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7 Surprising Signs
He Does

New York Times Best-Selling Author

M a t t h e w H u ss e y
D o es He Li k e Me ? 7 Su rprisi n g Signs He D o es

ou’ve been casually seeing a great guy for a few weeks. You
think it’s going well. But in the interest of keeping it light
and fun—and not wanting to put any undue pressure on
whatever “it” is—you haven’t had a conversation about how either
of you feel, or where things are headed.

As far as you’re concerned, he checks all the boxes: he’s smart,

funny, handsome, and you have off-the-charts chemistry. You can’t
stop thinking about him and wanting to spend more time with him.

You’ve made up your mind: You like him.

But does he like you?

You just wish there was a way to know before you invest any more
of your time—or your heart.

Well, there is. But there’s good news and bad news about that…

The Bad News: Although men do give clues that they’re into
a woman, these clues can be so subtle (and even unexpected)
that you’ll miss them completely if you don’t know what you’re
looking for.

(Remember in 3rd grade when your mom had to explain that the
boy who mercilessly teased you on the playground was actually in
love with you? That boy may be a man now, but when it comes to
how “clear” his signals are, not much has changed.)

The Good News: As your coach, with over a decade of

experience decoding men’s behavior, I can show you the 7
surprising signs that a man likes you so you’ll know for sure how
your guy feels (no awkward conversation with him necessary!).

Read on to discover the truth…

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D o es He Li k e Me ? 7 Su rprisi n g Signs He D o es

Surprising Sign #1:

He’s More Impressed With You
Than He is With Himself
People often say that if a guy is trying to impress you, that means he
likes you. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he likes you. It might
mean he likes himself. See, narcissists give great first dates because
they want you to fall in love with them and reflect their glory
back at them. But the man who actually likes you shows that he is
impressed by you. He is someone you have made an impression on.

Surprising Sign #2:

He’ll Take a Teasing for You
He’s not afraid to be earnest about his affection for you even if it
gets him teased. We’re often worried that our friends or our family
are going to taunt us for being too affectionate with the woman we
like. When he stops caring about that, you know he’s really started
caring about you.

Surprising Sign #3:

He Wants You to “Catch” Him Looking Snazzy
When he has to get dressed up for an occasion, when he’s looking
his best, he will find an excuse on that day to send you a picture.
He may not take a selfie and send it to you, but he’ll take a picture
of him with his brother or his mom and be like, “Hey, look, we’re
having a great day.” What he’s really saying is, “Look at me. This is
the best dressed I’ve been all month and I want you to see it.”

Surprising Sign #4:

He Always Downloads His Day With You
He calls you around six o’clock after work to tell you about his day
because you’re the one he wants to share his news with. I’m not

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D o es He Li k e Me ? 7 Su rprisi n g Signs He D o es

talking about the phone call he makes to you at midnight where he

says, “Hey, I have some news. I have a boner. Where are you right
now?” I’m talking about the guy who actually wants to talk about
his day.

Surprising Sign #5:

He Shows He Knows You’re Worth the Wait
He’s prepared to wait for intimacy. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t want
it. It doesn’t even mean he won’t maybe try to have it early on. But
when you delay him and you say, “That’s not my speed,” he still
wants to see you again and he’s more than prepared to wait.

Surprising Sign #6:

He Gets “Scrappy” With His Time
He finds time to see you even when it’s not convenient. Now, I’m
not saying he finds a day to see you or even three hours to see you,
but when a man likes you, he will cobble together whatever time
he has from the scraps just to be able to get 15 minutes to say hi
to you. I’m not talking about the hookup right now. I’m talking
about his desire just to see your face. When he likes you, he makes
it happen.

Surprising Sign #7:

It’s Showtime…After Sex
Let this one sink in—he wants to go to the movies with you after
sex. Most guys will take women on dates, go to movies, go to
dinners before they have sex and then they wake up and they’re
like, “Okay, now leave, please. I want to go and be with my friends.”
When you wake up with a guy and he’s like, “Hey, you, with the
crazy hair, let’s go see a movie,” he likes you.

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D o es He Li k e Me ? 7 Su rprisi n g Signs He D o es

ow, if you recognize some (or all) of these signs, good
news: The man you like likes you back! What could be a
better feeling?

Well, if you’re like most of the women I coach, your first feeling
might be joy, but your second feeling is probably panic. As in, “He
likes me? Well now I really can’t afford to screw this up!”

(Breathe. I’ve got your back…)

It’s true that the beginning stages of dating are the trickiest times
to get things right. We all know a woman who thought things
were going amazingly with a new guy, but then was completely
blindsided when he disappeared off the face of the earth and never
contacted her again. (That woman may have even been you.)

It’s also true that there are certain, very specific behaviors—
particularly at the beginning of a new relationship—that either
draw a man to you like a magnet, or accidentally push him away
before you even realize it (and then it’s too late).

That’s why I’ve boiled down years of my very best insights

into a simple yet complete, all-access guide to the male mind so
you can understand how to push his buttons in all the right ways...

… including the secret formula that guarantees he’ll keep making the
effort to see you again and again and exactly how to hit the “sweet spot”
of time spent together so he’ll become positively addicted to you…

Get Your Download:

“What Men Want: 7 Secrets to Pull Him
Closer Instead of Pushing Him Away”

Your coach,

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D o es He Li k e Me ? 7 Su rprisi n g Signs He D o es

P .S. What if the guy you like isn’t showing ANY of the “7
Surprising Signs He Likes You?” Is there anything you
can do to gain his affection? Or what if there’s no guy in
the picture at all yet?

Listen, the key to gaining ultimate control over your love life—
from attraction to commitment and everything in between—is
understanding the way men think…

“What Men Want” will teach you to understand the way men
think so you can behave in the exact ways that get instant results
with the man you want most.

The best part is, dating this way doesn’t take any more effort
than what you’re doing right now. It actually takes a lot less…

Discover What Men Want + Get Results Right Away

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