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A Literature Review: Media Portrayal & Its Influence

on Gender Identities Of Teens

According to an article written by Julia T. Wood, “…media insinuates their

messages into our consciousness at every turn. All forms of media

communicate images of the sexes, many of which perpetuate unrealistic,

stereotypical, and limiting perceptions.” Therefore, throughout the interval

of one’s life, both men and women mold themselves to particular

expectations of gender, which are often determined by what the media

presents to us.

As reported by David Gauntlett, “Media and communications are a central

element of modern life, whilst gender and sexuality remain at the core of

how we think about our identities. With the media containing so many

images of women and men, and messages about men, women and sexuality

today, it is highly unlikely that these ideas would have no impact on our

sense of identity.”

The consequences of these negative perceptions, in consonance with

Wikipedia, is that “…the stereotypical portrayals of men and women are

internalized and valued by teenagers during the construction of their sexual

identity, especially during puberty.”

On the report of Eisend (2010) , “…stereotypes can negatively impact and

restrict opportunities, especially for women, by lowering self dignity and

body satisfaction, as well as career and self development..”

It can then be concluded that teenagers are very influential individuals

within society and whatever is displayed to them can easily develop their


Gender misrepresentation within the media leaves its negative impressions

upon the youth.

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