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• Brand new: (c.a) something that has been created very recently and it has the latest
• Download: (c.n) a file that has been transferred to your device from somewhere else.
• Fast-moving: (c.a) something, usually a book or a movie that has a lot of action and there
are many things goin on.
• File-sharing: (c.a) websites where you can download and upload media resources so that
other people can use it.
• Marketplace: (c.n) somewhere where you can buy a wide variety of goods.
• Songwriter: (c.n) some one who produces his/her own songs including the music and lyrics.
• Soundtrack: (c.n) music and songs that appear in a movie or series.
• Thought-provoking: (c.a) something that makes you thinking.

• Screenplay: a story that someone writes for a film.
• Blockbuster: a film or show that is very successful.
• Box office: the place in a theatre where you buy tickets, or the number of tickets a film
• Drawback: a disadvantage.
• Feedback: comments about how well or badly someone is doing something.
• Turnout: the number of people who come to an event.
• Outcome: the final result of a process or a meeting.
• Page-turner: a book that is very interesting or exciting.


• Earthquake: (n) sudden, violent movement of the Earth’s surface, usually causing damage.
• Landslide: (n) a mass of rocks and earth moving suddenly, and quickly down a steep slape.
• Flood: (n’ a area of land which is completely covered by water because it has remained a
lot of the banks of a river have burst.
• Volcanic eruption: (c.n) lava and ash come out of a volcano.
• Drought: (n) a long period of time without rain.
• Epidemic: (n) a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people.
• Tsunami: (n) a very large wave of series of wave caused when something such us an
earthquake happens underwater.
• Avalanche: (n) a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain.
• Forest fire: (c.n) a situation in which a large area with trees burns.
• Hurricane: (n) violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain.
• Casualities: (n) people who are injured or killed in an accident or military action.
• Aftershock: (n) a small earthquake that happens after a bigger one.
• Victims: (n) people who have been affected by a bad situation, such as an accident or an
• Survivars: (n) people who are still alive after an event that could have killed or destroyed
• Injuries: (n) physical damage done to a person or a part of their body.
• Collapse: (v) suddenly falling down.
• Put out: (p.v) to make something stop burning.
• Tremors: (n) movement in the Earth caused by an earthquake.
• Ash: (n) the grey powder that remains after something has burnt.
• Molten lava: (c.n) rocks in the form of hot liquid that comes out of a volcano.
• Heading towards: (p.v) moving in the direction of something.
• Panic: (n) a sudden strong feeling of fear or worry that makes you unable to think clearly
or calmly.
• Spread: (v) affecting more people as it is passed form one person or place to another.
• Refugees: (n) people who leave their country or homes, specially during a war or other
threatening event.

• Torrential (rain): (adj) rain that falls fast and in large amounts.
• Sweep across: (p.v) moved or spread quickly through an area.
• Burst their banks: (expression) if a river bursts its banks, water rises above its sides and
spreads over the surrounding area.
• Evacuated: (v) made to leave a building or area because it is not safe.
• Mud: (n) very soft, wet soil.
• Destruction: (n) damage that is so severe that something stops existing or can never return
to its normal state.

Debris: (n) remaining parts of something that has falling down.

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