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‭Ribstein 1‬

‭Chloe Ribstein‬

‭Mr. Rudebusch‬

‭Composition IV‬

‭12 February 2024‬

‭Product Prospectus: Chiropractic Care‬

‭In my senior project I will be creating 3 different types of patient care files. Each patient‬

‭file will show a different condition. The conditions will include neck pain, lower back pain, and a‬

‭pregnant mother. These files will show what the Chiropractors will do with the pain levels and‬

‭conditions you are facing. In each file there will be a new patient information sheet, results from‬

‭the Neural Therm and Myovision Scans, a care plan from the Chiropractor and exercises they‬

‭send home for the certain condition. Overall, the patient file will show you the care plan for the‬

‭patients that are in need for Chiropractic Care. You will see this in the real world when you are‬

‭considering visiting the Chiropractor. When you look at these files, you will get an idea of what‬

‭type of care will be provided and how long you may need to visit. Some people may be nervous‬

‭about going to the Chiropractor for the first time, so reading through these files will help you to‬

‭know what to expect.‬

‭Next will be the process of the project. There will be many different steps included in this‬

‭project. The first step is to contain the new patient information sheet from the Chiropractic Care‬

‭Center that I have shadowed. This way I know what they use when a new patient comes in. I will‬

‭then fill out the form with a fake patient's information that is coming in for lower back pain. Next‬

‭I will do research on what the Neural Thermal and Myovision Scans will look like with a‬
‭patient's lower back pain. I will use the scan results and place them in the file. I will then make a‬

‭document that shows the care plan that a Chiropractor would make. I will do research on what‬

‭chiropractors will do with a patient with lower back pain. Afterwards, I will continue to research‬

‭what exercises a patient can do at home to help relieve pain. Finally, I will repeat each step for a‬

‭patient that came in with neck pain and pregnant mother. I will make a folder for each patient‬

‭and make sure they are very organized. That way it will be easy to understand what the process‬

‭would be for each patient. The materials I will need for this process will be a computer, paper‬

‭and 3 folders (for each patient).‬

‭While creating this project, I hope to learn more about Chiropractic Care. Learning more about‬

‭Chiropractic Care is something I’m going to enjoy the most about this project. Although I am not‬

‭super familiar with chiropractic care, there will be some challenges making this project. The‬

‭most challenging part of creating this project will be finding the scan results. Because I’m not a‬

‭Chiropractor, it is going to be hard to find what type of scans will match with each condition. I‬

‭will also have to do lots of research on Chiropractic Care to know how to treat different types of‬

‭patients. In order to overcome this challenge, I will make sure to make myself due dates and try‬

‭my best to research Chiropractic Care. If I have any problems I can always contact Northern‬

‭Peak Chiropractic and ask them questions if needed. They may need to help me know what type‬

‭of care plan a certain patient would need. I may need to ask them what the scans might look like‬

‭as well.‬

‭Now that I have explained the steps of my project, I need to figure out my next steps. So far I‬

‭have gone and talked to Northern Peak Chiropractic and talked to them about my project and my‬

‭plan for it. They helped me understand what would all be needed in a patient’s file at a‬

‭Chiropractor. Now all I need to do is start piecing everything together for the project. I am‬

‭excited to start working on this project. I know that I will learn new things that might actually‬

‭help me in the future. Creating this patient file will help me understand more about the‬

‭Chiropractic Care field. However, I am dreading this project because I know that I will have to‬

‭make sure to focus very hard and do lots of research. I do know that I will do my best and that’s‬

‭all that matters. I will make due dates for myself to make sure that I get everything done on time‬

‭and keep myself on track. Overall, I am very excited to start working on this project.‬


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