Literature Review - Intro To MNGT

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Managers & Management
1. Manager is the person who can foresee people's work and allocates task to subordinates ......
a. True
b. False
2. . An organization is ________.
a. the physical location where people work
b. any collection of people who perform similar tasks
c. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose
d. a group of individuals focused on profit-making for their shareholders
3. According to Robert Katz, what skills do managers need?
a. Critical -Political- Managerial and Informational skills
b. Conceptual-Interpersonal-Technical and Political skills
c. Technical-Behavioral-Leadership and Intellectual skills
d. Political-Leadership-Listening and Technical skills
4. Effectiveness is synonymous with ________.
a. cost minimization
b. smart management
c. goal attainment
d. efficiency
5. Which of the following is a key difference between managerial and nonmanagerial employees?
a. Managerial employees receive higher pay compensation.
b. Nonmanagerial employees have less formal education.
c. Nonmanagerial employees do not oversee the work of others.
d. Managerial employees work longer hours.

The Management Environment

1. In recent years, organizations have become more ________ to be responsive to a dynamic
business environment.
a. centralized
b. decentralized
c. structured
d. mechanistic
2. Identification of opportunities to get first more advantage is one of the importance of business
a. True
b. False
3. ______________ include knowledge, belief, moral and customs acquired by an individual as a
Member of a society.
a. Culture
b. Structure
c. Change
d. Environment
4. A good manager considers the interests of all stakeholders equally when making an important
a. True
b. False
5. Which of the following phrases best characterizes the culture of an organization?
a. our official code of conduct
b. how things are done around here
c. the most efficient way to do things
d. guidelines for where this organization is going
Foundations of Decision Making
1. A manager chooses to ignore a rigorous decision-making process and select TV monitor A over
monitor B because he "trusts" company A more than company B. If the decision he
made was rational, which of the following is true?
a. Monitor A is really the better choice.
b. The manager should have included "trust" as a criterion.
c. Monitor B is really the better choice.
d. The manager must have made a mistake in calculating his weighted criteria.
2. Identifying the wrong problem is just as much a failure for a manager as identifying the right
problem and failing to solve it.
a. True
b. False
3. A manager is determining what kind of new computers she should purchase for her department.
She has made a list of five different computer models for consideration. Which stage of the
decision-making process is this?
a. selection of an alternative
b. identification of decision criteria
c. development of alternatives
d. analysis of alternatives
4. The three main models that managers use to make decisions are ________.
a. rational, bounded rational, and intuitive
b. rational, irrational, and bounded rational
c. intuitive, unintuitive, and rational
d. bounded rational, intuitive, and systematic

5. What does it mean for a decision maker to maximize value?

a. to make the decision to be as clear and logical as possible
b. to make the achievement of goals as likely as possible
c. to waste as little time and energy as possible
d. to make decision making as simple as possible

Foundations of Planning
1. ______ refer(s) to negative and unfavorable external factor(s) that are likely to create hurdle(s)
for an organization.
a. Opportunities
b. Threats
c. Warning
d. None of these
2. Which of the following SWOT elements are internal factors for a business?
a. Opportunities and Threats
b. Strengths and Opportunities
c. Threats and Weaknesses
d. Strengths and weaknesses
3. An organization that fails to plan will find it hard to assess progress.
a. True
b. False
4. Which of the following is NOT a reason for managers to plan?
a. to give direction to an organization
b. to deal with change
c. to establish goals
d. to establish responsibility for mistakes
5. SWOT analysis combines ________.
a. a company's mission with its goals
b. external and internal analyses
c. a company's philosophy with its ethics
d. profit with productivity

Organizational Structure and Design

1. The key elements of organizational design are:
a. Work specialization and Departmentalization
b. Span of control and Formulization
c. Authority; responsibility Decentralization
d. All the above
2. Unity of command means
a. Employee can choose to exercise tasks assigned by any supervisors
b. Employees follow the instructions of the highest manager in the organization chart
c. Employee in a department should follow one direct supervisor
d. None of these

3. Functional departmentalization groups jobs by ________.

a. tasks they perform
b. territories they serve
c. products or services they manufacture or produce
d. type of customer they serve
4. The advantage of work specialization is that it always results in high employee motivation and
high productivity.
a. True
b. False
5. ________ departmentalization is based on territory or the physical location of employees or
a. Functional
b. Product
c. Geographic
d. Matrix

Managing Human Resources

1. Recruitment is the process of ________.
a. hiring from outside the organization
b. locating, identifying, and attracting potential employees
c. assessing the national, international, and local labor market
d. hiring from inside the organization
2. A job description is a statement that
a. describes what need to be done in a particular position
b. describes how a person can fit in a vacancy
c. shows what qualification needed for this position
d. None of these
3. Employment planning means
a. A set of activities looking for the personnel for the company
b. identifying the goals need to be done then analyze the demand for suitable people to get
things done
c. Organizing people within the company to move the right places
d. Setting objectives for employee to achieve the organizational ultimate goals
4. The most important environmental factor in the HRM process is ________.
a. the business environment
b. the natural environment
c. the legal environment
d. the scientific community
5. As one of his first tasks in a new job, Steve's boss asks him to develop a database that lists the
educational level, special capabilities, and specialized skills of all the employees in his firm. This
is known as a ________.
a. job description
b. human resource inventory
c. lengthy process
d. job analysis

Managing Communication and Information

1. The communication process begins with this.
a. a receiver
b. a message
c. a thought or purpose
d. an encoded message
2. An example of nonverbal communication is ________.
a. an email
b. a smile
c. a whisper
d. a voice mail
3. Catherin's project team members work together to finish their project before the deadline. The
team meets to discuss what they have completed and the team reaches agreement on the task.
This is called
a. effective communication skills
b. collaboration
c. delegate responsibilities
d. building trust
4. In order to be sent, a message needs to be decoded.
a. True
b. False
5. Reading is an example of this communication step.
a. feedback
b. encoding
c. sending
d. decoding

Foundations of Controlling
1. Concurrent control
a. takes place while a work activity is in progress
b. takes place after the activity is done
c. takes place before the actual activity starts.
d. takes place as soon as the manager requests.
2. The value of the control function lies in three areas: planning, organizing, and motivating.
a. True
b. False
3. The second step in the control process is to ________.
a. compare a standard against an ideal
b. measure actual performance
c. compare performance against a standard
d. take action
4. In general, ________ that falls outside an acceptable range of variation must be dealt with by a
a. an overperformance
b. an underperformance
c. any deviation
d. a small overperformance or a large underperformance
5. If a manager of a tennis store sees sales totals for a particular racquet significantly exceeding
goals and deviating from acceptable range of variation, she might ________.
a. do nothing since sales exceeded goals
b. run a sale on the racquet
c. run a sale on other products
d. inquire about ordering more racquets
The Management Environment
What are the 6 components of the External Environment? Briefly explain these factors.
What is culture? Where does culture come from? And how do employees learn the culture?
Leadership and Trust
What are 3 leadership styles in the study of University of Iowa? Describe the characteristics of the
employees in each leadership style.
Distinguish trait theory, behavioral theory and contingency theory.
Managers & Management
The Management Environment
Foundations of Decision Making
Foundations of Planning
Organizational Structure and Design
Managing Human Resources
Managing Communication and Information
Foundations of Controlling

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