U of T Individual Compensation Project 2017

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This project is worth 20% of your final grade.

In this individual project, each student is required to write a paper using

APA or MLA formatting and citation methodology. The paper will be no
longer than 6 pages not including cover page and References page. The
paper requires that you do individual research using at least 6 sources.
One of these sources can be the textbook and at least three of these
sources must be “peer reviewed”.

In this paper, you will develop and present your argument either for or
against the following statement:

“Compensation plans for private sector CEO’s in North America are

reasonable.” (Private sector refers to companies that are owned by
shareholders and their stocks are traded on stock exchanges)

Your argument must be clearly for or against the above statement and you
must make your position clear in the first paragraph of your paper.

You must demonstrate your knowledge of CEO compensation in this paper

and use that knowledge in your arguments either for or against the

Your grade for the paper will be based upon your demonstrated knowledge
of the subject, the quality of the arguments, application of relevant theory,
quality of the research, organization of the paper, appropriate language,
spelling and grammar and correct use of APA or MLA style.

Project is due in class Week Six.

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