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Teacher :

Grades 1 to 12 Teaching Date and Time :

Daily Lesson Plan Grade Level :
Learning Area :
Quarter : First
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an
expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in various text types;
reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding
strategies; and use of information sources, active/passive constructions,
direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.

B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the
contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a memorized oral speech
featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for
opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features,
stance, and behavior.
C. Learning 1. Eight Parts of Speech
( Write the LC Code)
II. CONTENT Noun and its type
A. References
Curriculum Guide
 Learners’ Materials pages
B. Other learning Resources activity cards, charts, pictures Power point presentation
C. Value Focus


1. Pre- Activity (5 Minutes)

Spelling Drill
Say: We will have a spelling from the words that we have mentioned
yesterday during our discussion. Get your notebooks and number it 1-5.

 Person president
 Place Philippines
 Thing scissors
 Idea honesty
 Animal giraffe

2. Review (5 minutes)
Let us take these examples and find the meaning of the underlined words.
1. He is always cantankerous: always angry and looking for a fight.
a. Bad-tempered
b. Good-natures
c. Calm
2. Tony was scolded for displaying obnoxious attitude like talking bad words
and misbehaving inside the classroom.
a. Unpleasant
b. Charming
c. Acceptable
3. I don’t like Edo’s feral cat, but I like my friendly cat at home.
a. Friendly
b. Wild
c. Controlled
4. This painting of the landscape is picturesque, while the painting of the
house is plain ugly.
a. attractive
b. ugly
c. not interesting
d. What is meant by synonym? How about antonym

Presentation: In the previous lesson we have encountered context clues and its
different types. Today, we will have another lessons about noun and its types.

B. Activity proper (8 minutes)

Teacher Activities:

1. Remind the learners about their individual /group responsibilities

House Rules/Standards/Guidelines:
-No roaming around the classroom during the activity.
-Cellphones must be kept inside the bag.
-Cooperate with groupmates.
-Respect each opinion of classmates.
-Keep silent unless related to the activity or topic being discussed.
Indicator 4. Managed classroom structure
to engage learners, individually or in Activity 1-Group 1:
groups, in meaningful exploration, Directions: Give specific names of person based on the category listed below.
discovery and hands-on activities within President-
a range of physical learning School-
environments. Singer-

Activity 2-Group 2
Directions: List 5 things that can be seen and touched, then 5 things that cannot be
seen or touched.
Indicator 2 – Evaluated with colleagues the
effectiveness of teaching strategies that Activity 3-Group 3
promote learner achievement in literacy Directions: Read the given statements and supply the missing letters to complete the
and numeracy skills words that match the given definition.

a human figure created with snow s __ __ __ m __ __

a cat living in forests or mountains w __ __ __ c __ __
someone who is in the same class at school c __ __ __ __ m __ __ __
a cosmetic product that makes your lips look colorful l __ __ s __ __ __ __
a strip of ground for the landing and takeoff of planes r __ __ w __ __

Activity 4-Group 4
Directions: Substitute the underlined words with the words from the word pool.

The players celebrate their winning games with pizza and ice cream.
The soldiers need new supply.
The musicians enjoy performing for their fans.
The people watching the show are excited to see the play.
The birds are flying to the next tree.

-flock - audience - team -band -troop

Say: Before we proceed to our discussion, let us read first the definition of

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

Activity 1.
-In the first activity, what is the difference between the given words and the words that
you have answered?
- which terms can be considered common or general? Is it the words in column A or
the words in column B?
-Which words are needed to be written with Capital letters in the beginning of the
word? Why do you think do these words need to be written in capital in the
-When can we say that a noun is common and when can we say that a noun can be
classified as Proper noun?

Activity 2.
- What are the two distinguishing characteristics between the two set of words
that you have listed?
(Teacher lets the student read the definition of concrete noun and abstract noun
and include additional examples)

Activity 3.
-Study the words that you have formed, can we make two separate words out of
those words?
-If we separate the words into two words would their meaning be the same?
(Teacher lets the students read the definition of compound noun and include more
examples during the discussion.)

Activity 4.
Indicator 4- Displayed a wide range of - What can you observe from the underlined words in activity four, can we
effective verbal and non-verbal classroom consider them singular (only one) or are they many (in groups)?
communication strategies to support learner
- Were the words being substituted bear the same meaning with the
understanding, participation, engagement
and achievement
underlined word?
 gives positive comments on the responses of (Teacher let students read the definition of collective noun and include more
the children examples in the discussion.)
 gives follow-up questions for better
 affirms learners’ responses
 allowed learners to express their own ideas
 facilitated discussion and Say: Did you understand our discussion about the activity you did a moment
 Verified positive hand gestures. ago?
(The teacher solicits responses from the questions below).
-What is a noun?
-What are the different types of noun?
-Pick two nouns and differentiate them from each other.


Directions: Identify each of the following nouns. On the line provided, write
COM for common noun or PRO for proper noun. Then, write CON for
concrete noun or ABS for abstract noun.

__________ school ______________ fruit

Indicator 3: Applied a range of __________Italy ______________ people

teaching strategies to develop critical
and creative thinking, as well as __________ country
other higher-order thinking skills.

ML -
ID -

G. Agreement:

Study the 5 types of context clues for a long quiz.

Indicator 1: Applied knowledge of

content within and across curriculum
teaching areas.
(the relationship among the locations of
volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain
ranges ; S10ES Ia-j-36.2)

Designed, selected, organized

Indicator 9:
and used diagnostic, formative and
summative assessment strategies
consistent with curriculum requirements.
Prepared by:


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