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Nowadays, news on media is extemly popular and people use it to follow everthing around

them such as stock share, the problem of social and anything if they care about that.
However, a lot of people tell that news on televison is not true, but I disagree with that
First of all, the world has a reputable media with trust information like VTV, THVL1, Thanh
Nien, Vn express and more. They help us have information relate our life and have some
information can protect us. This medias always give us information about problem, trend or
drama in social media which help me know more and we will have seen most clearly. For
example, the media have news relate crime or natural disasters need to be guared against,
we can’t see it like “hoax”because those things was talked by everyone and media use it to
warn people that help to protect ourselves. Or the volunteer problem in middle if We do not
have news, we cannot believe all netizen because they don’t have evidence. At that time we
need news from gentle media to search and public will have solution.
There is an issue we cannot inoge is news always is updated. News could be true at a tiem,
but it may not be approriate in the future. We cannot confirm that everything is true in a
short time because everything required change. The new things usually are added and
specialy things is the input source of information for each commerical station often very
different because data in one areas will have more people tell about it with different way.
For example, case of girl born in 2003 some people talk the perpetrator kills for love or
robbery and is even said to be a serial killer. It was until the police got involved that
everthing became clear. Or the price of gold, on the same day luck may increase but later it
may also decrease. In short, everything can change by the time.
In conclusion. News is neccessery things in the world because it help us to have more
information in our life.Althought some media just use information for a publicity stunt.
However, we need to have more objective view and enough knowledge.

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