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Alhamdulillahi rabbil’aalamiin wash sholaatu wassalaamu ‘ala isyrofil anbiyaa I

walmursaliin, wa’alaa alihi washohbihii ajma’iin ammaba’du.

Good afternoon everyone

On this happy occasion, allow me to deliver a short speech about Halwat

Halwat is being alone between a man and a woman who are not mahram in a quiet place or
where there are no other people. Halwat is an act that is prohibited in Islam because it can lead
to slander and adultery. Khalwat comes from the word "khulwah" which means "silent" or
"deserted" in Arabic.

In this term, khalwat has two connotations:

Positive: Withdrawing from the crowd and solitude to get closer to Allah SWT.

Negative: Acts of being alone together in a quiet place or protected from the sight of other
people between a man and a woman who are not muhrim (family relations) and are not bound
by marriage.

The law: Absolutely haram based on the word of Allah:

QS. Al-Isra' ayah 32:

‫َوَلا َتْقَرُبوا الِّزَناۖ ِإَّنُه َكاَن َفاِحَشًة َوَساَء َسِبيًلا‬

the Meaning: "And do not approach adultery; indeed adultery is an abominable act and a bad

Danger of khalwat:

Can give rise to slander: Carrying out khalwat can give rise to bad prejudice from other people
towards men and women who commit seclusion.

Can lead to adultery: Delusions can weaken faith and open up opportunities to commit adultery.

Can damage self-esteem: Halwat can damage the self-esteem of both men and women.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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