POLON - Asynchrous Task No. 2 (February 25)

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Asynchronous Task No. 2 (Offline Activity)

Reflect and assess the curriculum that you are implementing in your respective
1. What are the good points of your curriculum?
In Venancio Trinidad Sr. Memorial School we have several best practices that is implemented
to ensure that the curriculum is properly taught and aligned to cater student’s needs and priorities.
In our school, a concerted effort has been made to implement (1) intervention practices
effectively, ensuring the success and well-being of every student. One of the key components of
successful intervention is early identification of students who may be facing academic, social, or
emotional challenges. In our school it has established a robust system for continuous assessment
and monitoring to identify students in need of intervention. There are also regular screenings and
assessments conducted to identify potential learning disabilities, behavioral issues, or emotional
struggles. For an instance in our Project AVACADA which addresses literacy, we are conducting
quarterly reading assessment to track and determine the progress of our learners.

(2) Our school takes pride in the successful implementation of child-friendly practices,
ensuring that every student feels safe, supported, and inspired to learn. A child-friendly school
culture is characterized by positivity, inclusivity, and respect for diversity. Our school promotes
an atmosphere where every child feels welcomed, valued, and accepted, regardless of their
background, abilities, or differences. Thus, our educators employ child-centric teaching methods
that recognize and cater to individual learning styles. Using varied instructional approaches,
interactive lessons, and hands-on activities create an engaging and personalized learning
experience for each student. And of course, we always put into consideration our learners, so we
encourage active participation and the expression of opinions by providing platforms for student
involvement in decision-making processes. Student councils, suggestion boxes, and forums
enable children to voice their ideas and concerns, fostering a sense of ownership and

(3) In our ongoing commitment to providing quality education, our school has successfully
implemented a strategy of seeking help and collaboration with the local government unit. This
proactive approach has not only enhanced the overall learning environment but has also
strengthened the bond between the school and the community. Seeking help from the local
government has allowed our school to implement various student welfare initiatives. Health
programs, scholarship opportunities, and counseling services have been made available to
students, contributing to their overall well-being and creating a conducive environment for
learning. Say for example our Project ASSESS, its purpose is to help our learners with
manifestations to get properly assessed by a professional diagnostician to further check the
placement of their children in the Special Education Program of the School. Furthermore, Having
a collaboration with the local government unit has proven crucial in implementing disaster
preparedness and safety measures. Through joint initiatives, our school has developed and
practiced emergency response plans, ensuring the safety of students and staff during unforeseen
events. Especially now, in the fire prevention month, the school has arranged a talk about fire
prevention and safety that will be conducted by the personnel of the Bureau of Fire Prevention
to secure learners awareness and security if a fire may suddenly happen. Hence, it also is the
same when we are having earthquake drills in our school, we seek additional hand in making sure
that our learners are prepared and vigilant if an earthquake happens when classes are ongoing.

Lastly, the backbone of a robust education system lies in the (4) careful delineation and
implementation of learning competencies. In our school, we have a very meticulous approach to
incorporating learning competencies by subject. We always make sure and make the most out of
the resources we have, that every learning competency is being taught accordingly that will reflect
on the academic progress and performance of our learners. We urge our teachers to employ
differentiated instruction, this enables the learning competencies to be tailored to the diverse
needs of students. Teachers can adapt their teaching methods, resources, and assessments to
address individual learning styles and pace, fostering a more inclusive and effective educational
environment. Additionally, learning competencies are seamlessly integrated into formative and
summative assessments, ensuring that students are continually evaluated on their mastery of key
concepts. Regular assessments provide timely feedback to both students and teachers, enabling
adjustments to instructional strategies and interventions as needed.

These are some of the best practices we have in our school as curriculum implementation is
concerned. Hence, there are several practices that are implemented, it is still being polished and
enhanced thoroughly to yield positive outcomes and feedback that will surely benefit not only the
school but most especially the learners.

2. What are the areas of your curriculum that need to improve?

Though there were best practices in our school, there are also some areas in our
curriculum that needs adjustments and improvements. Firstly, is the workload of
teachers. The role of teachers in shaping the future of our society cannot be overstated.
However, the growing workload faced by educators has become a significant concern, affecting
both the quality of education and the well-being of teachers. Which is why the newly implemented
removal of administrative tasks to teachers is a huge sigh of relief to our educators. Because this
way, they can focus more on innovative instructional materials that can increase student
achievement and proficiency. Addressing the workload of teachers in our school is not just a
matter of improving their working conditions; it is an investment in the overall quality of education
and the future success of students. By implementing strategies to lighten the workload, we can
create an environment where teachers can thrive professionally, resulting in a positive impact on
both educators and students. It is imperative that we prioritize the well-being of our teachers to
cultivate a thriving and effective educational community.

Secondly, the resources. Educational resources form a strong foundation on having an

effective learning environment. We delve into the critical importance of addressing and optimizing
educational resources in our school. By investing in diverse and well-managed resources, we not
only enhance the quality of education but also empower students and educators for success.
Having scarcity on educational resources will clearly affect the teaching and learning process.
Insufficient resources can limit the ability of teachers to employ diverse teaching methods. Varied
resources cater to different learning styles, ensuring a more inclusive and engaging educational
experience for students. Moreover, since we are now in a technological era in education,
embracing technology as an educational resource is a must. It opens new avenues for interactive
learning. Having access to computers, tablets, and educational software enhances students'
digital literacy and prepares them for the modern workforce. Addressing educational resources in
our school is pivotal for creating an enriching and dynamic learning environment. By recognizing
the diverse needs of students and educators, we can tailor our resource allocation strategies to
foster academic excellence. A well-supported and resourceful educational ecosystem not only
elevates the overall quality of education but also empowers our students to face the challenges
of the future with confidence and competence. It is through a comprehensive approach to
educational resources that we lay the foundation for a thriving and successful academic

Third, is the teacher development. We cannot give what we do not have, right? So, in
order for us to give quality education, we must be equipped with suitable and appropriate
strategies to be employed in teaching. Since there is an undeniable effect on the significance of
addressing teacher development in our school, in emphasizing the positive impact it has on
teaching quality, student outcomes, and the overall educational environment. Teacher
development is not merely an investment in individual educators; it is an investment in the future
of education. By prioritizing the growth and well-being of our teachers, we create a positive ripple
effect that extends to students and the entire school community. A commitment to teacher
development is an affirmation of our dedication to educational excellence, innovation, and the
holistic development of our students. In fostering a culture of continuous learning, our school
becomes a beacon of inspiration and achievement in the field of education.

Finally, funding constraints. Though we are seeking help from our community stakeholders
and local government unit, funds are still one of our major concern in the school. The allotted
MOOE is not adequate to support and maintain the facilities, needs, and other expenses of the
school. We have to find other avenues on where we can gain additional funds to further enhance
the school facilities and ancillaries. It will not only benefit the school but also the learners. As
they can now engage into a more in-depth learning experience because of the facilities that we
have that came from in-cash or in-kind donations and fund raising activities.

The aforementioned were only few out of the long list that needs intervention in our school.
Hence, the school is doing the best it can to address the said problems. We have school-initiated
programs, projects, and activities to purposely deal with the problem at hand. So, I think that the
school, despite an array of concerns that needed interventions, it is making the most out of the
resources available to still offer and provide the best quality of education we can provide.

3. What will be your recommendations for the improvement of your curriculum?

As for me, there are only two words that I summarizes all of the recommendations
that I can think of. And those two words are, “Never Stop”. It is easier said than done,
right? But as educators we must never stop, even if there a tons of problems in our ways,
we must think of a solution to overcome it. We must never stop, even if we are tired of
the repetitive issues that has been pestering the educational system. In our own way, we
can handle those—thinking outside of the box; innovative solutions often result to positive
outcomes. And of course, we must never stop, especially when our learners have
difficulties and differences. As their second parents, we must surmount those difficulties
and give the best that we can for our children. So, never stop, it may be hard, it may be
tiring but seeing our children, our learners withstand challenges and improve
tremendously, it is a reward that no amount of money can ever buy.
Hence, to address the areas I mentioned that needs improvement here are some of
my recommendations. (1) to address the workload of teachers, our school is now
implementing the newly announced removal of administrative task and distribution of
equal teaching load. (2) to deal with scarcity of educational resources, the school
currently implements Project ARM (Additional/Alternative Resource Materials) which
serves as supplementary resources to bridge the gap on the lack of educational resources
in the school. I recommend that why not tap private institutions if there were several
books or resources that they can share with us in improving the delivery of education.
(3) to manage teacher’s development, the strengthening of LAC session, In Service
Training and other relevant workshops and seminars is a must. We can also make use of
monthly Technical Assistance Conference in order to address current concerns of teachers
in the teaching-learning process. (4) Lastly, to find additional funding, I think that the
school is trying its best to seek help from our stakeholders. Hence, the reinforcement I
think of having a well-informed fundraising activities amongst the school community is
crucial in order to forge a much stronger bonds that will anchor on transparency and
Rubric for Scoring the Given Task

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Rating

Organization Essay follows Essay Essay Essay is easy Essay is

the correct follows the follows the to understand, unorganized,
arrangement of correct correct neat and difficult to
idea. It is easy arrangement arrangement presentable. It understand
to understand, of idea. It is of idea. It is is fairly easy and follow. It
follow and clear easy to easy to to follow. is visually
to read; visually understand understand unappealing
appealing and and follow and follow.
relevant to the clear to read
discussed ideas

Content The insights are The insights The insights The insights The ideas
comprehensively are are are presented
discussed. moderately minimally unsatisfactorily show no
There is a deep discussed, discussed, discussed, evidence of
understanding understood understood understood insights,
of the idea. The and and and understanding
thoughts are reflectively reflectively reflectively or reflective
reflective and thought of. thought of thought of thought about
convincing the topic.


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