Inventory Management - ISSA

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Project Inventory Management App - Android, iOS, Web

Expected Timelines 18.03-2024 - 10.06.2024

The core functionalities will be similar those offered by Sysco Mobile Inventory, with some customizations that we will be discussed in detail at a later stage

Key Features (General):

• Manage and track inventory
• Manage vendors
• Manage expense categories
• Manage food costs

Project Description • Purchases
• Cost of goods sold
• Excess inventory
• Evaluate potential for improvement

• Increase inventory productivity
• Improve business performance and strengthen financials
• Proactively reduce inventory variances and waste
• Eliminate manual processes

Please Note: This list is not exhaustive, and a discussion is required for any additional functionalities based on clients requirements.
The following is the application's Tech
Platform Android/iOS/Web
Node.js (Backend)
Tech stack Database MySQL
AWS EC2 instance
S3 bucket(for images and other media)
FCM and AWS Lambda for notification

Client will be responsible for graphical content(icons, banners, illustrations)

Client will be responsible for purchasing required technology and tools
• Server
• google play store and apple app store
• Website Domain
Subject matter expertise will be provided by the client (if needed).
Vendor will perform majority of work activities remotely.

The timelines for the project will be discussed and finalized with the client but are provided in draft form:
18.03 – Project kickoff
28.03 – Database Design and Backend development
11.04 – Backend Completion/Testing
25.04 – App Frontend Completion
16.05 – Api integrations
19.05 – Functional MVP for testing
26.05 – Feedback/Testing
10.06 – Deployment

Project will be billed hourly:

Development cost $9/Hour - Total Estimated Hours = 240
Pricing & Payment Terms 4 hours/day will be commited to the project, meetings/discussions can conducted between 8 am to 12 pm, GMT+1
Free One Month Technical Support will be proivded after project completion
After One month support can be provided on monthy basis(price can be discussed) and on demand($12/hour)

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