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Specification and
design of commercial
concrete slabs
on grade

Presented by
The New Zealand Concrete Society

Seminar Notes
Presented by
The New Zealand Concrete Society

This Seminar is Made Possible By:

Andrew Dallas Conslab Ltd

Rhys Rogers BBR Contech

Alan Ross BOSFA
Concrete slabs on grade constitute a significant portion of total build costs for commercial
buildings, and the quality of the floor can have major implications on the productivity and
efficiency of the finished building. There is an ever present demand to reduce project costs
by minimising construction programmes and slab thicknesses, even as expectations for floor
finishes and physical loadings increase. Consequently, optimising the design, layout and
thickness of commercial concrete slabs on grade is essential.
The design of commercial slabs on grade in New Zealand is usually conducted by specialist
slab designers and constructors through a design and build process. The competitive design
and build tender process is structured to obtain the lowest possible cost, and the construction
industry tends to view concrete slabs as simple to design and construct, which often results
in a lower priority being assigned to quality. Yet when concrete slabs on grade go wrong the
costs are disproportionately large. Consequently, it is essential that those tasked with
obtaining slabs on grade convey the correct design information and objectives to slab
designers at the appropriate stages of the project to ensure that uncertainties and risks are
managed, and a cost effective and fit for purpose slab is achieved.
Understanding concrete floors and the risks and opportunities they provide should be
fundamental to anyone involved in the construction of commercial and industrial buildings.
Appropriate specification clauses are critical to reduce the risks associated with the
construction of concrete floor slabs for the designer, contractor, suppliers and the end user.
Under specification can lead to a slab which is not fit for purpose, while over specification can
tie the hands of the slab designer resulting in unnecessary costs, and poorly considered
clauses can lead to undesirable side effects. It is therefore important for all parties to
understand what the risks are with specification clauses which appear regularly today.
The Seminar will cover:
An overview will be provided of the common types of commercial slab on grade in NZ,
specifically fibre slabs, combi-slabs, post-tensioned slabs, and conventionally reinforced slabs.
Design concepts, detailing and typical layouts will be discussed for each slab type. A worked
example will be used to demonstrate the development of appropriate slab layouts for various
areas of a typical commercial warehouse, and relevant considerations of specification and
design will be discussed.
The progression of a typical commercial building project will be outlined and the necessary
information and decision making process required at each stage explained. Common floor
finish and flatness specifications and their corresponding advantages and disadvantages will
be covered. Considerations factoring into the plan layout of slabs will be discussed, along
with detailing requirements for edges, doorways and trafficked joints and for adjoining
foundation and building structural elements.
1. Cross section of a floor slab
1.1. Subgrade
1.2. Subbase
1.3. Slab
1.4. Surface

2. Floor slab types

2.1. Fibre slabs
2.2. Post-tensioned slabs
2.3. Conventionally reinforced slabs

3. Typical building layout considerations

3.1. Fibre slabs
3.2. Post-tensioned slabs

4. Design decisions

5. Progression of a construction project

Session 1

Cross Section of a Floor Slab

1. Cross section of a slab on grade

Andrew Dallas
Technical Manager and Director
Conslab Ltd.

Wearing Surface
Concrete Slab
Blinding layer

• Should provide uniform support
• so hard or soft spots removed
• Consideration of settlement
– Due to differences in the subgrade
– Restraint from piles
– Could check for the stresses induced by rotations but
generally if you have differential settlement you will
have cracking.

Makes little change to the slab thickness

Significant cause of slab failures

Designed using the

Modulus of Subgrade Reaction “k”

Confirmation of Properties
• NZ: CBR or Benkleman beam
• TR34: Plate bearing test (750mm)
• For heavily loaded slabs we recommend
having a geotechnical engineer recommend
the k value

Source: Conslab from a report by OPUS

Source: Extract from TR34 4th Ed

Specification Clause
• the sub-grade or sub-base is tested using a Benkelman beam at 5m
centres followed by a proof roll to identify weak spots. 90% of
readings to be within the deflection limit and no reading greater than
the maximum deflection limit.

CBR% 90% Deflection Limit mm Maximum Reading

3 4.1 5.0
4 3.1 4.0
5 2.5 3.5
10 1.2 2.0
15 0.9 2.0

Source: Conslab Contract Documents


• A geotechnical investigation has been carried out by <insert name of company and report
reference> and a copy of the report forms part of the contract documents. The target “K” value for
the subgrade of this project is K = <insert value after discussing with geotechnical Engineer>. The
slab design is to be based upon this value when preparing tender prices. Once the Contractor has
been appointed, the K value is to be site checked in accordance with the following clauses. The
slab design shall be modified if the K value varies significantly from that expected. The Contractor
shall advise the Engineer within 5 days of the site testing and prior to placing any subbase.

• Subgrades in Cut
• The Contractor shall cut the site to approximately 150mm above Subgrade level and at this stage
the Contractor shall arrange for the Geotechnical Engineer to carry out Benkelman Beam tests or
other approved testing to determine the actual K value of the Subgrade and provide the results to
the Engineer for approval. Following approval the final trimming to subgrade level shall be

• Subgrade in Fill
• Where the site is to be filled then the compacted engineered fill material will be placed up to the
design subgrade level. At this stage the Contractor shall arrange for the Geotech Engineer to carry
out Beam testsor other approved testing to determine the K value of the subgrade. Provide the
results to the Engineer for approval. Following approval the final trimming to Subgrade level shall
be completed.

Specification clauses courtesy of Conslab, MSC Consulting Engineers and Jawa Consulting

Wearing Surface
Concrete Slab
Blinding layer

• Provides a working platform for construction
• Provides a level formation
• Transmits load to subgrade
• Granular material , min thickness 150mm
• Not used for enhancement of modulus of
subgrade reaction
• Proof roll to ensure no obvious soft spots

Wearing Surface
Concrete Slab
Blinding layer


• Blinding layer
• Closes off any rough spots in
the subbase
• Allows for finer tolerance on the
subbase level
• Depth of Sand 0-5mm max
• Depth of PAP7 or GAP7 up to

Specification Clause
• The basecourse shall be compacted in accordance with the <“Earthworks” or
“Siteworks”> Section of the General Specification.
• The basecourse layers will be suitable hardfill graded and compacted to provide a
closed even surface not prone to rutting.
• The top surface of the basecourse will be placed to a levels tolerance of +0mm or -
10mm. A certificate and levels plan is to be provided by a Registered Surveyor
engaged by the Contractor certifying that these tolerances have been achieved. A
copy of these reports is to be provided to the Engineer for review.

Wearing Surface
Concrete Slab
Blinding layer


DPC is there to stop moisture rising

through the floor
Two layers for PT and jointless fibre
The second layer is simply to reduce friction

Specification Clause
– Damp Proof Membrane
• Under all ground floor slabs provide an effective DPM shown to have a water flow
resistance of not less than 90 meganewton seconds per gram.
• Side laps and end laps shall be taped and sealed in accordance with manufacturers

Wearing Surface
Concrete Slab
Blinding layer


Concrete Mixes
• The key is consistency!
• Slump and set times
• Simplicity generally leads to success
• Avoid superplasticisers
• Minimum cement for abrasion
• Don’t get hung up on minimum slumps
• Consider how to get the concrete placed
• No air entrainer.


Need to consider the practical aspects:

• How are you going to get the concrete

into the slab?
• Leave panels off
• What is the access like for the finishing
• Can you hang the finishing equipment
off columns? Access for the workers?

Specification Guide (not clauses)

– The key is consistency – must allow controlled water
addition to trucks below the target slump
– Specify the strength required, any minimum cement
– Any other durability requirement. Generally nothing
– Specify the testing required.
– Do not specify no pump mixes allowed
– Do not specify air entrainment (unless outside a
freezer roller door) or superplasticisers
– There are no such things a high grade or special grade
plants. “Concrete must come from a plant which hs
been audited as meeting the requirements of

Wearing Surface
Concrete Slab
Blinding layer


• Finishing, curing, strength in that order
• Around 300- 320kg cement
• toppings /dry shake

• Most commercial/industrial is 35-40 MPa

40 MPa will have adequate cement

Specification Clause Surface Finish
– Surface finish and surface tolerances need to be separated

Abrasion Requirement
The concrete is to have a minimum cement content of 325kg. The surface is to be
repeat power trowelled to a dense burnished finish and then water cured for 7

(Information Note: Do not specify to AR1 or other finishes as per NZS3101 as there is
very limited capacity to measure this.)

Concrete Finishes
The class of finish to concrete surfaces shall comply with NZS3114. Floor tolerances
are specified under tolerances. Any defects to the concrete shall be made good at
the Contractors expense and in a manner agreed with the Engineer.

Specification Clause - CURING
• The slab shall be water cured for a minimum of 7 days.
The contractor shall provide a method statement as to
how this will be achieved. Alternatively the Engineer may
approve curing using a membrane forming compound that
complies with the requirements of NZS3109:1997.
• Should a membrane curing system be approved then it
shall be compatible with future painted line markings or
any other surface coating required for this floor.

Session 2

Floor Slab Types

2. Floor slab types

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

2.1 Fibre reinforced slabs

Alan Ross Sean Page-Wood

CPeng, IntPE
General Manager or Business Development Manager

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

• Slab usage and requirements
• Different types of loads
• Ultimate Limit State design
• Fibre types
• Joints vs. controlled cracking, Slab types and Detailing – Part 2

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Normal Busy Warehouse

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Bulk Storage Warehouse

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Maintenance / industrial

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Automated warehouse

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade


Accelerated Bridge
Construction in
Specification and design of
Seismic Areas:
commercial concrete slabs on grade
design detail of

Container Pavements

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

• Slab usage and requirements
• Different types of loads
• Ultimate Limit State design
• Fibre types
• Joints vs. controlled cracking, Slab types and Detailing – Part 2

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Loads - Containers
◦ Are not UDL’s but point loads
◦ How close can they stack?
◦ How many high
◦ 20’ or 40’
◦ Maximum weights?

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Loads - Containers Handling Equipment

Straddle Carrier Reach Stacker

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade


Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Warehouse - Nasty Fork Lifts

Type of Wheels?
Tyre Pressure?
Number of tyres?
Repetitive zones?
Axle loads?

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Warehouse - Distributed Loads

Typically 30 to 40 kPa
Can Govern with pattern
Value used for marketing by real estate

UDL 0%

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Warehouse - Point Loads (Racking)

• Typically 5 to 9 tonnes
• Recommend 7 Tonnes
• The double load in the
middle is nasty
• Spacing is important
• Normally governs

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Automated warehouse

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Point Loads - Racking

Leg Spacing?

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

An accurate loading specification is critical:
Construction loads
Racking layout
Forklift types

Accelerated Bridge
Construction in
Specification and design of
Seismic Areas:
commercial concrete slabs on grade
design detail of

Examine all scenarios

Centre Dowelled Edge

Double Loading
Corner Loading

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Specify the loads clearly

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

• Slab usage and requirements
• Different types of loads
• Ultimate Limit State design
• Fibre types
• Joints vs. controlled cracking, Slab types and Detailing – Part 2

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC)

Fibres – like all reinforcement – become effective AFTER cracking develops

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

SFRC properties

Increase toughness – post crack / residual strength

Test set-up Plain concrete Steel Fibre concrete


no ductility high ductility

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

SFRC properties
• Residual flexural strength
• Re3 value = residual flexural strength / concrete flexural strength
Test set-up Plain concrete Steel Fibre concrete


no ductility high ductility

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

ULS design – Plain Concrete
No Cracks No Cracks

Cracking okay

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

ULS design - SFRC

No Cracks No Cracks
Add capacity to the slab with SFRC

Cracking okay

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

ULS pavement design guides

TR34, CUR (Holland), others

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Loads and material factors
Ultimate limit state (ULS)
Load factors dependent upon type of load
◦ Permanent actions e.g. racking 1.2
◦ Variable actions 1.5
◦ Dynamic effects 1.4+
Material reduction factor
◦ Generally divide characteristic strength by 1.5
Serviceability limit state (SLS) is avoidance of cracking
 Safety factor on actions becomes 1.0

No specific SLS design carried out for most SOG. Checks can be for temp gradient, shrinkage stress
and diff deflection…..but all overridden by detailing and experience to avoid service cracking

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

SLS design - Jointed concrete slabs

• Traditional pavements are based on experience to avoid cracks:
• limited joint distance
• saw-cut or saw-cut free floors in indoor environment
• saw-cut floors in outdoor environment
• no connections to fixed points
• rectangular field shape
• length/width ratio ≤ 1:1.5
• minimum thicknesses
• etc.

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

• Slab usage and requirements
• Different types of loads
• Ultimate Limit State design
• Fibre types
• Joints vs. controlled cracking, Slab types and Detailing – Part 2

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Fibre types
◦ Fibre properties that influence performance
◦ CE documentation
◦ Specifications…

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Fibre properties that influence performance
A high length-diameter ratio (L/D ratio) A system of glued fibre bundles enables fibres with a high
L/D ratio to be mixed easily and uniformly throughout the
Hooked ends concrete

High tensile strength steel

Controlled pull-out (due to deformation of the hook)

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

DoP reference

Declared values

Minimum fibre dosage to achieve

nominated post crack strength

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Steel Fibre specification
Steel fibres manufactured in
accordance with EN14889-1
CE label and Declaration of
Performance provided to the project
Design provided by flooring designer
or, specify a specific fibre type and

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

Thank you and Questions.

Specification and design of

commercial concrete slabs on grade

2.2 Post-tensioned slabs on grade

Rhys Rogers
Structural Engineer – R&D and Design
BBR Contech

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade

• Definition, applications & advantages
• Typical layouts
• Elements of a PT slab
• PT slab design for mobilisation
• PT slab design for loadings (thickness)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade
• PT stress puts concrete
in compression

– PT stress prevents shrinkage

cracking by allowing slab
to shrink as one unit

– Enhances load bearing


– Causes any cracking that

does occur to tend to remain
narrow or to close up

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade

• PT provides resilience and robustness
– Allows slab to recover from minor overloads
– Causes any cracking to tend to remain narrow or close up
• Can accommodate moderate levels of differential
settlement, and deformation

• Minimises interference with

pouring and finishing
– Gives placers best opportunity
to achieve finish & flatness

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Why select a PT slab?
• Increased joint spacing
– Construction joints only, no sawcuts
• Minimises shrinkage and flexural cracks
• Lower life-cycle cost
– Fewer joints to maintain
– Better durability
• Enhanced serviceability
– Minimum down-time for joint repair/maintenance
ACI 360R-10 Guide to design of slabs-on-ground
Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Why select a PT slab?

• Better preservation of floor flatness by
minimising joints
• Decreased slab thickness
• Increased load strength
• Resilience and recovery capability from

ACI 360R-10 Guide to design of slabs-on-ground

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade
• Definition, applications & advantages
• Typical layouts
• Elements of a PT slab
• PT slab design for mobilisation
• PT slab design for loadings (thickness)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Typical layout of PT slab

• Objective is to minimise joints
– Fewer joints results in better operational productivity and
lower life cycle maintenance
• Primary limitation on
joint spacing is max.
pour size
– single pour usually
<≈ 2500-3200m2

• No sawcuts or joints required within each pour

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Typical layout of PT slab
• Multiple pours can be post-tensioned together
• Day joint between 2 slabs (allows up to 6000m2)
• Coupled joints can join more than 2 slabs
• Creates tight/closed joints
– Good durability, minimal impact on forklifts
– No joint armouring required
• Allows very large slabs with no opening joints
– Shrinkage movements restricted to slab edges

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Multiple pours post-tensioned as one slab

(Day joint)

Day 1 Day 2
Pour Pour
PT tendons
PT tendons
stressed after
second pour

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Multiple pours coupled together

Pour 3 Pour 1

Stress 1
Stress 3
and 4
Pour 4 Pour 2

Stress 2

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Tight construction joints

• No armouring
• Durable joint
• Minimal impact on forklifts operations
• Clients should expect some minor
cracking around joints, these don’t
usually affect slab performance

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade
• Definition, applications & advantages
• Typical layouts
• Elements of a PT slab
• PT slab design for mobilisation
• PT slab design for loadings (thickness)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Elements of a PT slab
 Edge Reinforcement
 Strand Onions

 Grout Vents
 Spiral reinforcement

 Duct Chairs
 Barrels & Wedges
Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Elements of a PT slab

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Elements of a PT slab

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Elements of a PT slab

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Stressing access: Infill strips

• Nominally 1m wide infill strip provides access for stressing

• Most flexible way to provide access
• Usually tied to slab with rebar so opening joint is at wall
• Adds another tight joint, but usually hidden by racking

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Stressing access: Pockets

• 300x110mm pockets cast into wall panels

• PT Slab extends to wall
• Must isolate slab from panels and columns
• PT slab design required before PC panel production begins

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Stressing access: Pockets

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT slab design concepts
• Design for mobilisation (concrete shrinkage)
– PT design
– Detailing
– Early shrinkage & Relative shrinkage

• Design for loading

– Design methodology
– Types of loading
– Sensitivity to different types of load
Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade

• Definition, applications & advantages
• Typical layouts
• Elements of a PT slab
• PT slab design for mobilisation
• PT slab design for loadings (thickness)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation
• Avoidance of Shrinkage cracks
– The PT is designed to be sufficient to overcome subgrade
friction and allow the entire slab to shrink as one unit

– Restraint of this movement

will result in cracking
(detailing critical)

– Concentrates shrinkage
gaps at slab edges
(can be large for long slabs)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation

• Shrinkage starts when concrete begins to harden
• Nothing to prevent cracking before PT is applied
• Rate of shrinkage drops off quickly with age

– Our observations indicate shrinkage

movement occuring up to 2 years age

– Minimal shrinkage occurs after 2 years

– Restraint over first six months most likely

to cause problems

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation
• At any given section:
FPT >= Ffriction
• Friction force prop.
to weight of slab and

Stress End
applicable loadings

Dead End
• PT force varies along
length of tendon

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation

• Mobilisation equation at given section

ntendons * Ftendon
Aslab to be mobilised * μsubgrade *
(UDLslab weight + UDLapplicable loads)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for early shrinkage
• Initial PT force must be applied ASAP
– Must prevent shrinkage cracking from starting (<=24 hrs after pour)

• Allowable PT force is limited by early concrete strength

– cylinders required for initial stress and final stress

• Initial PT force must be sufficient to overcome subgrade

friction and allow slab to shrink as one unit

• Only need to mobilise slab weight (no loads)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for early shrinkage

• At application of initial PT force
– No load on slab, friction due to slab weight only
– Friction coefficient is large
• Friction coefficient tends to reduce as shrinkage
movement occurs, worst case is for initial movement
– Initial load varies with slab size and layout,
usually about 1/3 to ½ of final PT force

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation
(medium to long term)
• More variables to consider
– Greater PT stress available to mobilise
– Must mobilise slab & realistic proportion of loading

• Long term, slab movement must not be restrained

to allow thermal movements

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation

(medium to long term)
• Med-long term mobilisation is usually not critical

• Should consider when the following coincide:

– Long slabs or multiple coupled slabs (>≈120m)
– Early application of heavy UDLs (<≈ 6 to 12 months)
– Limited load cycling is expected

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation
(medium to long term)
• When we do consider med/long term mobilisation,
we need to get an accurate picture of loading
– Full UDL unlikely to apply to full floor area
• Unloaded aisles and forklift manoeuvring areas
• What proportion of full UDL is realistically expected in loaded
– True UDL can be as low as 50% of design UDL

• Will the load be cycled?

– Shrinkage movement can occur piecemeal when loads
are low
Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT design for mobilisation

(medium to long term)
• Design options
– Increase PT stress
• More PT gives a more resilient slab over all
• Greater PT can allow thinner slab
– Reduces friction force and increases PT force

– Divide the slab with armoured opening joints

• Limits slab length and required mobilisation force
• Also reduces magnitude of shrinkage movement
– Easier to detail for gaps at slab edges and doors

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Differential shrinkage

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Differential Shrinkage

• Slab 1 is poured & begins to shrink

• Slab 2 is poured & wants to shrink faster/further

• Slab 2 is restrained by contact with slab 1

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Differential Shrinkage

• Total shrinkage for each slab will be the same

• Say 20% of shrinkage occurs before slab 2 is poured

• The 20% differential is permanent at the joint

• 0.2*750με = 150με = 0.15mm/m = sum of crack widths /m

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Layout and sequence

1. Layup slabs 1A & 1B
3. Pour 1B
(day after) 5. Layup slab 2
4. Initial stress 1A & 1B
6. Final stress 1A & 1B
8. Initial stress 2
9. Final stress 2
7. Pour slab 2
2. Pour slab1A (2 weeks after 1B)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Differential shrinkage

2 week differential
Slab 1A Slab 2A

Slab 1B Slab 2B
4 week differential 4 week differential
shrinkage shrinkage

2 week differential
Slab 3A Slab 4A


Slab 3B Slab 4B

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Differential Shrinkage
• Expect some cracking on coupled joints
• Aim is to end up with many narrow cracks
– Good detailing, construction programming, concrete, curing, PT
processes required

• Mitigate risk of undesirable cracking by:

– Limit time between adjacent pours
– Use concrete with low early age shrinkage properties
– Apply PT stress before shrinkage begins so that joint remains tight
– Detailing
• PT couplers must transfer PT stress all the way to edge of first slab
• Rebar in relevant locations to maintain small crack widths

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Post-tensioned slab on grade
• Definition, applications & advantages
• Typical layouts
• Elements of a PT slab
• PT slab design for mobilisation
• PT slab design for loadings (thickness)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT slab design for loading

• Loading design concepts

• How to consider common loading types

– Rack loading
– Axle loads
• Key design information / Sensitivity

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT slab design concepts
• Design objective:
– Slab remains crack free during normal operation
(governs design)

• Slab is allowed to crack under minor

– SLS EQ or SLS overload cases
– PT maintains small crack widths which close up
when load is removed
Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT slab design concepts

• Not designed as a “crack free slab”
– Client expectation is often greater than reality

• Need to manage this to avoid disappointment

• PT slabs designed for water tightness have 2-3 times
more PT stress than average PT slab on grade
• Minor cracking at interfaces due to mobilisation and
differential shrinkage can’t be prevented by more PT

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT slab design concepts
• NZS1170 limit states don’t directly apply
• On the ground so slab can’t collapse
• Must maintain integrity to prevent racking collapse
– Resilient nature of PT slabs maintains bearing ability
– Uplift forces restricted by yielding baseplates
• Cracking is permitted under NZS1170 SLS cases
• PT Slab designed not to crack under normal operation
• Small crack widths under SLS EQ/overload

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

PT slab design concepts

“Avoid the use of multiple factors of safety. Post-tensioning provides

reserve capacities, and factors of safety greater than those for nonprestressed
slabs should not be used. Cracking under the concentrated load is permissible
for post-tensioned slabs, and it can be taken into account by using structural
design requirements of ACI 318.”

ACI 360R-10 Guide to design of slabs-on-ground

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Loading design methods
• Westergaard method
• Other design approaches
– Graphical methods (based on Westergaard)
• PCA (Portland Cement Association)
• WRI (wire reinforcement institute)
• COE (Corps of Engineers)
– Finite Element Modelling – can be sensitive to
interpretation/experience (rubbish in rubbish out!)
– Proprietary slab design software

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Westergaard slab design

• Westergaard model is most common
– Most design standards suggest this approach
– CCANZ design guidance is available
– Relatively simple to automate in a spreadsheet

– Based on un-reinforced slab design

• PT stress is added to the tensile strength of concrete
• Design variables: Slab thickness & PT stress

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Westergaard slab design
Flexural stress from loading
Flexural tensile strength of concrete

• Accounts for fatigue and time to loading with

factors on flexural tensile strength

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Westergaard slab design

• Considers subgrade as a winkler spring bed

– Modulus of subgrade reaction = k
• Often given as N/mm2/mm or MN/m3 (misleading)
• Measure of pressure per unit displacement (kPa/mm)

• Usually have to convert from CBR which can be inaccurate

• Ideally Geotech engineers should do conversion
– Provide k value for design,
– Benkelman beam test targets for construction

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Westergaard design for loads
• UDL loads not usually critical
– Evenly loaded floor has no flexural stress in slab
– Aisle loading rarely governs

• Westergaard formulae deal with point loads

– Equations for interior, edges and corners
– Stresses from multiple loads must be combined

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Westergaard PT slab design

• Stress due to interior load P

l is dependant on slab depth,

typically 0.5 to 1m
Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Westergaard PT slab design
• Stress due to single point load depends on:
• P = Load magnitude
• h = Slab depth (cubed, big influence)
• k = Modulus of subgrade reaction
• μ = Poisson ratio of slab (0.15 static, 0.2 dynamic)
• b = loaded radius

Loaded radius is calculated based on post area

for rack loads.
Baseplates are too thin to spread load

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Westergaard PT slab design

• Combination of loads
– When two loads are close together (<2h)
• combine loads (2*P)
• Increase loaded radius (r)
– When two loads are further apart (>2h)
• combine stresses in
x & y directions at
critical point using

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Loading types
• Rack loading
• Forklifts (MHE)

• Other types of loading

– Container loads / Swinglifters
– Truck loading

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Back to back rack loading

B2B rack
Large B2B spacing
Aisle Feet considered separately (1xP)
Less severe load case

B2B rack
Small B2B spacing
Aisle Feet combined (2xP)
More severe load case

Edge rack

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Back to back rack loading


Sensitive to:
1. Post load
2. B2B spacing
3. Post size
4. Short leg spacing

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Double deep racking


Double deep
B2B racking

More Critical than B2B racking
Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Shuttle Racking
• Approximately square grid, 1.1-1.6m spacing
• Generally less critical than B2B racking
• No B2B

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Rack loadings
• Slab design & thickness is sensitive to:
– Post load
– Racking type (B2B, double deep, shuttle)
– Back to back rack spacing (clear spacing)
– Short direction post spacing (c/c or outside dim?)
– Post size (not baseplate size)

– Modulus of subgrade reaction (k)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Forklift Loadings

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Forklift loadings
• Machine + load weight balanced on front axle
• Reasonable factor for
impact and uncertainty

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Forklift loading
• Loaded radius based on tyre pressure
– Pneumatic tyres (700-1000 kPa)
– Solid “Cushion” tyres (1200 to 1600kPa)
– Solid rubber tyres (1700-1800kPa)
– Solid polyurethane wheels (>6900kPa)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

Forklift loading
• Slab design and thickness is sensitive to:
– Axle load / rated capacity of forklift
– Axle width
– Single or double wheeled axle
– Tyre type / pressure

– Modulus of subgrade reaction (k)

Specification and design of commercial concrete slabs on grade

2.3 Traditional mesh slabs

Andrew Dallas
Technical Manager and Director
Conslab Ltd.

Traditional Mesh Slabs

• Traditional mesh slabs are essentially
unreinforced when it comes to structural
• Top Mesh is in for shrinkage control
• Or you can undertake a mesh design with
mesh in the bottom of the slab which does
add to the structural strength See TR34

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