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I scream and run towards him as his body falls to the ground.

The world is moving in slow

motion, tears streaming down my face. I can’t think. I just need to get to him. No stop, I think as
they carry him away. Wait, no! I need to see him! The world goes hazy and I drop to the ground.
Voices surround me, too many to make anything out. I hear his name and sit up.
“Lay back down please love.” The nurse tries to push me back down but I stand up.
“Where is he?” I throw sheets off people’s heads in panic trying to find him. I have to say
goodbye, I have to.
“Sit down love,” the nurse manages to push me down on a bed and sits beside me, hand on my
shoulder. “They already took him to the morgue, I’m so sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye.”
Tears well up and my blood boils. How am I supposed to go home, alive, and tell mum that her
son died? How can I tell Luna that her brother died? How am I supposed to go back and fight
without Owen? I storm outside, grabbing my gun and scream. I will kill them all, I can’t let them
get away with this, I can’t…

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