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School 11
SCHOOL &Section
Learning ORAL
PLAN Teaching Dates
Quarter 2
& Time
Week No. 6 Day 3 Duration 1 hour

The learner demonstrates understanding of principles of effective speech
A. Content Standards
writing with focus on word choice.
B. Performance The learner demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety
Standards of speech situations.
C. Learning MELCS:
Competency Use principles of effective speech writing focusing on
Write the LC Code for each.  Word choice (EN11/12OC-IIcj-25.4)
At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
D. Learning a. Identify the principles of word choice;
Objectives b. Choose words that are precise and impactful in speech writing; and
c. Value the importance of choosing appropriate words.

II. CONTENT/TOPIC Word Choice in Speech Writing


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Page 60 - 68
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous We have just done discussing the principles of Speech
lesson or presenting Writing focusing on purpose. Who can share to the class to
the new lesson. the class the importance of profiling your audience – their 1, 4
age, gender, field of interest?

B. Establishing a Now that you know how vital knowing your audience
purpose for the is in preparing draft for your speech, let us start getting
lesson. to know another important factor that we must consider
in writing your speech.

C. Motivation Have you ever said something and regret having said
it afterwards? 1, 2, 6

D. Presenting A video scenario of people arguing will be shown and

examples/instances the students will be asked the following questions after:
of the new lesson. 1. What happened in the video? 3, 7, 8
2. Who were talking?
3. What transpired in their argument?
E. Discussing the new Activity: Speech Analysis
concepts and Teaching Strategy: Discussion
practicing new skills Materials: Speech Excerpts Handout, Graphic Organizers
Significance: Students will analyze excerpts from famous
historical speeches and identify the principles of word
choice used. This activity will help them understand the
importance of choosing appropriate words and the impact
it has on the audience. They will also be showing basic
numeracy skills by calculating how long ago has the
speech been delivered.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9
1) Distribute the Speech Excerpts Handout.
2) In small groups, students will discuss and analyze the
word choices in the excerpts.
3) They will fill out the graphic organizers to identify the
principles of word choice and discuss the impact of the
chosen words.

- Identification of word choice principles: 10 pts.
- Analysis of impact: 10 pts.

F. Developing mastery Activity 1

(Leads to formative
assessment 3). Guide Questions:
1) How did the word choices in the speech contribute to its
overall impact?
2) Can you think of any alternative word choices that
could have been used? How would they have changed the
effect of the speech?
3) Explain why word choice is important in delivering a
persuasive speech. 4, 5, 6, 9

- The speech analysis activity will allow students to

identify and analyze the word choices used in famous
speeches. By doing so, they will be able to understand the
principles of word choice and the impact it has on the
audience, connecting to the objective of identifying the
principles of word choice and valuing the importance of
choosing appropriate words.

G. Making Understanding the principles of word choice, valuing

generalization and the importance of choosing appropriate words, and
abstraction about the choosing words that are precise and impactful in speech
lesson. writing are crucial skills in effective communication. By
analyzing word choices in various contexts such as 7, 9
speeches and poetry, and applying these principles in their
own writing, students can enhance the of their
communication and effectively convey their message.

H. Finding practical Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

application of
concepts and skills in Visualize the Impact: Students will create presentations
daily living. 3, 4, 5, 6
(such as infographics, poster, song or skit) that
demonstrate the impact of word choices in different
I. Evaluating learning. Question: Explain the importance of choosing appropriate
words in effective communication. 3, 9

J.Assignment. Speech Critique - Students will watch a recorded speech

(e.g., TED Talk, political speech) and write a critique
focusing on the word choices used by the speaker. They 2, 3, 6
will analyze the impact of these word choices and provide
suggestions for improvement.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learner who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did I

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

Checked by:

Principal I

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