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Belt and Road Initiative

A missile launches into the air and hits this state here. The state of Virginia. Next Washington

D.C. Next New York. Current relations with China are tense but according to the Council

of Foreign Relations, they could be better if we worked alongside them.

Senators, it’s for the following reasons that I give you today I urge you to vote in affirmation of

my legislation for the following two reasons: One, economic growth, and two, the overall

benefits of improving relations.

Firstly, Senators, economic growth. Gross domestic product will increase by up to 3.4-percent

for participating countries and by up to 2.9-percent for the world according to the World Bank

and the benefits are global because even countries that don’t participate in the belt road

initiative are projected to gain a gross domestic product boost because of overall lowered

transportation costs. Most of all, according to the World Bank Group, trade costs are reduced

as a result of infrastructure improvements. The findings indicate that the Belt and Road Initiative

would be largely beneficial. Where global income increases translating into almost half a trillion

dollars in 2014 prices and market exchange rates. The Belt and Road Initiative area captures 82

percent of the gain, with the largest percent-gains in East Asia. On a global scale, the Belt and

Road Initiative could contribute to lifting 7.6 million people from extreme poverty and 32

million from moderate poverty. Senators, by affirming this legislation the United States along

with other countries would gain and face a new level of financial sustainability which is

something we cannot turn and walk away from.

Secondly, Senators, the overall benefits of improving relations. According to Yiping Huang from

the National School of Development, infrastructure development is a crucial element of the Belt

and Road Initiative, which plays a fundamental role in fostering regional cooperation and

development, especially at an early stage of the Initiative. This is expanded upon by Ong

Ming, Deputy Minister for International Trade and Industry, These conditions for deeper

cooperation with China, especially under the belt-road-initiative, are favorable. Where the groups

have forged strong economic and counterterrorism ties, laying a solid foundation for

collaboration under the Belt and Road Initiative framework. Senators, the existing cooperation

mechanism and infrastructure connectivity between the sides, could further facilitate

cooperation. And it doesn’t stop there, according to the Council of Foreign Relations, no

relationship will be as important to the twenty-first century as the one between the United

States, the world’s great power, and China, the world’s rising power, with the two countries

supporting one another we would be able to solve issues regarding resources, trade, or even

major issues such as climate change. Senators, working alongside China we would be able to

build relations not only beneficial to both parties, but also individuals, corporations, and small


Senators, in the world of the affirmation, there is light, prosperity, and a new era of our modern

society. We would be taking our economy and foreign relations into a new level that would

allow for growth unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Senators, we must affirm for the future

and safety of the people.

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