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One of the associated models in information
management is the DIKAR model. This model shows
Information Management - Choo (1995) defined the transition of raw facts into information; then,
information management (IM) as the management of from information, knowledge can be derived.
processes and systems responsible for acquiring,
creating, organizing, distributing, and using - Knowing this model helps organizations identify the
information. technology needs to assist in the efficient
transformation of data for their business needs.
The five keys to IM:
 Leadership Data
 Operation Information
 Process Knowledge
 Data Action
 Technology Result

INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION Two systems can be utilized in Information

DATA - Data is defined as a collection of individual file systems and Database systems
facts or statistics. (While “datum” is technically the
singular form of “data,” it’s not commonly used in Knowing file systems can be helpful to understand
everyday language.) the complexities of databases and the conversion to
database systems.
Data can come in the form of text, observations,
figures, images, numbers, graphs, or symbols. File systems can either manual or computerized.

- Data is a raw form of knowledge and, on its own, The manual file system is the traditional pen paper-
doesn’t carry any significance or purpose. In other folder file management. It is composed of a
words, you have to interpret data for it to have collection of file folders, categorized and stored in
meaning. Data can be simple—and may even seem cabinets
useless until it is analyzed, organized, and interpreted. The computerized file system uses computers and
storage devices to acquire, organize, and store data.
There are two main types of data: It also facilitates faster data tracking and report
 Quantitative data is provided in numerical form, generation as compared to the manual method.
like the weight, volume, or cost of an item.
 Qualitative data is descriptive, but non-numerical, Data processing - occurs when data is collected and
like the name, sex, or eye color of a person. translated into usable information. Usually
performed by a data scientist or team of data
Information is defined as knowledge gained through scientists, it is important for data processing to be
study, communication, research, or instruction. done correctly as not to negatively affect the end
Essentially, information is the result of analyzing and product, or data output.
interpreting pieces of data.
Data processing starts with data in its raw form and
- Whereas data is the individual figures, numbers, or converts it into a more readable format (graphs,
graphs, information is the perception of those pieces documents, etc.),
of knowledge.
Six stages of Data processing
1.Data collection - Collecting data is the first step in
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT data processing. Data is pulled from available
sources, including data lakes and data warehouses.
Choo (1995) defined information management (IM) as
the management of processes and systems 1 2.Data preparation - Once the data is collected, it
responsible for acquiring, creating, organizing, then enters the data preparation stage.
distributing, and using information.
Data preparation, often referred to as “pre processing”  Data inconsistency
is the stage at which raw data is cleaned up and This happens when multiple copies of the data have
organized for the following stage of data processing. conflicting versions. This is usually a result of a
particular update done in one document but failed
3.Data input - The clean data is then entered into its to update other existing copies.
destination (data warehouse). and translated into a
language that it can understand.  Lack of data integrity
The existence of data redundancies might
-Data input is the first stage in which raw data begins to compromise data integrity. Integrity is defined as
take the form of usable information. the consistency and accuracy of data.

4.Processing - During this stage, the data inputted to 3. Lack of design structure and models
the computer in the previous stage is actually
processed for interpretation File systems usually lack design and data models as
compared to database systems.
-Processing is done using machine learning algorithms,
though the process itself may vary slightly depending - Data models contribute to the overall structure
on the source of data being processed. and logic flow that enable databases to be more
organized in managing data.
5.Data output/interpretation- The
output/interpretation stage is the stage at which data is 4. Exposure to various data anomalies
finally usable to non data scientists.It is translated,
readable, and often in the form of graphs, videos, Anomaly means inconsistency in the pattern from
images, plain text, etc.). the normal form.

6. Data storage - The final stage of data processing is In Database Management System (DBMS), anomaly
storage. After all of the data is processed, it is then means the inconsistency occurred in the relational
stored for future use. While some information may be table during the operations performed on the
put to use immediately, much of it will serve a purpose relational table.
later on.
The other reason for the database anomalies is that
File System Problems all the data is stored in a single table

1.Dependence in structural and data changes So, to remove the anomalies of the database,
normalization is the process which is done where
Data dependence happens when data structure the splitting of the table and joining of the table
changes affect data access. (different types of join) occurs

Data independence is when these changes do not affect  Types of data anomalies are as follow:
the data nor the related programs.
 Update anomaly - happens when an update
Data structure changes include: change in keys, change done results in data inconsistency or
in data types. discrepancy.

2. Data Redundancy  Insertion anomaly - happens when inserting a

new record might result in incomplete
File systems are prone to data redundancy due to information or failure to insert due to
having data from multiple resources and do not have dependence on other attributes.
automatic measures to avoid multiple data copies.
 Deletion anomaly - happens when deleting a
If redundancy exists, it can result in having: record might result in loss of data or
 Poor data security information
As multiple copies exist, it is difficult to track changes
and ensure user roles. Thus, unauthorized access will be 2

challenging to manage and most likely to happen.

- It refers to a collection of programs that enable
THE ROLE OF A DATABASE users to access databases and manipulate, maintain,
report, and relate data.
As the data collected evolves and the transactions
being done in businesses, innovation and - A DBMS is often used to reduce data redundancy,
improvement in storage have been a continuous share data in a controlled way, and reduce data
necessity for a business. integrity problems. DBMS is not an information
system but is simply software.
- Hence, apart from file systems, database systems
are often the more viable option for organizations. according to…
Database Management System Coronel et al. (2015)
A database is a centralized collection of end-user defined database management system (DBMS) as a
data and metadata. End-user data are facts derived system used to create and manage databases and
from the system users, such as the ones retrieved facilitates the organization, manipulation, and
from transactions. retrieval of data.

- A database helps in transforming retrieved data Role of DBMS Advantages

into useful information.
1. Improved data sharing DBMS is capable of
- Through a database management system, providing a platform for the users to access more
databases can facilitate adding, updating, retrieving, organized data.
and deleting data.
2. Improved data security DBMS is capable of
Metadata is often described as data about data or improving data security and privacy by providing
information about the database and tables' structure facilities for managing access levels and
and components. implementing security policies.

What is Metadata? 3. Better data integration Since data sharing and

access are enhanced, DBMS can help the
Metadata is defined as the information that management have a clearer view of how their
describes and explains data. It provides context with business segments are doing.
details such as the source, type, owner, and
relationships to other data sets. 4. Minimized data inconsistency Well designed
databases can minimize the occurrence of having
The Database System Environment A database multiple copies of data that results in
system environment is comprised of five inconsistencies. DBMS can help in the
components: implementation of primary and foreign keys that
enforce integrity.
Hardware –the physical devices
Software – the applications necessary to run a 5. Improved data access DBMS can facilitate quick
database. This includes the operating system, responses for data retrieval requests making it easier
database management system, among others. to search and find what you need.
People –includes all the system stakeholders: end-
users, designers, administrators, programmers, and 6. Improved decision making It is easier to study the
analysts. data and make strategic reports through a more
Procedures – the policies or system rules. organized and faster retrieval of data.
Data – raw facts collected.
7. Increased end-user productivity By providing ease
What is DBMS? of access and data availability, DBMS can help users
do their work faster and more efficiently
A Database Management System (DBMS) is a well-
known term in data analysis.
DBMS Functions 1. Based on location

1. Data dictionary management A data dictionary  Centralized database is located and maintained
holds the metadata about the database structures. at a single site.
DBMS offers features that help manage and generate  Distributed database is distributed across
data dictionaries for reference and documentation several different sites and servers.
2. Based on data stored:
2. Data storage management Database performance
can be fine-tuned to be more efficient in the storage General-purpose database usually includes a wide
and retrieval of information. range of topics and/or types of documents.

3. Data presentation DBMS can aid in the acquisition, Discipline-specific database focuses on a single
storage, and transformation of data presented in a academic discipline or a group of related fields.
structured way to satisfy logical expectations.
4.Based on the how it will be used and the time
4. Security management and multi-access control sensitivity of information:
Access roles and levels can be configured through an
Access Control List (ACL), which allows the limited  Operational database stores and supports real-
rights and privileges per user type. time business data.
 Analytical database contains historical data that
5. Back-up and recovery management Back-up and can be used for business intelligence.
recovery options are available to avoid database
outages and data loss. 5.Based on the degree which the data are
6. Data integrity management Integrity is the
consistency and accuracy of data. Through the  Relational database is used to handle structured
enforcement of the integrity rules, DBMS is capable data.
of ensuring data integrity. Structured data – are easily searchable by
7. Database application and communication  Non-relational database (NoSQL) is for handling
interfaces DBMS can handle the Structured Query unstructured data.
Language (SQL) and its connection with other Unstructured data – have no predefined structure.
programming languages and applications. Also, it
supports communication with other databases. CHAPTER 2
 Types of Databases Data Model and data modeling
3. Based on the number of users: Database - design focuses on how the database
structure will be used to store and manage end user
Single user database supports one user at a given data.
- Data Modeling and Data Models Database design
Workgroup database is intended for a group of users. primarily focuses on the processing and handling of
end-user data using the database structure.
Enterprise database supports multiple groups of
users working together and accessing files - Data modeling, the first step in designing a
simultaneously, such as organizations and database, refers to the process of creating a specific
corporations. data model for a determined problem domain.

In developing a database, the first phase is data 2. Data models are a vital data architecture
modeling, which refers to creating a data model for a component, along with flow diagrams, architectural
given problem domain. blueprints, a unified vocabulary, and other artifacts.

Problem Domain 3. It facilitates interaction between the designer, the

application programmer, and the end-user.
It is a defined collection of scope and boundaries
based on a real-world area or situation projected to 4. It allows a better understanding of a particular
be solved. organization for which the database is intended to be
Data Model
5. Simply. It serves as the database’s blueprint.
A data model is a visual representation of a real-world
data structure. It displays data representation and TYPES OF DATABASE MODELS
how the data can be accessed.
1. Flat File Model
- A data model is a relatively simple representation,
usually, graphical in nature, of more complex real- It is a database model that utilizes a single table
world data structures. In general terms, a model is an design. It may have many fields that are prone to data
abstraction of a more complex real world object or inconsistency, redundancy, and corruption.
2. Hierarchical Model
Data Modeling
The data is stored organized in a tree-like structure,
- Data modeling is the process of creating a visual and records are interconnected through links. The data
representation of either a whole information system can be retrieved by traversing the whole tree starting
or parts of it to communicate connections between from the root.
data points and structures.
3. Network Model
- The goal is to illustrate the types of data used and
stored within the system, the relationships among Network Model in DBMS is a hierarchical model that is
these data types, the ways the data can be grouped used to represent the many-to-many relationship
and organized and its formats and attributes. among the database constraints.

- Data modeling reduces the complexities of database The network model is known for its flexible way of
design. It is an iterative and progressive process that representing data. The structure follows a graph
begins with a simple understanding of the problem format where objects are nodes and relationships are
domain, and as your understanding increases, so does arcs.
the level of detail in the data model.
4. Object-Oriented Model
The object-oriented model envisions entities as
Ideally, data models are living documents that evolve objects. Each object has attributes (state) and methods
along with changing business needs. (behavior). An object belongs to a single class only and
as its instance.
- They play an important role in supporting business
processes and planning IT architecture and strategy. The “objects” involved are abstractions of real-world
Data models can be shared with vendors, partners, entities. Objects are grouped in class hierarchies, and
and/or industry peers. have associated features.

IMPORTANCE OF DATA MODEL Object-oriented databases can incorporate tables, but

can also support more complex data relationships. This
1. Data modeling help establish standard data approach is employed in multimedia and hypertext
definitions and internal data standards, often in 5 databases as well as other use cases
connection with governance.
5. Relational Model People also call these types of diagrams ER diagrams
and Entity Relationship Models. An ERD visualizes the
The relational model views a database as a set of tables relationships between entities like people, things, or
with columns and rows. Each table represents an entity concepts in a database.
or a data source. Each row is an instance of that entity.
ERD Components
Keys uniquely identify such rows. And each column is
the attribute or property of the entity. 1. Entity

ACID  Person, Place, Thing, or event that we want to

store information about.
Atomicity  Denoted by a NOUN.
 Represented by a rectangle shape in the ERD.
- Atomic transactions in a database setting mean the
entire process must finish, or else the file, document, 2. Relationship
transaction or database reverts to its prior state.  describes the relationship between two entities.
 denoted by a VERB (passive or active)
- This can help protect the data, especially if there's a  represented by a diamond shape In the ERD.
network error when a document, file or group of data
transfers or saves. 3. Attribute
 data collected about the entities.
Consistency  represented by an oval shape in the ERD

- Consistency means any transaction you complete in 4. Cardinalities

the database follows the rules you or others gave to  The number of times an instance of an entity can
the database. relate to instances of other entities.
 Often symbolized by the crow's foot notation.
- If a transaction bypasses one or more rules, the
database cancels the transaction to maintain data  BASIC CARDINALITIES AND RELATIONSHIP
One-to-one relationship
A one-to-one (1:1) relationship describes a situation
- Isolation with a database structure means where one occurrence of an entity relates to exactly
transactions happen separately from one another. one occurrence of another entity.

Durability Most database administrators agree that this is the

least common type of relationship that occurs in
- Durability in an ACID database means the database databases.
stores all information on permanent storage.
One-to-many relationship
- A database completing actions using temporary
storage or virtual memory, such as RAM, doesn't
A one-to-many (1:N) relationship describes a
maintain that information if an unexpected event, like
situation where one occurrence in an entity relates
power loss, occurs.
to many occurrences in another entity.
Data Models Basic Building Blocks The one-to-many relationship is the most common
type of relationship, as you can use it to store data in
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) any relational database.

-Entity Relationship Diagram is a modeling technique to Many-to-many relationship

represent the database components and the
relationships between entities A many-to-many (M:N) relationship describes a
situation where multiple occurrences -
in one entity relate to multiple occurrences in another
entity. A "Logical View of Data" refers to how data is
structured and organized from a conceptual or
Many-to many relationships can be confusing to study, logical perspective, independent of the physical
so some database administrators can opt to divide a implementation or storage mechanisms.
many-to-many relationship into several one-to-many
relationships. Entities - These are the basic building blocks of data,
representing real-world objects or concepts such as
 Degree of Relationship - Is based on the enitities customers, products, orders, etc.
that are related to each other. Three types of
degree: attributes - Each entity has attributes that describe
its characteristics or properties.
Unary relationship - when the relationship that exists is
within the same entity. relationships - Entities are often related to each
other in various ways, such as one-to-one, one-to-
Binary relationship - when a relationship exists between many, or many-to many relationships. These
two different entities. relationships define how data from different entities
are associated with each other
Ternary relationship - when three entities share a
relationship. constraints - Constraints define rules or conditions
that must be satisfied by the data. This can include
Chapter 3 things like uniqueness constraints, referential
integrity constraints, and business rules
Relational Model Characteristic
Designer focuses on logical representation rather than Key it consists of a group of attributes that can be
physical. used as a basis for getting other attributes in the
Use of table advantageous
• Structural and data independence primary - Primary key is a column of a table or a set
• Related records stored in independent tables of columns that helps to identify every record
• Logical simplicity. present in that table uniquely.

A Logical View of Data Relational database model’s Click super - Super key is the set of all the keys which help
to edit Master title style structural and data to identify rows in a table uniquely.
candidate key - Candidate keys are those attributes
-allow us to ignore the structure’s physical complexity. that uniquely identify rows of a table.

-enables us to view data logically rather than physically. alternate key - All the keys which did not become the
primary Key are called alternate keys
• The logical view allows a simpler file concept of data
storage. foreign key - Foreign Key is used to establish
• The use of logically independent tables is easier to relationships between two tables.
composite key - a composite key is a set of two or
Relational Database Model (RDM) – is presented as data more attributes that help identify each tuple in a
tables that collect groups of elements into relations. table uniquely.

These models work based on the idea that each table unique key - Unique Key is a column or set of
setup will include a primary key or identifier. Relations columns that uniquely identify each record in a table.
are represented by tables. 7
• It is the attribute that is used to differentiate each row
in a table. A data dictionary is a centralized repository of
• Responsible for entity integrity. metadata about the data in a database. It contains
• Requirements: information about the structure of the database,
• the value must be different from all other values for such as the names and descriptions of tables,
that attribute; unique columns, data types, constraints, relationships, and
• the value null cannot be used for an attribute to be other relevant attributes.
used as a key
2. Foreign Key
• It forms a relationship by placing a primary from one A system catalog, also known as a system catalog
table to another table. table or data dictionary table, is a special set of
• It enforces referential integrity. tables within a database that stores metadata about
• It is safeguards the tables from actions that would the database itself.
discredit links between tables.
• It ensures that the values being entered in the foreign - It contains information about the database objects
key column is valid and exists in the table it points to. such as tables, indexes, views, users, privileges, and
other system-related details.
Relational Schema
A schema is a logical grouping of database objects
related to one another and becomes a guide on how the Update anomalies – inconsistencies that might
database is constructed. happen when we do an update in a record.

 INTEGRITY RULES Insertion anomalies – inconsistencies or action

failure when adding a record
Integrity rules - are guidelines or constraints
implemented in a database to ensure the accuracy, Deletion anomalies – inconsistencies that might
consistency, and reliability of data. occur when removing a record.

There are several kinds of integrity rules, described


ENTITY INTEGRITY - Usually implemented by creating Best of luck!

primary keys for each row in the table that is unique heart: heart:
from all other rows.

• requires that a foreign key must have a matching
primary key or it must be null. This constraint is specified
between two tables (parent and child); it maintains the
correspondence between rows in these tables.

• the condition in which every reference to an entity's

instance by another instance is valid.


A data dictionary and a system catalog are both

important components in database management
systems (DBMS), but they serve slightly different
purposes. 8

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