Mathematics Reviewer

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MATHEMATICS REVIEWER types of snacks, and 3 types of candies.

How many
FORMULAS: different combinations of items can a customer
Fundamental Counting Principle: choose if they pick one of each?

Factorial Notation 1. Evaluate 5! 5!

2. Evaluate 8! 8!
Permutation 3. Simplify 7!5!5!7!.
4. Simplify 10! (10−3)! (10−3)!10!.
Circular Permutation 5. A group of 6 students is to be seated
in a row for a photo. In how many
Distinguishable: ways can they be arranged?
Instinguishable: In how many ways can 4 books be arranged
Probability of an Event:
on a shelf?

Complementary Event: 2. A lock has 4 digits, and each digit can be any
number from 0 to 9. How many different
combinations are possible?

3. How many ways can the letters in the word

"APPLE" be arranged?

Manually Exclusive Events Formula: 4. A committee of 3 members is to be selected

P(A∪B)=P(A)+P(B) from a group of 8 people. In how many
Inclusive: ways can this be done?
𝑷(𝑨 𝒐𝒓 𝑩)=𝑷(𝑨)+𝑷(𝑩)−𝑷(𝑨 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑩)
5. How many different arrangements are
possible for the letters in the word
𝑷(𝑨 𝒐𝒓 𝑩)=𝑷(𝑨)+𝑷(𝑩)
Independent Events:
These are events that does not affect the
probability of one another.
Dependent Events:
These are events in which the probability of
the first event affects the probability of the
second event.

1. A restaurant offers a menu with 3 choices of
appetizers, 5 choices of main courses, and 4 choices
of desserts. How many different meals can a
customer choose if they pick one of each?

2. A password consists of 2 uppercase letters

followed by 3 digits. How many different passwords
are possible if repetition of characters is allowed?

3. A clothing store sells shirts in 4 different colors,

pants in 3 different colors, and shoes in 2 different
colors. How many different outfits can a customer
create if they pick one item of each type?

4. A committee is to be formed consisting of a

president, a vice president, and a secretary from a
group of 6 people. How many different
combinations of officers are possible?

5. A vending machine offers 4 types of drinks, 6

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