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Bague Shanne Irica G.

12 hobbes

Replection for Application Letter

Creating an application letter can be a daunting task, but with careful thought and attention to detail, it
can also be a rewarding experience. As I sat down to write my own application letter, I was struck by the
importance of showcasing my unique skills and experiences in a way that would grab the attention of
potential employers. I realized that it was essential to highlight my strengths, while also addressing any
potential weaknesses or gaps in my resume. By taking the time to thoroughly research the company and
tailor my letter to fit their specific needs, I was able to create a personalized and impactful application
that truly reflected who I am as a candidate.

Throughout the process of creating my application letter, I discovered the power of self-reflection and
self-promotion. It can be difficult to talk about ourselves in a positive light, but by focusing on my
achievements and abilities, I was able to present a compelling case for why I would be a valuable asset
to any potential employer. Writing the letter also forced me to think about my long-term career goals
and how each job opportunity could help me to further my professional development. Overall, the
experience of creating an application letter was a valuable exercise in self-examination and self-
expression, and has given me greater confidence in my ability to market myself effectively in the future.

Reflection for Resume

Creating a resume was a challenging task for me because I had to really think about all of my
accomplishments and experiences. I had to figure out how to organize them in a way that would catch
the eye of a potential employer. I found it helpful to ask for advice from my teachers and parents, who
helped me highlight my best qualities and skills. It was interesting to see how everything came together
in a professional-looking document that summarized my entire educational and work history.

Once I had finished creating my resume, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in all that I had
achieved. It made me realize how much I had done and how much potential I had to offer to future
employers. The process also taught me valuable skills in organization and self-promotion, which will be
useful as I continue to apply for jobs in the future. I now feel more confident in my abilities and am
excited to see where my resume will take me.

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