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My Educational Philosophy

Educational philosophy is very meaningful in the field of education. It serves as a

guide to us teacher on what approach or learning styles we will implement on our

If I will create my own educational philosophy I would name it FUNCTIONALISM this

educational philosophy is a combination of essentialism and progressivism.

The learning process of this educational philosophy is both learner and teacher
centered. Just like essentialism, this philosophy instills the learners with the
essentials of academic knowledge and character development. It believes that we
must know the essentials of life, how to be productive and how to live as proper
civilians in order for the learner to be functional on the society. It also believes that if
the learner knows the basic knowledge he/ she will not find difficulties on the
complex lesson on the future.

The learners are required to master a body of information and basic techniques
gradually moving from less to more complex skills and detailed knowledge. After the
teacher impart the knowledge that needed by the learner, the learner needs to
master the skills in order for him/her to do the activity given by the teacher. And by
those skills the learners become functional on his/her community.

In a classroom setting, the teacher and the learner are both functional in their
different task and by that two way learning process are observe in which the learner
learns from the teacher and also the teacher learns from his/her learner.

The Role of the Teacher:

 Help learners define their own essence by exposing them to various paths
they take in life.
 To create an environment in which they freely choose their own preferred
 To relates with each learner openly and honestly.
 Design task based on the interest of the learner.
 Teach first the basic skills and after act as a facilitator of learning by giving
activities that suits the learner’s needs.
 Determine learner’s interest for developing curriculum.
 Leader of group activities.

The Role of the Learner:

 Listen, learn, do the activity and apply it in real life.

 Share his/her thought during discussion.
 Problem solver and thinker who makes meaning through his or her individual
experience in the physical and cultural context.
 Become actively engaged in experiences leading to preparation for adulthood.
 Learners strive to become brilliant problem solvers and socially aware of the
world around them.

It is a big help for the learner to acquire first the basic skills for him/her to do the
learning task easier because this philosophy believes that if the learner mastered the
basic skills it is easy for the learner to learn the complex competency and by that he/
she can apply it in real life. Moreover, the learner can be functional on his acquired
skills. In this time where skills are the basis of job it is very important that the learner
mastered and improve his /her skills.

Submitted by:

EDUC-100 Student

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