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Unit 1

1. Tell me an activity that is good for both mental and physical health. exercise because it helps me sleep

2. How often do you take a nap in the afternoon? I usually spend about 1 hour napping

3. Do you often feel sleepy in the middle of the day?

4. How many hours do you usually sleep at night? I usually sleep about 8 hours. I usually go to bed at 11

5. Do you like chatting on social networks? no, I feel like it's quite time consuming quai tam

8. How often do you check your email? about 1-2 hours

9. What makes you feel happy? Rest after a tiring thái ringf period pé ri ờ of work and study

10. How often do you exercise? I usually jog for about 30 minutes every morning

11. Are you often late to class? no, I usually come to class about 10 minutes early

12. Do you often check messages on your phone? Yes, I don't want to miss important messages

13. Do you often go on vacation/travel? no, because I don't have money or free time

14. Are you often stressed in college? yes, because homework is a lot

15. How often do you play board games? Yes, I like the feeling of playing with friends

16. How do you usually spend your free time? listen to music, watch movies, read novels

17. Have you played sports recently? I do not like playing sport

18. Do you like to eat at restaurants? Why why not? no, because the food there is quite expensive

19. Where do you usually go on vacation? Because I'm studying in another city, I just want to return
home on vacation.

20. Where are you planning to vacation this year?

Unit 2
1. Are you a competitive person? Yes. because I always want to be a winner

2. Do you always like to win? Yes. because it makes me feel happy

3. Do you prefer being a spectator or a player? I like being a spectator because I don't like the
competition in a contest

4. What sport do you like to play? volleyball. because I can play together with my friends

5. What sports do you not like watching on TV? I don't like watching any sports
Which famous sports figure would you like to trade places with?

7. Do you support a sports team? no, because I don't care about any sports

8. Have you ever disagreed with a referee's decision during a match?

9. Which sports trophy would you like to win? I never thought of this. Because I don't like playing any

10. Do you find it easy to learn the rules of new games/activities? I think it's not too difficult to learn the
rules of a game

Unit 3
1. What's the best way to get around your town or city? Use local public transportation systems, such as
buses and trains

2. Is there any traditional transportation method where you are traveling? We usually use bicycles or

3. How often do you use public transportation? I often take the bus to school

4. Is there a lot of traffic where you live? yes, and I often have to encounter traffic jams every day

5. What is the best way to travel long distances? Travel by self-driving car. Because when you're tired
you can rest in the car

6. Is there a subway where you live or where you go? Where I live there is no subway, but I think there
will be in the future

7. What is your worst travel experience?

8. Have you ever been on a longboat? I have never been on a longboat

9. Do you want an electric car? yes, I think it will protect the environment more

10. Do you have to go to work or school during rush hour? no, but I usually finish school during rush

11. What is the fastest means of travel? I think it's a plane

12. What is the safest means of transportation? I think it's a plane

Unit 4
1. Do you like taking risks? no, because I'm afraid of danger

2. Are you an assertive person? No, I'm afraid of making the wrong decision

3. Why do some people find it difficult to make decisions? Because if you make the wrong decision, it
can affect others.

4. Would you like to go on some expedition? no, I'm afraid of danger

3. Who is a good expedition leader? Reliable and responsible when faced with danger. Have full
knowledge to ensure safety for everyone

6. Have you ever climbed a mountain? no, I feel quite dangerous

7. What do you like more - mountains or sea? I like the sea more

8. How good of a survivor do you think you would be?

9. Where were you born? I was born and raised in Binh Dinh

10. Where did you grow up?

11. When did you learn to ride a bicycle? when I was 5 years old

12. Where did you go on vacation last year? My friends and I went to Tay Ninh to play

13. Have you ever broken a bone? I once had a broken bone because of a small accident

14. Have you ever worked? I used to work as an employee at a coffee shop

15. Have you ever had an accident? That day it was raining, the road was very rough, I wasn't careful and
fell and broke my arm

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