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ad·re·nal al·bi·nism


relating to or denoting a pair of ductless glands situated
above the kidneys. Each consists of a core region a congenital absence of pigment in the skin
( adrenal medulla ) secreting epinephrine and norepinep and hair (which are white) and the eyes
hrine, and an outer region ( adrenal cortex ) secreting (which are usually pink).

noun aes·thet·ic
concerned with beauty or the appreciation of
a male sex hormone, such as testosterone.
"the pictures give great aesthetic pleasure"
/əˈdren(ə)lən/ a set of principles underlying and guiding the
noun work of a particular artist or artistic movement.
a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in "the Cubist aesthetic"
conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation,
breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing
muscles for exertion.
an·dro·gen plural noun: ancestors
a person, typically one more remote than
/ˈandrəjən/ a grandparent, from whom one is descended.
BIOCHEMISTRY acceleration- The rate of change in velocity (a
plural noun: androgens change in direction or a change in speed).
a male sex hormone, such as testosterone
acid- A substance that produces hydrogen ions
ad·o·les·cence in solution; these solutions have a pH less than
the period following the onset of puberty alternating current (AC) - Electric current that
during which a young person develops from a reverses its direction in a regular pattern; the
child into an adult. 60-Hz AC in our homes changes direction 120
au·to·nom·ic times each second.
/ˌôdəˈnämik,ˌädəˈnämik/ acid rain - Rain with a pH less than 5.6;
adjective produced by substances in the air reacting with
PHYSIOLOGY rainwater.
involuntary or unconscious; relating to the acoustics -The study of sound.
autonomic nervous system.
alcohol -Type of compound formed when -OH
ax·on groups replace one or more hydrogen atoms in
a hydrocarbon.
/ˈakˌsän/ allotropes -Different structural forms of the
same element; for example, some carbon
plural noun: axons
the long threadlike part of a nerve cell along molecules form soft graphite, whereas others
which impulses are conducted from the cell form hard diamonds.
body to other cells. alloy -A mixture consisting of a metal and one
or more elements.
amino acid. Any of a large number of alpha particle - A particle of nuclear radiation
emitted from a decaying atomic nucleus; has a
compounds found in living cells that contain charge of 2+, an atomic mass of 4, and is the
largest, slowest, and least penetrating form of
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, and radiation.

join together to form proteins.

the physical structure of a person or an
animal, including the bones, flesh, and

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