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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 8

Objective: Use verbs, adjectives, and adverbs as persuasive language


Learning across curriculum:

1) Science topic: Climate change - Students can use persuasive language materials
to convince others to take action against climate change, using powerful verbs,
descriptive adjectives, and impactful adverbs.

2) Social Studies topic: Historical figures - Students can create persuasive speeches
or presentations about historical figures, using strong verbs, persuasive adjectives,
and compelling adverbs to influence the audience's perception of these individuals.

3) Math topic: Data interpretation - Students can use persuasive language materials
to present and argue their interpretation of data, using precise verbs, convincing
adjectives, and carefully chosen adverbs to support their claims.

Review Motivation:

1) Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Props, character cards

- Assign each student a role and scenario where they have to use persuasive
language materials to convince others. For example, they can role-play as
salespersons trying to persuade customers to buy a product using effective language

- Use props and character cards to make the activity more engaging and realistic.

- Assessment Questions:

1. How did you use verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to persuade others during the
2. What were the most effective language techniques you used during the activity?

3. How did your persuasive language materials impact the outcome of the role-play?

2) Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard or projector, quiz questions

- Create an interactive quiz where students have to choose the most persuasive
verb, adjective, or adverb to complete a sentence or persuade an audience.

Use a whiteboard or projector to display the quiz questions and engage the students
in a competitive and fun learning experience.

- Assessment Questions:

1. How did you apply your knowledge of persuasive language materials in the
interactive quiz?

2. Which questions were the most challenging for you? Why?

3. How can you improve your understanding and usage of persuasive language
materials based on the quiz results?

3) Teaching Strategy: Picture Analysis

Instructional Materials: Pictures related to persuasive topics

- Provide students with pictures that depict persuasive scenarios or topics.

- Ask students to analyze the pictures and identify the verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
that could be used to persuade others in those situations.

- Assessment Questions:

1. How did you analyze the pictures to identify persuasive language materials?

2. Which picture had the most persuasive elements? Explain why.

3. How can you use the knowledge gained from this activity to enhance your own
persuasive language skills?

Activity 1: Persuasive Advertisements

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Magazines, scissors, glue, poster boards

Significance: Students will work in groups to create persuasive advertisements,

using verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to promote a product or service.


1. Divide students into groups of 4-5.

2. Provide each group with magazines, scissors, glue, and poster boards.

3. Instruct the groups to select a product or service to advertise.

4. Students should cut out relevant images and words from the magazines and
create a visually appealing advertisement on the poster boards.

5. Encourage the use of persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in their slogans,
descriptions, and calls to action.


- Persuasiveness of language materials: 20 pts.

- Creativity and visual appeal: 15 pts.

- Coherence and organization: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. How did you incorporate persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in your

2. How did your group make your advertisement visually appealing to capture the
audience's attention?

3. Evaluate the effectiveness of your group's persuasive language materials in

convincing others to buy the product or service.

Activity 2: Persuasive Speeches

Teaching Strategy: Discussion

Materials: Microphone, timer

Significance: Students will deliver persuasive speeches, utilizing verbs, adjectives,

and adverbs to convince the audience about a particular issue or viewpoint.


1. Assign each student a persuasive topic to research and prepare a speech about.

2. Provide a microphone and set a timer for each speech.

3. Instruct students to incorporate persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in their

speeches to make them more compelling.

4. Encourage students to use gestures, tone, and body language to enhance the
persuasive impact of their speeches.


- Persuasive language materials: 20 pts.

- Delivery and presentation: 15 pts.

- Organization and coherence: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. How did you use persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in your speech to
persuade the audience?

2. How did you engage the audience through your delivery and presentation

3. Reflect on the effectiveness of your persuasive language materials in influencing

the audience's perception and understanding of the topic.

Activity 3: Persuasive Writing

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Writing materials, laptops or tablets

Significance: Students will write persuasive essays, utilizing verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs to present convincing arguments and viewpoints.


1. Assign each student a persuasive topic to write an essay about.

2. Provide writing materials or laptops/tablets for students to compose their essays.

3. Instruct students to incorporate persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in their

essays to strengthen their arguments and make them more persuasive.

4. Encourage students to provide evidence and examples to support their



- Persuasive language materials: 20 pts.

- Organization and coherence: 15 pts.

- Use of evidence and examples: 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1. How did you incorporate persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in your essay
to convince the readers?

2. How did you organize and structure your essay to make it persuasive and

3. Evaluate the effectiveness of your persuasive language materials in influencing

the readers' opinions and perspectives.

Activity 1 - The advertisement activity allowed students to apply their knowledge of

persuasive language materials in a creative and practical way. By designing visually
appealing advertisements and using persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs,
students were able to convey the desired message effectively.

Activity 2 - The persuasive speeches activity provided students with an opportunity to

practice their oral communication skills while using persuasive language materials.
By incorporating powerful verbs, descriptive adjectives, and impactful adverbs,
students were able to engage the audience and convey their viewpoints

Activity 3 - The persuasive writing activity allowed students to develop their writing
skills and utilize persuasive language materials to present persuasive arguments. By
using persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, students were able to strengthen
their arguments and make their essays more persuasive.


The main objective of using verbs, adjectives, and adverbs as persuasive language
materials is to enhance communication skills and convince others effectively. By
understanding the power of persuasive language materials, students can choose
their words wisely, use descriptive adjectives, impactful adverbs, and strong verbs to
influence others' opinions and actions.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1 - Students will create a persuasive video presentation using verbs,

adjectives, and adverbs to convince others to support a social cause. They can
utilize technology, visual aids, and storytelling techniques to make their presentation
engaging and persuasive.

Task 2 - Students will participate in a debate where they have to argue for or against
a specific topic using persuasive language materials. They will be assessed based
on the effectiveness of their arguments, use of persuasive verbs, adjectives, and
adverbs, and their ability to counter opposing viewpoints.


Teaching Strategy: Direct Instruction

Instructional Materials: Assessment sheets

Question 1 - How did you incorporate persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in
your video presentation or debate?

Question 2 - Evaluate the persuasiveness of your language materials and arguments

during the video presentation or debate.

Question 3 - Reflect on how you can improve your persuasive language skills based
on the feedback received during the video presentation or debate.


1) Assignment Overview: Students will write a persuasive letter to a local business,

using persuasive language materials to convince them to support a community
project or event.

Actual Assessment Question: Write a persuasive letter to a local business,

utilizing persuasive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to convince them to support a
community project or event. Provide specific details and compelling arguments to
persuade the business to take action.

2) Assignment Overview: Students will create a persuasive poster, using persuasive

language materials to encourage their peers to participate in a school-wide initiative
or campaign.

Actual Assessment Question: Design a persuasive poster that utilizes persuasive

verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to motivate your peers to participate in a school-wide
initiative or campaign. Evaluate the effectiveness of your language materials in
persuading others to take action.

Note: The teaching strategies, engagement strategies, and materials can be

adjusted based on the resources and preferences of the teacher and school.

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