My Inspiration

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Chapter 1 Just an old Book

"Don’t die by falling over Quinn! "A boy shouted down the hallway.

Quin carried on walking down the school corridor. Harassment had become a daily occurrence for him but it still
bothered him just as much every day and he couldn’t help himself but retaliate.

Quinn stopped and pushed his glasses back up as they had slipped down from his face. He needed a new pair
and just from looking at them, you could tell they were heavily worn. The sides were covered with tape and they
didn’t even fit straight on his face.

Quinn then turned around and immediately gave the middle finger.

"I bet you don’t even know how many fingers I’m holding up!"

The boy clenched his fist and started running towards Quinn.

"You level 1 piece of crap! When are you going to learn that you don’t belong in this world?"

The boy then placed both of his hands together and a green ball of light started to form. When he was only a
few meters away from Quinn, the boy threw his hands forward and the green light shot out from the palm of his

Quinn had nowhere to go and the beam of light was too fast for him to dodge. All he could do was grit his teeth
and bear the pain. As the light hit Quinn, his body was lifted into the air and sent flying backwards into the
corridor wall.

"What’s going on?" One of the students nearby said. "Are they fighting on the last day of school?"

A crowd had immediately formed outside as people were interested in what the commotion was about. One of
the female students ran over to the damaged part of the wall to check on the student’s safety.

The dust started to settle and Quinn’s slightly curly black hair was coming into view. When eventually the dust
all cleared up and the female saw who it was, she immediately backed away and continued her business as if
nothing happened.

When the female student had returned to her friends, Quinn could see that they were laughing at her.

"I can’t believe you tried to help him."

"I didn’t see who it was." The girl retorted with flushed cheeks.

After that, Quinn stood up and picked his glasses up off the floor. Once again one of the sides had fallen off.

"Dam it. Not again..."

It was the last day of school for Quinn and he was hoping just once someone wouldn’t try anything with him.
Quinn was sick and tired of it and he wasn’t the type to ignore it either. He had seen people who had chosen to
keep their head down and tolerate the harassment and their treatment was far worse than what he got.

Quinn didn’t bother to stay at school like the rest of the students. As he walked past, he saw people talking to
each other. Some were laughing while some had tears thinking it was the last time they would ever see each
other again but Quinn wasn’t a part of any of that and he didn’t want to be.

When he finally arrived home, Quinn immediately got to work. Quinn lived in a single bedroom apartment that
had just enough space to fit a single bed and desk. There was also a TV that was part of the wall but Quinn
would only use it as background noise and didn’t actually watch anything.
The apartment was provided to him by the government since he had no living relatives and was still only 16. On
top of his bed was a single suit case that had all his belongings neatly packed.

When Quinn entered his room, he immediately pulled his drawer open which contained a book inside. It was a
large thick book that weighed about half a kilo. The front of the book was black in colour and in the centre, it
had a ring with lines going off in all different directions.

"Let’s try again today." Quinn said as he placed the book on the desk.

He then immediately went to his bag to pull out a little test tube which had a clear liquid inside.

"Test 112, Hydrochloric acid. Let’s see how it goes." Quinn then started to slowly pour the liquid out of the test
tube and onto the book.

"So far no reaction." Quinn then continued to pour the whole test tube onto the book but still there was no

Quinn carefully examined the book to see if there was any damage done but the book looked the same as

"Another failure. Why won’t you open? Why did mum and dad even have this thing?"

One hundred twelve times. This was the number of different ways that Quinn had tried to open the book. Not
only would the book not open, but it seemed like it wasn’t able to be damaged either. Quin had tried burning the
book, cutting the book, melting the book...but nothing had worked.

Quinn then went to lie on his bed and turned on the TV for some background noise. He never really paid
attention to what was on but the sound of other voices made him feel less lonely.

The TV was currently tuned into the news station.

"The peace treaty with the Dalki race has lasted for five years now but officials say that tension is rising once
again and we must prepare for another war...."

The mention of war had always been shown on the TV nonstop since that day. Thirty years ago, the human
race received a visit from the so-called Dalki. They looked like humans except for their dragon-like tail and
scale-like skin.

They immediately demanded that the Human race hand over their resources and wanted to use them as
slaves. Of course, the humans decided to fight back but they quickly found out that their modern technology
was useless against them. Bullets couldn’t penetrate their skin and as for tanks, well Dalki had airships.

Every man and woman was told to fight for their planet and that included Quinn’s parents. The war went on for
years and Quinn grew up not knowing what his parents looked like.

When the humans were on the brink of defeat, a select few came forward. These people had special abilities.
They began sharing their knowledge of how they obtained such power in hopes of turning the tide in the war
and it worked. Even so, the Dalki were still strong and a seemingly endless stalemate lead to the peace treaty
signing five years ago.

Of course, human greed got the better of humanity and instead of sharing these powers with everyone, the
higher ranked governmental officials decided to keep them for themselves. Only those with money were able to
learn the more powerful abilities while everyone else was left with scraps.

Quinn was given nothing when his parents died. The government agreed to pay for his living accommodation
while he was still in school but that was it. When his parents died at the age of ten, an agent appeared at his
doorstep and handed him a book. He was told this was the only thing his parents possessed which they passed
down when they died.

"Why is the world so unfair?"

Quinn got out of his bed and started walking over to his desk. He picked up his glasses that were still slightly
broken and decided he needed to fix them. He noticed that one of the lenses was slightly out of place and tried
to punch it back into its frame.

"Come on, just get in!" He shouted as he pushed down hard.

The lens suddenly smashed into pieces and one of the shards of glass created a deep gash in his thumb.

"Why does the world hate me."

Quinn immediately started to clean up the little pieces of glass and noticed a piece had landed on top of his
book. As Quinn removed the piece of glass, a drop of blood from his thumb landed in the centre of the book.

The ring around the centre of the book started to glow and suddenly the book started to lift itself into the air.

"What the hell is happening!"

The book started to shine brightly and shake uncontrollably. It finally opened up and page after page was being
turned. Quinn couldn’t take his eyes off the shining book as if he was in a deep trance. The words written in the
book weren’t in any language he had seen before but for some reason, he felt like he could understand it.

Chapter 2 Daily Ques

Slowly Quinn’s eyelids started to lift open and his vision started to return. His head felt heavy and his body was
slightly sore. As he lifted himself off the ground, he touched his head to see if he had gotten any injuries.

"Why does my head hurt so much?"

After making sure his skull hadn’t split open from falling over, Quinn then went to pick up his glasses off the
floor. Although there was only one lens now in it, out of habit Quinn put the glasses on. Suddenly, he felt a little
disorientated and his vision was slightly blurry.

He took them back off and noticed that his vision only got blurry when he put the glasses on. Quinn then
immediately rushed to his desk to grab a pencil. He drew the letter "A" on the wall and stepped back. Quinn
continued to step back until his back had hit the room wall.

"What, but how!" Quinn thought.

Somehow Quinn’s vision was now perfect. He had lived his whole life with terrible eyesight but suddenly he
could see clearly. Images then started to flash in his head of what had happened before he passed out and he
could think of only one thing. The book.

When Quinn looked around the room, he started to panic.

"The book! where the hell’s the book?"

Quinn looked everywhere for the book but nothing could be found. It couldn’t have gone missing in such a
small room and the disappearance of it was making Quinn go mad.

"Maybe it’s like my socks, they go missing all the time? Ahh don’t be stupid, this is a book were talking about
not a sock."

Quinn then tried to think hard about what had happened just before he had passed out. He suddenly started to
remember the book being lifted into the air. Then just before his eyes closed, he heard a few words.
"What was it, it sounded like some type of system message?"

Then as soon as Quinn had said those words.

A status screen had appeared right in front of his eyes.

\u003cUser: Quinn Talen\u003e

\u003cRace: Human\u003e

\u003c Level 1\u003e

Know Your Future: Free Tarot

\u003c0/100 exp\u003e

\u003cHP 10/10\u003e

\u003cStrength: 10\u003e

\u003cAgility: 10\u003e

\u003cStamina: 10\u003e

"Wow, it’s like those really old games people used to play all the time."

Quinn noticed that on the status screen there were more tabs on the top but without even doing anything and
just reading the tabs in his head. The screen automatically switched.


\u003c0 skill points available\u003e

\u003cSkill locked????\u003e

\u003cSkill locked????\u003e


On the skills tab, Quinn wasn’t really able to see much. Everything seemed to be locked and slightly greyed out
so he quickly moved on to the next tab which was called, shop.


\u003cUnlocks at level 10\u003e

"Can I do anything?"

The last tab was the Quest tab and finally, it seemed like this tab wasn’t locked behind something.

\u003cMain quest\u003e

\u003cReach level 10\u003e

\u003cDaily Quest: Drink two litres of water\u003e

\u003cReward 5 exp \u003e

After checking everything out that the system had to offer. Quinn had to just think about closing the system and
it did. When Quinn thought about opening it again a screen would immediately pop up in front of him.

Quinn could only think of one thing, that the book his parents had left him was an ability book. These books
could often be bought at very high prices from the military or a company and could even be obtained on the
black market.

The only thing was, Quinn had never heard of an ability book that disappeared and granted the user a system
like this. The ability books were designed to be learnt. It wasn’t something that you could pick up and instantly
understand how to use.

A smile started to slowly appear on Quinn’s face. This was great news for him. He had always been a level 1
ability user because he could never afford to buy any Ability books. Finally, he had something, the next phase
was for him to test what ability he had.

"Fire, fire come on!" Quinn said as he threw the palm of his hand forward.

"Ok next... Water, water out!" Quinn did the same again but there was no result.

After trying out many different things and all the abilities he had seen before, it turned out he was unable to
perform any of them.

"What the hell useless thing is this. Is it really just a system ability?"

Quinn thought about it for a while. If it truly was like a game then perhaps by completing the quests, he would
eventually get stronger and unlock more skills. He was treating it like an ordinary ability book and clearly what
he had obtained wasn’t ordinary.

Usually, ability books were based around one ability. It was important for a person to select their first ability
book because a regular human body would only be able to perform one Ability attribute. If you got a
transformability as your first ability, you would only be able to get other abilities related to this attribute. This
was the same for fire and so on.

Quinn then went to open his mini-fridge and started to grab the bottles of water that were inside.

He immediately started downing the water bottles one by one.

"Dam how much is two litres? My belly feels like it’s going to burst."

After finishing his eighth bottle of water, a new notification message had appeared.

\u003cDaily Quest complete, 5 exp has been granted\u003e


"Well now I know at least the system works."

Suddenly there was a loud knock that could be heard at the door. Quinn quickly went to the door and opened it.
Standing in front of him was a large muscular bald-headed man wearing a black military uniform. There were
several medals on it and his name written just above his chest. Sargent Griff.

"Boy, it is time for you to vacate your room immediately, the vehicle has been prepared and has been waiting
outside for 5 minutes already."
With everything that had happened, Quinn had forgotten about what was to happen today.

Its time for military school griff said.

Chapter 3 Miltary School

Due to the War between Humans and the Dalki, every person when they reached the age of 16 was required to
go to military school for two years. Even though Humans and Dalki were in a peaceful period, everyone knew
that it wouldn’t last forever.

Every day there was news of one race antagonizing the other and war felt like it could start at any moment.

Quinn quickly went to the toilet before heading off with Sergeant Griff. His bladder felt like it was going to burst
any second now due to all the water he drank.

Once Quinn stepped out of his room into the outside world, something strange happened. A new notification
screen had appeared.

\u003cYour body is being hit by direct sunlight\u003e

\u003cYou are affected by the sunlight\u003e

\u003cAll stats will be halved while in the sunlight\u003e

Suddenly, Quinn’s body felt extremely sluggish. It felt like he had just gone for a 5k Run and returned, his arms
and legs felt heavier and there was nothing he could do about it.

Quinn then went to check his status and saw that his stats did indeed go down by half but it wasn’t just his stats
but his HP as well.

\u003cHP 5/5\u003e

\u003cStrength 5/5\u003e

\u003cStamina 5/5\u003e

\u003cAgility 5/5\u003e

"What kind of drawback is this!" Quinn thought.

Know Your Future: Free Tarot

Then a new notification had appeared.

\u003cYou have received a new Daily quest: Avoid direct sunlight for 8 hours \u003e

\u003c reward 5 Exp\u003e

Quinn’s mood slightly changed as soon as he saw the new daily quest. Unlike the water one, this was
something he was able to do naturally just by sleeping. If the system worked the same way it did in games,
then that meant once Quinn had reached 100 exp points he would be able to level up and also level up his

So the more daily quests Quinn got, the better it was for him.
"What are you doing walking so slowly! The School will eat you alive if you carry on like that!" Griff shouted.

Finally, Quinn had reached a large bus which was parked just outside his house. When he entered the bus, he
noticed that it was already full of students all the same age as him.

He didn’t recognize any of the students though, meaning they had all come from a different school. Quinn then
went to sit at the front of the bus which was the only seat that was still available.

\u003cStats have returned to normal\u003e

As soon as Quinn had entered the bus and avoided the direct sunlight, his stats had returned to normal and his
body felt re-energized once again.

"Well, at least it looks like it’s only direct sunlight."

The students were all talking to each other in excitement but that quickly stopped as soon as sergeant Griff
came on board.

"Alright, it’s time for us to head to the military academy."

The bus then started to move and the students were finally on their way. The bus remained silent during the
journey. Whenever a student would start to speak Griff immediately would look in their direction and the student
would shut up.

Griff didn’t even have to say anything, they all knew what he wanted just by looking at him.

Then about 10 minutes into the journey Quinn once again received another message.

\u003cA substance in the air has been detected \u003e

\u003cYou are feeling sleepy\u003e

\u003cResistance +1\u003e

Quinn found this message quite strange and then when he started to look around the bus, he noticed that
nearly all of the students were either asleep or dosing off.

Suddenly, even his own eyelids started to feel dizzy.

\u003cYour resistance to the substance has increased\u003e

\u003cResistance +1\u003e

Then the sound of loud footsteps could be heard coming towards him, as he looked up he noticed Sergeant
Griff hovering above him.

"Looks like a few of you were able to resist the sleeping gas. Then we will just have to bag you."

Aa black bag was then thrown on top of Quinn’s head and his vision now was completely covered. The gas
started to slowly seep through and Quinn managed to doze off into a nice sleep.

Then the next moment, Quinn could feel a splash of cold water being chucked on his face. His eyes opened
instantly and all he could see was the green grass.
He and several other students started to lift their heads to lock around them. There were currently a total of 200
students stood out on a plain open field But when they looked around they were in a place that was completely
foreign to them.

"This is where you will spend the next two years of your life."

The students were amazed at what they were seeing. They were currently in a city like they had never seen
before. Everyone was dressed up in military uniform and there were technology and engineering around them
that was too advanced for their time. Giant robots moving crates and building machines.

Flying ships, and levitating trains. It was a technology that hadn’t been given to the outside world yet and was
kept for the military only.

After the first war with the Dalki Race, the humans had managed to make leaps in technological advancement.
This was because they had managed to salvage equipment from them after the war but of course, the military
decided to keep most of it for themselves.

When Quinn finally stopped being amazed at his surroundings, he noticed that there was something placed
around his wrist. It looked similar to a digital watch but there was nothing displaying on the screen.

"That there on your wrist is your lifeline. It will identify you as a student at this military base. It will allow you to
access certain areas, pay for food and all sorts. It is your lifeline at this academy. That isn’t the only thing that it
will display though. When not in use the Wristwatch will display a single number and that number is your power

As soon as Quinn heard those words, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist. He thought his life might
change was coming to military school but it seemed like it was going to be the same even here.

"With that, we will immediately begin the level test for you all, good luck!" Griff said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 4 Ability Level

When abilities were first introduced to the human race, people quickly learned that some were far more
powerful than others. With this came the introduction of the power level system. There was a total of 8 different
power levels. 1 being the weakest and 8 being the strongest. These levels could also be further divided into
1.1, 1.2, 1.3 all the way to 1.9 and it was the same for each level.

There were two ways for people to obtain abilities. When the war started with the Dalki Race, people started to
share their powers with the outside world. They wrote down how they obtained this power and putt the
information down in things called, ability books.

These ability books went on for sale to the public and the military kept some of the stronger ones to
themselves. Generally, ability books from level 1 to 5 were sold to the public. While giant corporations and the
military kept the higher ones to themselves.

The second way to obtain an ability was if you were an Original. Originals were the first people who had
originally discovered the powers for themselves and decided to pass it down within their family.

Not all ability users chose to share their abilities to do outside world and decided to keep it within their
bloodline. Originals usually had the strongest abilities that went beyond level 8. There was no way for the
government to measure its power because it wasn’t public knowledge.

Because of these two reasons, Quinn had always been a level 1. He had no family members to support him, so
he couldn’t afford an ability book and his family had no abilities themselves so he wasn’t an Original.

When Quinn had obtained the book, his first guess was that it was some time of an ability book, now after all
these years, it seemed like he had obtained an ability. But he had never heard of an ability book like this before
and he didn’t have a clue what power level it had given him.
Quinn lifted up his hand to look at the watch which indicated his current power level was one. When he looked
around, he noticed that everyone else’s watches currently indicated the same number.

Griff was currently standing in front of all the students and called names in groups of five.

Know Your Future: Free Tarot

These students would then be transported somewhere to take the test. Quinn was hopeful at first thinking that
he might have been able to change his ability level for once but his mind was quickly changed after receiving a

\u003cYou are being hit by direct sunlight\u003e

\u003call stats will be halved\u003e

Quinn didn’t even know how good 10 strength, 10 agility, and 10 stamina was but if his eyes sight was anything
to go by. Then it would mean it was at least the top condition of a normal human being but right now Quinn felt
incredibly weak and sluggish.

His body felt extremely hot right now and he was sweating buckets of water. Quinn thought it was a good thing
he drank a load of water beforehand, otherwise he would have been extremely dehydrated.

"Hey, are you okay?" A stranger standing next to Quinn said.

The stranger’s name was Vorden, he had slick blonde hair and hazel green eyes with a chiseled face and
sharp jawline. He also stood 6 foot 2 inches tall while Quinn was 5, 11. This was the type of person Quinn
would uselly avoid at his last shool as everyone would always pay them attention and Quinn hated attention.

"If you want, I can call someone for help?" Vorden said.

"It’s okay I’m just a little bit nervous about the testing," Quinn said as he tried to ignore his tired body and stand
up straight.

Vorden looked Quinn up and down. Quinn was quite skinny for his age and didn’t have a lot of muscle on him
and right now he looked incredibly weak. Vorden thought Quinn looked like the type of boy who would have
gotten bullied at school and it was the reason why Quinn was nervous.

If he was to get a level one rating most likely the same would happen here.

"Well don’t be, I’m quite strong you know. If anyone messes with you, you can come and ask me for Help."
Vorden smiled.

Quinn didn’t usually get on with the energetic positive type of person but Quinn found it hard to dislike Vordan.
When Quinn thought about his time back at school, he realized he actually didn’t get on with anyone.

"The names Vordan," Vordan said as he placed his hand out.

Quinn looked at Vordan’s hand, it was actually the first time in his life someone had treated him this way but
Quinn thought that would quickly change. They always did once they found out his Ability level but for once he
would like to forget about all that.
"My name’s Quinn," Quinn said as he shook Vordan’s hand.

\u003cUse of ability has been detected\u003e

\u003c The ability has been rejected\u003e

Once the system messages appeared, Quinn looked at them strangely. At the same time, he shook Vordan’s
hand the messages came up instantly. He then noticed that Vordan still hadn’t let go of his hand. Then the
system repeated the message once again.

\u003cUse of ability had been detected\u003e

\u003c The ability had been rejected\u003e

Quinn then immediately let go of Vordan’s hand. The system was clearly telling him that Vordan was trying to
use his ability on him. Vordan himself even had a puzzled look on his face as he stood there still.

"You," Vordan said. "What is your ability?"

"I...." Quinn paused thinking for while whether he should answer or not, in the end, he wanted to see Vordan’s
true reaction. "I don’t have an ability."

Vordan no longer had a puzzled look on his face as if the answer had satisfied the curiosity of his but before
Vordan could say anything, Griff had made an announcement.

"Will the students, Quinn Talen, Vordan Blade, Peter Chuck, Layla Munrow, and Erin Heley please come to the
front to take your test."

Chapter 5 No Ability
Once the five students had heard their names being called up, each of them started to walk to the front were
Griff was standing.

Including Quinn and Vorden, there was another boy named Peter. Peter looked more nervous than anyone
there, he would constantly look around him and couldn’t stop fidgeting. His body frame was quite small but it
suited him, for he wasn’t that tall either.

Then there were the two girls Named Layla and Erin. Layla had short brown hair and a tall figure. On her back,
she was carrying a bow which surprised Quinn, for not many people carried a weapon these days apart from a
specific group of people called Pure.

They were a group of people who chose to not have any abilities and used weapons instead but they were still
very rare and Quinn had never met anyone like that in his life, only heard stories about them.

Finally, there was Erin. Erin was the type of girl that turned all of the boy’s heads. Her proportions were perfect,
not too big not too small and she had beautiful long blonde hair. The only problem was her facial expressions.
Even when walking through the crowds of people, not once did her expression change. It stayed stiff and

As Quinn was walking past everyone, he noticed that he didn’t recognize one student there and it seemed like
the others didn’t either. Quinn could only assume that this was done on purpose. No one knew who to befriend
or who to look out for because currently, everyone’s power level displayed 1.

The group had stopped just behind another group who were being transported to the testing area.

As soon as Vorden saw the others who were in the same group, Vordan greeted each one of them with a
handshake. Vorden was being very polite so most of them accepted his greetings apart from Erin.

She merely stared at Vordan’s hand when he offered it out to her, then she turned her head and looked away.
"Come on you don’t have to be like that?" Vordan said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

This was a big mistake. In an instant, Erin grabbed Vordan’s wrist and twisted his hand. Then slowly his hand
was starting to freeze and cover in ice.

Everyone stopped to look at the commotion that was happening near the front.

"Wow, she has ice abilities?"

"Isn’t that very Rare?"

Know Your Future: Free Tarot

"I would let her freeze me any day."

Griff noticed the commotion and started to intervene.

"Stop it you two, if you have that much energy then save it for the test."

Erin immediately let go of Vordan’s hand and slowly, Vordan’s hand started to defrost. Vordan then went back
in line to stand next to Quinn.

"Can you believe her!" Vordan complained, "I nearly lost my hand."

"You can’t just go around touching people without their permission," Quinn replied.

"Yeah I know, she’s lucky I didn’t wipe the floor with her just cause she’s a pretty girl."

Many people who were near the front had heard Vordan’s word and had already decided to make him an
enemy. If they could somehow humiliate Vordan, then maybe Erin would look the way they thought.

Looking at the people around them, Quinn could tell what the others were thinking. Quinn then stepped one
step away from Vordan hoping that others wouldn’t think the two were friends.

Finally, Quinn and the others were called forward and were told to stand in a box. It wasn’t really a box but just
white lines that had been drawn on the ground that was just big enough to fit the five of them in.

There was then a hooded man who stood just outside of the box.

"Send them away!" Griff said.

As soon as Griff gave the command, the hooded man placed both hands on the ground and the box started to
light up, shining a bright purple color.

"Hmm Transportation magic huh, what a rare ability," Vordan said Just as the whole group suddenly vanished
into thin air.

The next second they were teleported to another outdoor area which looked like an empty wasteland. There
was no sign of life, no trees, no nothing. Standing in front of the group was a woman dressed in a black military
uniform and by her side was another hooded man.

There was not another person in sight.

The woman held a Tablet in her hand and it looked like she was currently busy inputting some information.
Once she had finished, she looked up at the group and started to speak.

"Hi everyone my name is Jane, and I will be in charge of your test today. Once the test has been completed, I
will update your information and your score will be reflected on your wristwatches."

Jane then started to look at the tablet.

"Now who should we call first, oh it looks like we have a couple of previous level ones?" Jane said as she
checked the information that had been passed on from their previous schools.

"Peter, would you please step forward?"

The nervous small Peter then stepped forward and he looked even worse than before. Quinn thought he looked
bad but he looked to be in perfect condition if you were to compare the two. At least Quinn was able to stand
up whereas Peter looked like he would fall over any second now.

"Would you please tell me what your ability is Peter?" Jane asked.

"Eh, I don’t have any ability," Peter said quietly.

Suddenly, Quinn and the others understood why Peter was so nervous. Having no ability wasn’t rare. Because
of the war, many children had become orphans like Quinn and Peter. This meant there was no chance for them
to buy an ability book.

But because Peter had no ability, he was afraid of the treatment he would get from the others.

"Don’t be afraid Peter." Jane said, "Here take this."

The hooded man standing by Jane’s side suddenly teleported a book into his hand. Jane then handed the book
over to Peter.

"Wow, seriously you’re giving this to me for free!" Peter said in excitement. "Thank you."

"Please study the book in your own free time and when you have learned to use it, you can come back to redo
the test but for now I’m going to have to award you a level 1 power status."

Even though Peter had received a level 1 power status he didn’t care, for he felt like his life could finally turn
around due to the book that he had just received.

"Now I believe there was another level 1 user here," Jane said, "Quinn is it? would you please step forward."

Quinn did as he was told and stepped forward.

"Now Quinn, what ability do you have?"

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