Position PaperESP 10

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Name: Angeli Jasper P.


“Euthanasia Pro-life or Pro-choice”

Euthanasia, sometimes known as assisted suicide or mercy killing, is a controversial
topic in the fields of medicine, ethics, and the law that concerns the intentional taking of a
person's life to relieve their suffering. The discussion around euthanasia is intense and varies
widely based on ethical, legal, cultural, and religious viewpoints. Some people contend that
everyone has the right to a dignified death, granting them the freedom to decide how and when
to pass away, especially in situations where they are suffering from terminal illnesses or other
excruciating conditions.
Counter Argument:
Some individuals oppose euthanasia because, in the words of proponents of life, it can violate
the sanctity of human life. Euthanasia supporters contend that this is because it creates a
slippery slope where vulnerable people may feel under pressure to take their own lives before
they should. The second is Abuse Potential: Authorizing euthanasia may give rise to worries
about coercion, abuse, and manipulation of weaker people. The final point is the impact
euthanasia has on medical personnel. It puts them in morally difficult situations since they could
have to help end a patient's life, which goes against their moral and professional principles.

However, I think that a lot of people support euthanasia. To begin with, let's talk about how
euthanasia relieves extreme suffering. Euthanasia gives terminally ill people a humane way to
end their life when their pain is too great, allowing them to pass away with dignity and without
suffering for a long time. The second is respect for autonomy, which asserts that people have
the right to make choices regarding their own life, including the decision to use euthanasia to
end their suffering. Quality of life comes second to last; proponents of euthanasia stress its
significance above life extension at all costs. They contend that extending a terminal patient's
life may simply increase their misery and not their overall quality of life. Finally, patient
empowerment gives patients the ability to make decisions about their final stages of life,
including when and how to pass away in accordance with their morals and beliefs.

In conclusion, euthanasia is still a contentious topic that raises important issues related
to morality, ethics, and human rights. Moreover, some support the right to die with
dignity and autonomy, while opponents stress the sanctity of life and the dangers of
legalizing euthanasia. Still others oppose euthanasia because they believe it will violate
people's moral convictions and lead to a slippery slope regarding the value of life.

“Mildred J.(2024).”Arguments for and against assisted suicide and euthanasia | CARE”

Doerflinger R.(1989).”Assisted Suicide: Pro-Choice or Anti-Life? On JSTOR”


Health line Media.(2024).”Euthanasia and assisted suicide: What are they and what do they mean?”

Sue Baugh L.(2024).”Euthanasia | Definition, History ,Facts | Britannica”


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