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1. Total no. of jail in the State of in 2023.

Pregnant Women in Prisons

N. of pregnant female prisoners in 2023 Nil

Are there any special medical facilities for pregnant No, They are sent to outside Hospital as & when
woman in the jails? required

Mental health

No. of prisoners suffering from mental illness 03
What medical facilities are provided to such They are provided medicine . Also Psychiatric
prisoners? Doctor visit the jail to check their health status.
No. of prisoner in the prison who are of unsound Nil
No. of prisoner unsound mind who are sent to lunatic Nil
asylum or place of safe custody
Is there a psychiatric /psychologist inside the prisons? No, they are visiting the jail once in a month
Elaborate. deputed by B.B.M.C.H, Balangir
What training has been provided to medical officers ------
inside the prisons to provide basic and emergency
mental health care under S. 31(2) of the Mental
Health Care Act, 2017?
Is there any procedure of mental health screening of Health screening are made at the time of
new inmates at the time of their admission admission
What steps have been taken to identify prisoners Mentally depress and silent prisoner match
prone to committing suicide and its prevention properly.

Legal Aid

Does each prison have a legal-aid- clinic? Available

If not, how is legal –aid provided?

Total no. of legal-aid clinics in prisons in the State One in the jail
Number of unrepresented Nil at present
Reasons for non representation of the prisoners ---
Suggestions to improve the facilitation of legal –aid PLV be visited the jail regarding the council the
services in prisons newly admitted in month

Custodial death /Violence in prison”

No. of custodial death in prison Nil
Incidents of sexual harassment inside the prison Nil
Steps taken to prevent sexual harassment inside the Aware the all and its consequences

Correctional Methods and After -Care

What are the provisions for rehabilitation and after- --

care of prisoners?
Is there a Discharged Prisoners after care Nil
&Rehabilitation Committee set up at District level or
State Level in light of model Prison Manual, 2016?
Is there any provisions to follow up on prisoners who No
have been released? Elaborate
Is there a database maintained on the status of Yes
released prisoners?
Issues faced in providing aftercare to release N.A
prisoners , Specify

Prisons Welfare Officer

Is there a different post for probation Officer and No
Welfare Officer in Jails?

Total no. of welfare officers in prisons in the state One Welfare Officer from District Jail, Balangir
visited to Jail once in a month

No. of prisons that do not have any welfare officer ---

Steps taken by welfare officer in rehabilitation of


Suggestions One Welfare Officer post is required

Prison Security

No. of jails that have functional CCTV Cameras? CCTV installed and functioning properly

What is the life of CCTV footage? 15 days

Is there 24x7 camera surveillance? Yes

No. Jails in the State that have adopted the biometric Not yet installed
verification system for counting inmates? Suggestions
Is bracelet / anklet tracer technology used to track Not installed
prisoners? What impact does it have? Suggestions in
effective use of this technology.
Do the jails have 4G/5G cellular jamming and cellular Nil
detection solutions?
IT facilities

How many jails have integrated the prisoner Integrated

database with the interoperable Criminal Justice
System (ICJS)?

Problem faced .Suggestions Difficulty are being experienced to collect old

case no to update it

. What is the criterion for choosing prisoners to perform any kind of labour?
Employment of prisoner

Caste of Type of labour

prisoner Sweeping Cleaning Cooking Barber Scavenging Others, Please
performing of specify
these tasks toilets

SC 01


OBC 03

Others, if
any Specify

General 7

. Is there any dedicated our outsource staff in prisons to perform the above work?-Sweeper

.Who is responsible for cleaning toilets in women ward /prisons?

Wages of Prisoners

Who decides the wages of the prisoners? ---

What is the criteria for deciding minimum wages in

the prisons for prisoners? Highly-Skilled
Semi-skilled 115/-

Unskilled 95/-

Transgender Undertrials

Is there a separate ward for transgender prisoners? Nil

Is there a separate toilet for transgender prisoners? Nil

Person with disabilities (Prison Staff/Prisoner)

Facilities provided for person with vision /hearing Nil

Facilities provided for person with mobility Nil
Other facilities for different –abled, if any ---

Menstrual health of Women Prisoners

Number of sanitary napkins provided to each 01 Pckt.

menstruing woman prisoner?
What are the facilities for the disposal of sanitary No Facility available
Any other steps taken towards menstrual health of Sent to outside hospital as and when required
female prisoners?

Borstal Schools

Number of borstal schools in the state ---

Does the state have separate borstal schools for ---

female prisoners?
What is the eligibility criteria for admission the --
borstal schools?
What kind of training is provided to “Young --
offenders” so admitted in borstal schools for the
purpose of reformation?
Issued faced. If any ,suggestions --

Open Jails

Number of open jails in the state ---

Total population of prisoners in open jails ---

No. of functional open jails for women prisoners --

What is the criteria for admitting prisoners to open --

No .of prisoner who escaped from open jails --

Types of labour performed by prisoners in open jails. ---

Are there any incidents of commission of offense by --

a prisoner of pen jail?
Issues faced. If any, Suggestions --

Prisoners belonging to families having annual income of:

Income Up to Rs. Rs.30000 to < Rs. Rs. 1 lakh to < Rs. More than Rs. Other criteria
Category 30,000(inclusive) 1 lakh 10 lakh 10 lakh for income
status prisoners
72 4

Drug Abuse in Prisons

No. of prisoners identified as drug /alcohol /addicts Nil

in the state?
Are there any de-addiction facilities available? Please ----


2022 2023

No. of prisoners released on furlough 01 01

No. of furlough Absconders Nil Nil

Suggestions regarding grant of furlough .if any,

Prisons Development Boards

Is there a Prison Development Board in the State --

What steps have been taken by the board to induct ----

modern technology in management of prisons?
Other initiatives
If any State act/ Rule enacted in light of the said
legislation? if yes, give details.

Other Questions:-

1. Whether crèche and nursery are attached to the prisons for children of women prisoners and
staff? Nil
2. How many inspections did the board of visitors conduct in 2023? Impact
3. How are drains, septic tanks, sewer system cleaned in prisons? Are any machines/alternative
methods employed of the same ? Satisfactory , No machine available
4. What are the programs held for the sensitisation and training of the prison personnel?-
personnel? all staff
are completed basic training and refresher training are being organised in regular interval
5. What are the vocational programmes held for the prisoners?
prisoners?- Nil
6. What steps taken to inform the prisoners of their fundamental rights at the time of admission to
the prisons? ---
7. Is there a grievance cell / Complaint box for prisoners inside the jails? To what extent is
i it
effective in remedying the grievances of the prisoners? Share examples
examples- No grievance cell
available , complaint box is available
8. Suggestions:
a. To reduce congestion prisons –
b. Reformative and rehabilitation methods
Spiritual programmes are organised for
reformative purpose.
c. Ways in which technology can be used to improve the prisons. Security systems
9. Obstacles in the day-to-day
day functioning of the prisons. Suggestions;; Due to shortage of guarding
staff, guarding
ng duty as well as office work hamper a lot.
10. How is excess prison population accommodated by authorities---
11. Number of dedicated
dicated technical personnel in jails?


Memo No. 2455 Date.06.02.2024

Copy submitted to the Senior Superintendent Circle Jail, Sambalpur for favour of kind
nformation and necessary action with reference to his letter No. 889 dated. 02.02.2024

Sub Jail, Kantabanji

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