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a person


he yells, slaps, and degrades her when

he doesnt get his way

she tried to convince

her to go back to him

they move to a new

they didnt do anything house because they
have a family

he doesnt do anything

her mom tell her that its wrong to take the children away
from the father

15 ©Leah Cleary 2017

she thinks the parent will protect her

she goes to school their parents fought back


he dismisses it and tries

to convince her otherwise

he hits her and makes her

clean up the mess when he
flips the table


yes. it was in self defense, as he kept

find his way to her through manipulation

15 ©Leah Cleary 2017

RESULTS Laws defines domestic violence laws as: “Domestic
The movie, The Burning Bed, first aired on violence law provides the criminal rules for punishing
NBC in 1984. The brutality and terror of those who cause emotional or physical harm to others
domestic violence was dramatically thrust with whom they share a family or other close
into the national spotlight, and views of relationship. It also deals with the civil protections
domestic violence as a private matter available to victims of this type of harm.” In 1984, most
began to change. state laws did not enable police to arrest for domestic
violence unless they witnessed the perpetrator
assaulting the victim. Shelters were rare, and victims
were offered very little protection. As a result of
attention brought to the issue by the movie, laws
began to change and in 1994, congress passed the
Francine Hughes dropped out of high school Violence Against Women Act. Despite its name, the
when she was 16 to marry Mickey Hughes, law provides for all victims of domestic violence, not
then 18. They had four children together. The only women. The law criminalizes domestic battery
brutality began early on in their marriage, and rape. An expanded version of the law passed in
but escalated following their divorce. Mickey 2000.
returned to the home following a car
accident and refused to leave. After a
particularly brutal event, Francine called the
police, but they could not arrest Mickey
because, despite her black eyes and In Ancient Rome, husbands were allowed to
bruises, they did not see him assault her. That beat their wives. The practice was legally
night, he raped her, and she burned him in reinforced by husbands being legally
his bed while he slept. She drove herself and responsible for their wives' actions. Throughout
her children to the police station and turned modern history, laws have prevented women
herself in. At trial, the jury found her not guilty
from gaining autonomy through inheritance
by reason of temporary insanity. Hughes
and property ownership. Until 1975 in the U.S.,
would go free and eventually remarry a man
a woman could not get a credit card,
whose relationship with her children was
troubled. Hughes died in 2017 at the age of
mortgage, or a car loan without her husband
69 from complications with pneumonia. or father cosigning.

THE HUGHES FAMILY Hughes’s lawyer, Arjen Greydanus, would have

Mickey’s family always asserted that there were preferred a straightforward not guilty verdict as
two sides to the story. Mickey’s brother sent opposed to the “by reason of temporary
Francine Hughes threatening messages while insanity” caveat. He was afraid it would set a
she was in prison. Mickey’s father and brother dangerous precedent for future cases. He said
both committed suicide in the years following Francine Hughes was the worst case of domestic
the event. abuse he had ever seen.
©Leah Cleary 2017

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