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Science 10

Date: __________________
Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________________

Parent’s Signature: _____________________ Score:

Quarter: 2 Week: 3 Day: 1

Title of the Activity: Who Am I?

Activity no. 1

Learning Competency:
Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves, such as
the use of UV ray and X-ray in medicine. S10FE-IIcd-48

Objective: Describe ultraviolet ray and X-ray.

Directions: Read each sentence and identify what is being described. Write UV for Ultraviolet
ray and X for X-ray.

________ 1. I can penetrate body flesh but not bones.

________ 2. I am used to check cracks and breaks in building structures.

________ 3. I am very useful to banks because I am used to identify real and fake

________ 4. I am an electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength of 1x10-11 to 1x108 meters.

________ 5. I am an electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength ranging from 4x10-7 to

1x10-8 meters.

Guide Question:

What is the difference between UV ray and X-ray?


Closure: In what field are Ultraviolet ray and X-ray beneficial? Explain.
Science 10
Date: __________________
Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________________

Parent’s Signature: ____________________ Score:

Quarter: 2 Week: 3 Day: 1

Title of the Activity: Research Time: Applications of Ultraviolet ray and X-ray
Activity no. 2

Learning Competency:
Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves, such as
the use of UV ray and X-ray in medicine. S10FE-IIcd-48

Objective: Identify the applications of Ultraviolet ray and X-ray in different fields.

Direction: Using this module, your science books, and science-based websites: list down
three (3) applications of Ultraviolet ray and X-ray. Write your answers in the table below.

Ultraviolet Ray applications X-ray Applications

1. 1.
2. 2.

3. 3.

Guide Question:

UV ray can kill germs. What are the new technologies that help us cope with Covid-19
pandemic? Cite one and explain how it works.


Closure: Is it good to expose our body to too much UV ray and X-ray? Why?

Science 10
Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________________

Date: __________________ Parent’s Signature: ____________________ Score:

Quarter: 2 Week: 3 Day: 1

Title of the Activity: Protect your Skin

Activity no. 3

Learning Competency:
Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves, such as
the use of UV ray and X-ray in medicine. S10FE-IIcd-48

Objective: Demonstrate how sunscreen protects our skin from harmful UV rays.

Materials: Sunscreen Lotion, construction paper.

1. Apply sunscreen lotion to both hands
2. Pressed the hands against construction paper.
3. Leave the paper under direct sunlight for 4 hours.
4. Observe what will happen.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Figure 3: Sunscreen on paper
Guide Questions:

1. How did the sunlight affect the color of the paper? __________________________
2. How can you explain the handprint that is left on the paper after being out in the sun
for hours? _________________________________________________________

Closure: How can we protect our skin from harmful UV rays?


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