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  ‫ا‬7‫ اﵤ‬‫ﵤذ‬ ⺁

drawer  ban 㔴爠൥ 픸൥

germs ‫ ا‬ alternatives ΋‫ا‬΍
obligatory ‫اﵤ ا‬ attainable 픸‫ اﵤ‬Ro
 ‫ا‬
approximately ൥ br Coke  
strive ο 픸൥ ᅲ ⟦൥ murderer r᝞
scene ΍R爠 Low-paid jobs ΋⃸
 ‫ا‬
Burst into ᅲ R픸൥ In the days to ൥ ‫ ا‬ᅲ
tears ⟦ ‫اﵤ‬ come ⺁ b‫اﵤ‬
stamina ൥ furious ‫ا‬΍ ο m
Sharing and 爠 Corn cobs 㔴‫ اﵤ‬爠‫ﵤ‬᝞
caring ൥ 
Farm labourer ‫  اﵤ ا‬Food leftovers li‫ اﵤ‬൥ b
peel 爠b൥ 爠᝞ scraps l b᝞
Trash can R‫⺁ اﵤ‬o spot lb
biodegradable ⺁爠i⺁‫ ﵤ‬᝞ microorganism 爠 픸΋
Compost pile ƚ‫ اﵤ‬ moisture Ϯ
nutrients ൥㔴ά ‫ا‬ sprout 픸൥
Shovel  memorization l爠
clipping l b᝞ Critical ΍b‫⟦ ﵤ‬lr
concept Rl
lecturing b⺁r

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