frames. For this purpose we have tested a system of splenium and the segment from tip of genu to tip of sple-
of unwarped image averaging that proceeds in the follow- nium (see Fig. 1). Individual scalar measurements such as
ing way. distances and angles are a risky way of recording differen-
For each infant, the analyst selected a subset of images, ces in configurations; it is better to locate suitable land-
numbering from 6 to 30, that indeed captured the complete marks and semilandmarks (Bookstein, 1991) on the form.
length of the midline callosum and that appeared to show For a small sample of forms, it is best to use a similarly
nearly the same plane of image sectiondthe same general small selection of shape coordinates. As shown in Fig. 1,
callosal outline shape, with the same characteristic identify- a mere four points (eight shape coordinates’ worth) were lo-
ing markings. The fraction of frames accepted for analysis cated in each averaged unwarped image from the series of
varied from 30% to 75%, averaging 40% for the unexposed 18. One landmark was placed right at the anterior tip of
infants and 55% for the exposed infants (difference nonsig- genu and another at the posteroinferior tip of splenium.
nificant by Wilcoxon test). On each frame of the selected Separately, additional semilandmarks (‘‘sliding land-
subset, fiducial points (reference points specific to the indi- marks,’’ Bookstein, 1997) were placed at the midpoint of
vidual) were placed at the presumptively fixed location of the arch (the point on the upper margin of the arch perpen-
the transducer (the center of the visible fan beam) and at vi- dicularly above the midpoint of the segment from genu tip
sually characteristic points in the vicinity of genu and of to splenium tip) and, purely as an attempt to record the ori-
splenium. (Thus, these points are not landmarks in the mor- entation of the splenium, at the splenium intercept point on
phometric sensedthey are in biologically different loca- or near the upper border of the isthmus where a linear ap-
tions from brain to brain, although in the same locations proximation to the medial axis of the splenium (fitted by
for successive images from a single brain.) The resulting eye) would intersect it.
stack of fiducially marked images was processed by the av- These four-point configurations were analyzed by stan-
eraged image unwarping method (Bookstein, 1999), which, dard two-point shape coordinate methods (Bookstein,
for the simplest fiducial configuration here (three points 1991).
only), reduces to (1) an operator-determined affine transfor- When the exposure data were added in, we found that
mation (translation, rotation, and shear) applied to each im- there were 8 exposed and 12 unexposed children in our
age in turn to superimpose its three points over their average
positions, followed by (2) a pixel-by-pixel averaging of the
image information after all transformations have been ap-
plied. (Thus, in the sample images below, the machine’s
standard text block, originally in the same location on the
videoframe, is shifted into various positions, close together
if the text was near the transducer and arbitrarily far apart if
in the margins of the image for a baby who was squirming
actively during the procedure.) These averaged images have
not been edited or tidied up, and so the limits of the original
freeze-frames are clear around the margins. For one baby,
subject 10, the scale of the fan beam upon the video capture
device was apparently reset during the scan; this does not
affect the subsequent analysis of that baby.
The two groups were not matched and the study was not
balanced when the cutoff date arrived. Of the 20 infants
scanned, two had fewer than six coplanar and complete ul-
trasound frames to be processed by this method. (One of
these two was the very first baby imaged, when fewer im-
ages were obtained; the other was the oldest baby, possibly
with too small a fontanelle.) The protocol has now been ad-
justed to emphasize scanning during the first 3 months (13
weeks) of postnatal life.

2.4. Quantification
Fig. 1. Four-point representation of arch form, unwarped averaged im-
During data preparation, before exposure statuses were ages. Clockwise around arch from left: tip of genu (a landmark); top of
arch (a semilandmark taken exactly halfway between tip of genu and tip
revealed, we noticed that four of the averaged images were
of splenium); ‘‘angle-of-splenium point’’ (a semilandmark taken where
strikingly abnormal: subjects 4, 10, 8, and 22. For three of the long axis of splenium intersects the upper arch margindsee text);
these, the abnormality could be flagged by a simple scalar tip of splenium (a landmark). The exemplar here is baby 10 (Fig. 2, middle
measurement, the angle between the long axis of the body right). Inset: the location of ‘‘the angle at splenium.’’
F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160 155

sample. Of the two excluded infants, one turned out to be 3. Results

from each group. Final group sizes are thus 7 exposed ver-
3.1. Preliminary observations of single subjects
sus 11 unexposed infants. Now the four-point landmark/
semilandmark configurations could be analyzed by group. Some of our averaged images looked perfectly normal,
The four points of each averaged image, like any other like the callosal outlines in the neonatal textbooks (Haller
configuration of landmarks and semilandmarks, were et al., 1998): for instance, baby 12 (Fig. 2, upper left).
themselves averaged within groups, and each infant’s aver- Others looked abnormal, in particular the two that had
aged image was unwarped to its own group’s (semi)land- the oddest-looking splenia (Fig. 2, middle row); these two
mark average configuration, and averaged there within were from the group of seven subjects who had in fact
group. had high prenatal alcohol exposure. It was reasonable to

Fig. 2. Six interesting averaged unwarped images. Upper leftdbaby 12, very similar to textbook images of the ‘‘normal.’’ Upper rightdbaby 3, the unex-
posed infant with the highest angle of splenium. Middle rowdthe two babies of highest apparent splenium angle (4 and 10), both from the exposed group.
Bottom rowdthe two babies of hypoplastic splenium, one exposed (8, left) and one unexposed (22, right).
156 F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160

expect, then, that a quantification of the form of the sple- apparently has a sensitivity of 4/7 vis-à-vis exposure (four
nium might be able to tap some information about the effect infants are detected out of seven exposed) and a specificity
of the exposure. of 11/11 (no unexposed are misdetected out of 11).

3.3. Further averaged unwarped images

3.2. Two-point shape coordinates
As Fig. 4 displays, there is a clear difference in the four-
As Fig. 3 shows, there are substantial differences be- point unwarped averaging of the landmark/semilandmark
tween our two groups in the distribution of the coordinates configurations shown to be statistically significantly differ-
of the splenium intercept point. The meaningful coordinate ent in this way. Of course these images are wildly out of
(the one implied by our characterization of the two images register except in the vicinity of the callosal arch itself; they
in the middle row of Fig. 2 as ‘‘abnormal’’ prior to breaking are not themselves intended to be of any analytic use. The
the exposure codes) is the horizontal coordinate in the en- average angles differ by around 20  between left and right
largement at right (subject numbers not in parentheses are panels.
exposed subjects). The coordinates for the seven exposed Various data useful for the following discussiondgesta-
infants are surprisingly separate from the others: The four tional age at birth and at scanning, birthweight, the dispos-
highest values of the angle of the splenium medial axis to itive components of the BARC score, other exposures, and
the genu-splenium baseline of this construction are seen splenium angledare shown in Table 1.
in the alcohol-affected group, even though it comprises less
than 40% of the full sample of 18. A t test of the coordinate
in this direction returns a p value of less than .0012 for the 4. Discussion
mean comparison. But, also, the variance of this relative
We may précis the findings here in four summary
orientation in the exposed group is nearly 4 times that in
the unexposed ( p 5 .04 by ordinary F test), confirming
the general finding of hypervariability of callosal form that  The midline corpus callosum of the very young infant
we reported in our adolescent–adult samples (Bookstein (birth through 3 months) can be imaged reliably via
et al., 2002a). Now that the variances are shown unequal, careful postprocessing of standard clinical ultrasound
the t test might be replaced by a distribution-free version. images by averaged unwarped imaging.
It is quite reassuring that a permutation test of the mean dif-  A substantial fraction of exposed infants show a poten-
ference between the groups yields a p value of 11/10,000 tially diagnostic abnormality of the splenium in these
(two tailed) using 10,000 permutations. averaged unwarped images.
For the discussion below, it is useful to set out a specific  Quantification of these averages seems straightfor-
criterion of ‘‘detection’’ from these measures. The intuitive- ward using otherwise standard landmark and semi-
ly simple threshold of 90  dan angle at splenium that is ob- landmark methods, once the images themselves are
tuse instead of acutedclassifies four of these seven exposed produced.
infants without misclassifying a single unexposed infant. If  The actual classification protocol associated with this
that angle is used as the criterion measurement, it quantification finds an angular abnormality in four of

Fig. 3. Two-point shape coordinates of top of arch and angle of splenium to a genu-splenium baseline. Leftdall shape coordinates; rightdenlargement of
the distribution of the angle-of-splenium semilandmark. Shape coordinate pairs for babies in the exposed group are marked by subject number (see Table 1);
shape coordinates for the unexposed group are set with solid dots except for the possibly hypoplastic case 22 (Fig. 2, lower right), which is also noted here by
number in parentheses. The angle measurement reported in the text is with respect to the horizontal in this plot, as shown.
F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160 157

Fig. 4. Further unwarped averaged images from the four-point representation of Figs. 1 and 3. Leftdaveraged both within and between subjects, for the 11
unexposed babies; rightdfor the seven exposed babies. The shape difference in the vicinity of splenium, which is visually obvious, is confirmed by t test,
along with a separate test of the hypervariance of the angle described in the text.

the seven infants known exposed to high levels of al- explicitly demonstrated both detection and profile predic-
cohol. The quantification, then, may be a detection tion by exploiting the combination of mean shift and hyper-
tool, not merely a group characterization. variance of callosal outlines in the alcohol-damaged via
formal quadratic discriminant analysis in a full multivariate
The general level of accuracy of the corresponding de-
tection protocols (sensitivity 4/7, specificity 11/11) is com-
parable to that reported for our adolescent–adult sample
as imaged by magnetic resonance (MR) (Bookstein et al.,
4.1. Limitations
2002a), and seems promising enough to flag these children
of abnormal splenium–callosum relationship as at increased The image processing here was manual, and would sure-
risk of neuropsychological or neurobehavioral deficits ly be more reliable (especially in screening contexts) were
throughout later development. The focus of the measure- it automated in respect of control point assignment (Meyer
ment on the midline callosum is concordant with a qualita- et al., 1999) and midplane determination in these incom-
tive literature dealing with such concerns as callosal pletely realized images. (The effect of automation would
agenesis (Bookstein et al., 2004; Jeret et al., 1986), with di- be not so much to change the geometry of these avera-
verse earlier quantifications (Bookstein et al., 2001, 2002a; gesdfor instance, the shears entailed in the three-point reg-
Riley et al., 1995), and with at least one of the mechanisms, istration should average out when the fiducial point
disrupted neuronal migration, by which the deleterious con- configurations themselves are averaged, which is the case
sequences of alcohol exposure are effected. It is thus not in our algorithmdas to sharpen the averaged image for
unreasonable to hope that neonatal callosal dysmorphology more precise assessment of callosal contours and curva-
might be the crucial mediating variable between exposure tures.) There is an urgent need for formal norms of the nor-
and detection of affected offspring by a variety of measure- mal neonatal callosum, including the effects of such
ments later in postnatal life. The hypervariability of callosal covariates as ethnicity, birthweight, and age, to substitute
form that is significant even in this small study confirms the for the artificial and inefficient inclusion of unexposed new-
finding of our larger study of adolescents and adults and borns in the screening context sketched above. The present
holds out further promise for detection and for prediction sample is far too small to check for other exposures as co-
of differential profiles of fetal alcohol neurobehavioral def- variates, but when larger samples are available such neces-
icit (Bookstein et al., 2002b) by measurable aspects of the sary further verifications become practicable. A larger
same neonatal callosal image. (Just as a mean difference sample would justify, too, a greater concern for sampling
detected statistically can be converted into a tentative detec- frame and other aspects of generalizability. In larger sam-
tion procedure by the standard linear discriminant function, ples the somewhat arbitrary threshold of 90  suggested
so a difference in variances detected statistically can be above could likewise be replaced by an empirical optimum
converted into a tentative detection procedure by a quadratic (Swets & Pickett, 1982), and a more extensive quantifica-
discriminant analysis. Recently, Sampson et al. (2005) tion might be assayed that involved, for instance, additional
158 F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160

measures at Rostrum (which is not often complete in this of marijuana per month), making any homogeneity of effect
series of images) or values of width and curvature function- quite unlikely across this group. And four of the alcohol-
als along the arch as a whole (Bookstein, 1991). A design exposed babies were exposed to cocaine, versus none in the
such as that of Wass et al. (2001), concerning a larger sam- unexposed group.
ple with ample attention to covariates and confounds, Marijuana use being so nearly coextensive with high al-
would clearly be worth considering as long as the strengths cohol exposure in this sample, the possibility that the group
of this simple study (explicit image averaging, shape coor- difference here is confounded by marijuana exposure is
dinate analysis) also persevere. real. However, there is no reported literature of effects of
marijuana or of cocaine upon the form of the human corpus
callosum, let alone effects similar in their splenium-specific
4.2. Modifications for screening: application to pediatric
geometry to those detected here. Likewise, Wass et al.
public health
(2001) found no significant confounding by marijuana or
The pilot study here was a planned comparison of infants cocaine upon the regionally specific measurement (frontal
from two separate groups known in advance to have highly lobe length) that is the focus of the alcohol exposure effect
disparate levels of exposure to alcohol. For routine use in reported there, although they noted an interaction of alcohol
pediatric public health, we recommend an alternate mode with nicotine. From the point of view of public health,
of sample accrual, by way of maternal questionnaire (Barr when alcohol abuse is coupled to polydrug abuse (as it is
& Streissguth, 2001). Answers to two simple questions in in the mothers of these exposed children) and in the ab-
a brief and innocuous questionnaire can assess the infant’s sence of specific brain damage consequent to prenatal mar-
exposure to risk levels of drinking with sufficient accuracy ijuana exposure, it is the signal of geometrically specific
to justify referral of the high-exposed, together with a subset brain damage here that is more important for neonatal
of unexposed, for routine imaging. The ultrasound machine and pediatric neurology. If polydrug exposure is indeed
itself is standard in high-risk neonatal wards, and the image the culprit here, that fact could be unearthed by a different
processing is not tedious and runs on free software (once sampling design, with more numerous cases, better stratifi-
the freeze-frames have been offloaded from the clinical ma- cation of other drug exposures over alcohol exposure, and
chine’s own video memory). This study was a small one. A considerably greater care in the assessment of those other
confirming study is currently underway in Vienna, Austria, exposures.
to validate this claimed yield of positive callosal findings
from children of women reporting high prenatal alcohol ex- 4.4. The hypoplastic neonatal callosum
posure versus those not reporting that exposure. In any A hypoplastic callosum is not an uncommon finding in
screening application, it is crucial that the image be not on- children and adult FASD samples (Riley et al., 1995;
ly clinically examined but actually measured. Our neurora- Swayze et al., 1997). Case 8 of this study (Fig. 2, lower left)
diologist flagged none of these cases, from either exposure may be an analogous example in this neonatal data set. The
group, as showing clinically significant problems on the ba- Boolean combination of obtuse splenium angle or apparent
sis of these image sequences. A comparable absence of sen- hypoplasia (here, not a quantification, just a visual appear-
sitivity (2/117) characterized the clinical reading of the MR ance) flags five of the seven exposed babies in this study,
brain images in adolescents and adults from which the find- along with one false positive (baby 22) who would, of
ing of callosal hypervariability initially derived (Bookstein course, not have been scanned were the study running in
et al., 2002a). dose screening mode. Because not all exposed children
are in fact affected, this might be the truly affected five
4.3. Concomitant drug exposures of the exposed seven. If we slip the threshold of splenium
angle from 90  to 80  or so, in combination with hypopla-
As Table 1 indicates, mothers of the babies exposed to sia, we flag six of the seven known exposed, now with two
high levels of alcohol in this study report other exposures false positives: a sensitivity of 6/7 and a specificity of 9/11
as well. Within the constraints of this pilot study, it proved for detection of exposure. As shown in Table 1, the two hy-
nearly impossible to recruit women by referral whose off- poplastic cases have in common an exposure to marijuana,
spring were exposed solely to alcohol. Four of the alco- and the hypoplastic callosum unexposed to alcohol is the
hol-exposed babies were born to smokers, versus only only such case exposed to marijuana. Although only anec-
two in the unexposed group; auxiliary data not otherwise dotal in a sample so small, this hint about an alternative
tabulated here indicate that the median daily number of cig- dysmorphological pathway or mechanism may merit fur-
arettes smoked was less than a pack a day in both these sub- ther investigation.
samples. Six of the seven alcohol-exposed babies were
exposed to marijuana as well, versus one in the unexposed
4.5. Follow-up
group. But dosage by marijuana is much less frequent in the
exposed group than dosage by alcohol (median, 33 drinks We are eager to follow these children up through an age
per month prior to awareness of pregnancy, vs. 3.5 uses at which we can confirm the FAS diagnosis per se by facial
F.L. Bookstein et al. / Alcohol 36 (2005) 151–160 159

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