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Professional Development Plan

Terence Amos

Valdosta State University

KSPE 8600 IB Professional Coaching Development

Dr. Eugene F. Asola

July 25, 2023


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Valdosta 7/25/2023

Terence B. Amos

Determine a Need for Instruction.

Teacher X, I have reviewed the number of referrals that have been submitted in the last 30

days. Based on this data, you may benefit from being paired with a teacher coach to assist with

your growth. Classroom management serves as a solid foundation for learning. When all aspects of

the classroom work efficiently and in harmony, the students can maximize their learning potential,

and the teacher can better educate the class. Recognizing that classroom management is pivotal to

effective instruction, we will implement a plan to assist with your progress in this area. Please

focus on integrating 3 strategies in your daily instruction.

Professional Development Plan for Classroom Management.

Please read and apply the following recommendations. You will be provided a teacher coach

for the next 6 months. If you have any questions, please communicate within the next 48 hours.

Protect the well-being of the educator – A healthy teacher is an effective teacher. A well-

written example of classroom management plan reduces the stress and anxiety that educators

experience as it serves as a reliable roadmap. It helps teachers make decisions fast, which reduces

uncertainty when confronted with various scenarios in the classroom.

Set rules, expectations, and boundaries – These are not created to control students’

behavior. Rather, it should be used to provide the necessary structure in the classroom. In this way,

students can focus on learning and other productive activities. Additionally, it allows the teacher to

detect early signs of disruptions and other issues that may come up.

Establishing classroom rules and procedures helps teachers maintain class routines and

student expectations for classwork and behaviors. Classroom rules and procedures that are clearly

defined and posted help students understand what is appropriate and what is not, as well as the

consequences for rule violations. Rules should be phrased positively so that they clarify what is

expected of students rather than what students are not allowed to do, e.g., 'speak quietly' is

positive, while 'no yelling' is negative; 'always be on time to class is positive, while 'don't be late to

class is negative.

Build meaningful relationships – Rapport is an essential part of the teacher-student

relationship. Developing a healthy relationship within the classroom is critical to a thriving culture.

The educator can balance flexibility and consistency that allows them to become approachable but


Facilitate a competency-based approach to education - The competency-based

education (CBE) approach allows students to advance based on their ability to master a skill or

competency at their own pace regardless of environment. This approach allows the teacher to deal

with students who misbehave or exhibit problematic behaviors. By deepening the connection with

the students, the teacher will have an idea of the root cause. Thus, they can take appropriate steps

in helping all students, from the achievers to those who seem problematic.

Having defined target competencies, translated them into measurable learning outcomes

and shared them with students, you need to apply several diagnostic measures to understand their

backgrounds, learning and cognitive styles, interests, weaknesses, and strengths. There should be a

learning map for each student that highlights every student’s characteristic. Personalized

instruction also requires multiple ways of representation to address different learning interests and

modalities. Various activity types, such as solo, pair, small group, pair groups, and whole group

should be used in every class.

Connect with parents and guardians – Educators also need to build connections with the

parents and guardians. Communication between the educator and the parents is essential in making

sure that the student has consistent learning opportunities. When parents are involved, the students

are more driven to learn and succeed.

Parental involvement enables teachers to be more focused when it comes to teaching. As

parents, you know what stimulates, bores, and interests your child. You know your child's learning

style and you also know if there are any other issues going on that might be affecting their learning

at school.

Implementation, Evaluation, and Reflection.


It was beneficial to see the ways in which social and emotional learning skills were

incorporated into the classroom. Beginning with a grounding exercise to aid students to be more

present is a technique to be utilized going forward. It too is my philosophy to demonstrate

consistently the positive attitudes, values, and behavior which are expected of pupils. ~

Professional #1

It is apparent that the plan offers a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including

those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional

language; and those with disabilities. The techniques will allow teachers to be able to use and

evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support all students in their learning. ~

Professional #2

The professional development plan illustrates effective methods of classroom management

while using approaches which are appropriate to students’ needs and ensuring their involvement in

the learning process. Examples of giving pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate

grading, will motivate students to respond to the feedback. No matter what kind of feedback you

are providing, it must improve the learning of your students. ~ Professional #3


Changes to Improve Learning.

Based on the initial feedback these strategies have proven to be effective. In the future if

there is a need for additional support, please feel free to communicate with your teacher coach.

The next step can be for him/ her to model best practices to further help your growth.

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