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GMU 2019 Authorship

A Bill to Prizing Ratification Assisting Tree Treaty

Imagine this. One frail koala. In the center of a forest. The forest is burning. Fire hurting

everything. Every plant, every home, every creature. The koala is stuck and within seconds a

branch breaks off and falls on the koala. It dies. Sure it’s exaggerated but the analogy is our

environment is suffering and it’s changing and we must change alongside it.

Representatives, it’s for the following reasons I give you today I urge you to vote in affirmation

of my legislation for the following two reasons: one, the need for renewable energy, and two, the

importance of climate change research.

Firstly, the need for renewable energy. According to Ibrahim Dincer, Associate Professor of the

Department of Mechanical Engineering at King Fahd University, Achieving solutions to

environmental problems that we face today requires long-term potential actions for sustainable

development. In this regard, renewable energy resources are one of the most efficient and

effective solutions as potential solutions to current environmental problems are identified along

with renewable energy technologies. This is expanded by Kerry Thoubboron from Boston

University with a degree in Environmental Analysis and Policy in October 2018, with renewable

energy technologies requiring less overall maintenance than generators that use traditional fuel

sources will allow the United States to save more money in the long term as transitioning to

renewable energy means anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars in savings. John

Turner of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory reported that the ability of renewable

resources to provide all of society's energy needs can be successful especially in the United

States. With various renewable systems being presented, and the issues of energy payback,

carbon dioxide decline, and energy storage are addressed in regard to energy policy. Amanda
Johnson from the Global Energy Network Institute develops this key component in August 2012

by reporting that Energy policy plays a vital role in the mitigation of the impacts of global

climate change. The adoption of renewable energy resources to supplant the use of fossil fuels

effectively decreases greenhouse gas emissions that supply climate change. This leads to the next


The importance of climate change research. According to Richard Moss of the Joint Global

Change Research Institute in February 2010, advances in science and observation of climate

change are providing a clearer understanding of the inherent variability of Earth’s climate system

and its likely response to human and natural influences. The implications of climate change for

the environment and society will depend not only on the response of the Earth system to changes

in radiative forcings, but also on how humankind responds through changes in technology,

economies, lifestyle and policy. Extensive uncertainties exist in future forcings of and responses

to climate change, necessitating the use of scenarios of the future to explore the potential

consequences of different response options. To date, such scenarios have not adequately

examined crucial possibilities, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, and have relied

on research processes that slowed the exchange of information among physical, biological and

social scientists.

Representatives, our environment is changing and we must change alongside it. Because beyond

that door, beyond these walls, beyond our community. There is a hurting koala. There is a

hurting forest. There is a hurting family. And they suffer what we can fight for. We must affirm.

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