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Amazon Rainforest

Affirmation - Three monkeys peacefully swinging through the rainforest. In the next four

seconds, one of them catches on fire and dies. In the next thirty seconds, another one catches on

fire and dies. And once a minute passes, all three are dead as the trees fall and the forest fire

continues to spread. Senators, that is the cold hard truth and we must do whatever is necessary to

keep this important ecosystem alive, not just for the people, but for the animals as well.

(Senators, we must affirm/negate this legislation for the following two reasons:)

Provide aid:
1) Destruction of cultural and biological diversity. According to Natalie Reg-oli, the chief editor

when it comes to ecosystems and the environment, the loss of diversity on our planet is a

devastating experience. Many of the scientific discoveries that occurred today are because of

research that was based in forests. We can even trace humanity's tribal past through the study of

ancient rainforests. When we get rid of diversity, that gives rise to a higher risk of mutations

forming when it comes to plant, animal, and human genomes. More than a dozen genetic

mutations and humans are associated directly with incestual activities. When these issues occur,

they tend to stick around for centuries, which impacts future generations in unknown ways. This

would lead to an increase of flooding and erosion. Trees offer stability to the soil. Without their

presence, it would not be able to absorb water in the same way it does today. Poor drainage

occurs when the land is overworked. This outcome creates higher levels of flooding and erosion

because there is nothing left to stop the movement of the water. Then the extra water moves into

streams and rivers, which causes downstream flooding for communities hundreds of miles away

from where the deforestation activities are taking place.

2) Encourages violence. The history of reclaiming land from the rainforest in Brazil is one that is
extremely violent. Ranchers would hire mercenaries to remove local tribes, trespassers, or
anyone who might threaten their deforestation activities. Some tribes have been so devastated by
these activities that they are down to just a handful of members. Even when the government tries
to protect these groups, the people who want the land for their own purposes use their resources
to counter those protective measures. There is a very real threat of genocide with these activities
is outside interventions are not possible.

4) Prevents ongoing research. Recent research suggests that up to 70% of the plant life found in
rainforests offer the potential of cancer treatment properties. We currently use over 200 plants
for the medicines we take today because of the work that was done in the rainforests in previous
generations. Not only would we be stopping future medical advancements with our deforestation
activities, but we are also eliminating current treatment options for people who are sick.

Affirmation: About 750 years ago, a powerful volcano erupted somewhere on Earth, kicking

off a centuries-long cold snap known as the Little Ice Age. With the ice caps melting,

temperatures increasing, and the Amazon Rainforest, the lungs of our Earth destroyed. This

would seem impossible but the truth of the matter is, our future would become even more

hazardous if we negated. So we must do what’s right for future generations, and for the

children of tomorrow. Affirm this legislation Senators.

Negation - The Amazon Rainforest, known and recognized as the lungs of our Earth. But just

like Senator Nicholson has mentioned, we would be able to survive without the Amazon
Rainforest. We would be able to live without the Amazon Rainforest. And we will still be able to

breathe without the Amazon Rainforest. Why? Because the Oceans are important and in my

speech I will expand on the points made by Senator Nichsolon and attack the points made by the


So let’s direct our attention towards The Importance of Oceans, yes, Senator Nicholson spoke of

the importance of our Oceans and I’ll be expanding on that topic as it’s essential especially for

today’s debate. Senators, without a doubt, rainforest are commonly claimed to be the primary

source of oxygen on the planet, but according to the United Kingdom, Marine Pollution and

Human Health Royal Society of Chemistry, The Atlantic, The Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and

a report from Cornell University, all unanimously agree that the truth of the matter is that

rainforests are only responsible for 28% of the oxygen on earth while oceans are

responsible for the 70%. Senators, it does not matter how far we live from the sea, from every

ten breaths you take seven come from the ocean. The World Health Organisation estimated that

over the last 30 years over 150,000 lives per year are lost due to human damage to our oceans

resulting in climate change impacts on the temperature and precipitation. Climatic variations

and extreme weather events have profound impacts on infectious disease that would affect

over 7 billion people worldwide.

And the impact of climate change on water quality and quantity is also expected to increase the

risk of contamination of public water supplies. Senators, there are issues that we need to address

that would affect far more people compared to the Amazon Rainforest. And we must take

action, not later, but now.

2) It helps the business sector. The income generation opportunities provided through
deforestation activities do not stop wants the land is cleared. Farming generates crops which can
lead to higher levels of taxation on property and products. Mining and oil production work
generates revenue that the government can use in other ways too. In the countries were
deforestation occurs most often, numerous social programs are funded by work that falls into this

3) It’ll help stop urban overcrowding issues. Urban sprawl frequently occurs in the countries
which feature deforestation activities. By creating new space that is usable for various needs,
new communities can begin forming in areas that were once classified as being unusable. This
structure makes it possible to reduce the urban population levels by creating new land ownership
opportunities that would not exist otherwise. These actions create new chances for economic
output, while also reducing the effects of urbanization which also creates negative impacts.

Negation - Senators, the main focus of today’s debate is to recognize our future. Not the past

and not the present because the long-term effects will be even more devastating. Our oceans take

up 97% of Earth. Yes, the Amazon Rainforest will always be the lungs of our Earth but the

Ocean will always be the lungs of our future. Negate.

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