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Situation : Miss. Naoko Abe, a senior nurse from Japan is visiting Indonesia
to observe the local condition of health program.

Nurse : Welcome to Indonesia. Miss. Abe.

Miss. Naoko : Thank you so much, just call me Naoko. You must be Dewi!

Nurse : Yes, that’s right. How do you do!

Miss. Naoko : How do you do, Dewi. I am so happy to meet you.

Nurse : I am so pleased to have you with us. Let me take you around the

Miss. Naoko : Thank you. I am so excited.

Nurse : Okay. Here’s the reception centre, next to it is the registration for new

Baik. Ini ruangan penerima tamu, disebelahnya adalah tempat pendaftaran

pasien baru.

Miss. Naoko : Where is the emergency room?

Nurse : On the right side by the main entrance. Along the corridor are clinics.

Miss. Naoko : I see the dental clinic, the ENT clinic, then the internal
medicine clinic, the dermatology clinic, the eye clinic.

Nurse : Yes, there is the pediatric clinic, the maternity clinic, the orthopedic
clinic. Let’s have lunch in the cafeteria. It’s getting late.

Miss Naoko : By the way, Do you know parts of body?

Nurse: Yes, I do



Neck (front)


Trunk (front)
Pectoral girdle

Trunk (back)

Back view spine

Thoracic cavity


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