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Cyrel Christian Navarro Camille Allyson Azupardo

Adrian Astillero


We want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who contributed to the formulation of this

business strategy. Without their help, guidance, and expertise, this strategy would not have been


We want to express our deepest gratitude to our family and friends for their continuous

encouragement and support during this journey. The collective creativity and hard ethic have

been essential in developing our vision into a practical plan.

In addition, without our professor, this project would not have been feasible. Prof. Gilmoore T.

Olfindo provided us with guidance while we created our business strategy. who effectively

responded to each of our inquiries. He made certain that he would be ready to assist us when he

had spare time.

This business plan is the result of a labor of love by a devoted team and the support of a network

of individuals that believe in what we're doing. We are committed to achieving the goal specified

in this strategy and look forward to the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead.

Table of Contents

Business Title 1

Acknowledgement 2

Table of contents 3

Executive Summary 4

Business Overview 6

Industry, Economic and Regulatory Analysis 10

Marketing Strategy 14

Operations Strategy 18

Human Resource Strategy

Financials and Forecasts

Stage Development and the Implementation Plan

Angel and Venture Capital Funding


Executive Summary


To become the worldwide innovator in video surveillance technology, promoting innovation in

security solutions that enable individuals and organizations to protect their property, increase

safety, and encourage trust in an increasingly linked society.


Our mission is to provides cutting-edge CCTV systems and services that give unparalleled

safety, seamless integration, and peace of mind to our clients. We are committed to staying on the

cutting edge of technological innovations, following the highest ethical standards, and adapting

to our clients' changing security needs.

Product and Services

Our SecureHome is newly established business which offers high-definition cameras that

ensures crystal-clear surveillance and with our expert team that will provide installation and

maintenance, and our CCTV product will monitor 24/7 for total peace of mind.


Our clients represent a wide range of companies and individuals that relies on our

SecureHome to satisfy their security and surveillance needs. The location of our shop is in

Peñaranda, street, Legazpi City. Our customized solutions, as well as our commitment to quality

and innovation, guarantee that we can successfully answer the individual needs of each customer.

Management Team

The SecureHome staffs and our executive team's expertise, experience, and shared

passion to innovation that will lead the way in offering cutting-edge CCTV solutions to our

valued clients. They will listen to your needs and recommendations and will follow through on it.

They will go to any length to fulfill your needs.


In our first year of business, we estimate that our revenue will be Php2,126,080, and in

our third year Php6,378,240. Our projected beginning capital is Php744,800. We are looking for

funding for the following that is divided into:

 Shop Maintenance 8%

 Workers Payroll 64.2%

 Shop Rent 11.9%

 Utilities (Electricity and Water) 15.9%

Despite the rise in pricing, particularly for CCTV, we still wish to offer our devoted client’s

high-quality cameras. We want to reach higher sales on yearly target of [amount] million in order

to prevent a losing money. To remain competitive, the SecureHome put up a lot of effort. In the

upcoming years, we aim to grow and become more powerful in the electronics sector. We will

likely franchise, get investors, open new branches in various locations, and provide our services

online as we grow our network of branches and services.

Business Overview

Our company will open a store in the Peñaranda, street, Legazpi City where clients may

acquire individual CCTV camera/s, CCTV wire and Network Video Recorder, which you can

find the price in the flyers. First, we have Buller Camera (5MP) for Php1,200 each. Second, we

have Dome Camera (5MP) for Php1,440. Third, we have UTP cable 200m (Cat6) for Php1,500.

Fourth, UTP cable 300m (Cat6) for Php3,600. Fifth, network video recorder for Php3,000. Sixth,

we have Package A for P11,640 includes 2 bullet camera, 2 Dome Camera, Premade cable 300m,

Network Video Recorder, free installation and 6 months replacement. And lastly, we have

Package B for P14,100 includes 4 bullet cameras, 4 dome cameras, Premade cable 300m,

Network Video Recorder, free installation and 1 year warranty. Our business is readily accessible

on Waze or Google Maps. This might be one of the advantages of our shop being successful in

areas where people cannot travel to a far store so, our store can offer them a mid to high-end

CCTV. Our services will be available exclusively from Monday to Friday only.

We plan to name our CCTV shop “SecureHome”. We believe that every home,

workplace, industry, and streets require surveillance cameras to ensure the safety of all people

throughout the world. On figure 1, our mock-up design shop in the Peñaranda, street, Legazpi

City proposed product available and value of each SecureHome CCTV you will purchase. Our

store offers enough of room for consumers, fully air-conditioned, and has a fire escape for

emergency purposes. On figure 2 and 2.1, it shows the product that we are selling to

merchandise, and you can see the specification of our product in the picture below. Figure 3

depicts our proposed products and the amounts and descriptions of each SecureHome CCTV you

will purchase.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 2.1

Figure 3

Our SecureHome CCTV may address substantial security and surveillance problems

while also presenting considerable opportunity to fill niches in the market. Here's the 1 example

on how a CCTV service may handle these issues and become a long-term source of revenue: (1)

Recurring money: A long-term CCTV service can create recurring money via a variety of

methods. Equipment sales or leasing, installation and maintenance contracts, cloud storage and

remote monitoring subscriptions, and even data analytics services that deliver actionable insights

from the recorded video are examples of these. When developed and implemented correctly, a

CCTV solution may solve critical security and surveillance challenges in a variety of industries

and applications. It may be a sustainable source of revenue with the ability to earn profit over

time by delivering customized solutions, assuring recurrent revenue streams, and being

responsive to market changes.

Closed-circuit television (CCTV) provides significant competitive benefits over existing

security and surveillance product or service offerings. First, constant monitoring - CCTV

systems provide continuous surveillance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, removing the need

for human guards, who may have attention span and tiredness constraints. This ongoing

monitoring guarantees that no suspicious behavior goes neglected, making it a more dependable

security solution. Second, complex technology - advanced technologies such as artificial

intelligence (AI) for object detection, facial recognition, and behavioral analysis are frequently

used in current CCTV systems. These technologies improve security by identifying and alerting

users to suspect activity, minimizing the need for human monitoring. When compared to current

security and surveillance choices, CCTV is competitive because it delivers continuous

monitoring, scalability, cutting-edge technology, remote access, integration possibilities, cost-

effectiveness, and a powerful deterrent. These benefits make CCTV a versatile and dependable

solution for a variety of security and surveillance demands, which helps to explain its extensive

use in a variety of sectors and applications.

The owners will take care to deliver a quality and premium product to the market. Our

goods come from trustworthy market suppliers. And we assure you that there would be no

manufacturing problems in our product, and if there were, the customer service will assess the

problem and create solutions that would be fair to both parties. Owners of businesses must be

aware of the necessity to distinguish themselves from rivals by picking the best location and

advertising their goods there. We'll make sure any customers who buy our products are pleased

with their purchase.

We, the SecureHome, are more likely efficient CCTV you will ever buy, though we offer

the most affordable service. We also provide a value product that includes free installation, 30

days of maintenance, and 6 months to 1 year of warranty when you purchase our package items.

Our product includes high-end technical characteristics such as Full HD cameras, smart AI

analytics, and durable hardware. And, depending on the circumstances, it has a long service

capacity. If you have a problem, you may easily contact our customer service line or

communicate with us on our official Facebook page. In addition, we have a qualified installation

on hand to install the CCTV you order.

Figure 4
This graph shows the products we plan to release to the market from January to

December of year 2024.

We the young entrepreneurs are expecting to enter the market depending on the

customer/s if they need a product for their house, store, schools, etc.… Our shop must sell 900

units per year to get the annual revenue of Php2,126.080 and our gross profit income per month

is Php181,200, if our shop consistently generates a net income of Php181,200 pesos per month.

According to our research, the Philippine CCTV market would increase at a 14.2%

Growth between 2020 and 2026. The market will be worth around Php46.52 billion by the end of

2030. This just helps to highlight the industry's intrinsic need for competition and how critical it

is to its continued survival. Various venture capitalists are investing heavily in developing

creative and cutting-edge goods, noting the future demand in the CCTV industry. (Market Size of

Philippines CCTV Market, 2019). This is a crucial component that is expected to have an

immediate influence on the CCTV market's growth. Fixed dome cameras are more favored over

box cameras due to their ease and aesthetic appeal. Overall, if CCTV is in high demand on the

market, our store will undoubtedly succeed.

Industry, Economic, and Regulatory Analysis
Competitors are companies that supply comparable items, alternatives, and additional

customer options (such as providing the service or manufacturing the product themselves).

Competitors in the industry include those that sell security cameras, offer installation services, or

offer alternatives to their products.

Direct and indirect competitors are the two categories of competitors that will be examined as

the company grows. Direct competitors are companies who sell the same products (or services)

as us. The indirect competitors, on the other hand, are a little different. They are firms whose

product (or service) offerings differ from ours yet may be able to meet our clients' demands and

even pursue similar aims.

Over time, the closed-circuit television (CCTV) sector has made significant strides, moving

from analog cameras to digital, high-definition systems with advanced functionality. While

CCTV continues to be an essential part of security and surveillance, it faces a dynamic

competitive environment that includes both existing rivals and possible replacement goods and

technologies that might render conventional CCTV systems obsolete.

Current competitor/s:

1. Providers of cloud-based surveillance

Cloud-connected security cameras with remote monitoring and intelligent capabilities

have been offered by business like Comfac Technology Options "CTO". These goods are

a dominant force in the domestic CCTV industry because they attract to customers

looking for simple, do-it-yourself solutions.

2. Manufacturers of smart home technology:

Leading technology companies like Apple, and Google have included security

cameras into their ecosystems for smart homes. These gadgets provide easy integration

with other smart gadgets, increasing their usefulness and attractiveness.

Substitute Products:

1. Drone Surveillance:

The development of drone technology might endanger established CCTV

systems. Real-time aerial monitoring can be provided by drones with high-resolution

cameras and AI capabilities, which might pose a threat to stationary CCTV systems.

2. 5G connectivity:

The introduction of 5G networks enables quicker and more dependable data

transfer, enabling high-definition video streaming and remote monitoring in real-time.

Businesses providing 5G-enabled surveillance systems might undermine the CCTV


The negative implication of this to business is it creates intense competition and can lead to

price wars, where businesses continually lower prices to attract customers. While this benefits

consumers, it can erode profit margins for businesses and make it challenging to maintain

profitability. Competition can put pressure on profit margins as companies may need to lower

prices or offer discounts to remain competitive.

There are a number of entry barriers in the market for CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television)

systems that might make it difficult for new businesses to establish themselves and compete

successfully. These obstacles, which are frequently considerable, include:

1. High capital expenditure:

It costs a lot of money to develop and produce CCTV equipment, including

cameras, DVRs (Digital Video Recorders), NVRs (Network Video Recorders), and

related gear. To maintain competitiveness in technology and innovation, research and

development capabilities must be established. This requires large financial resources.

2. Brand Reputation and Credibility:

In the security line of work, trust is vital. Over time, well-known brands have

developed a reputation for dependability and excellence. It might take time and intensive

marketing efforts for new competitors to persuade potential customers that their products

are reliable and worthwhile.

Overall, there are substantial financing needs, advanced technology, and established

companies' competitiveness, which make the barriers to entry in the CCTV industry formidable.

However, new entrants might still discover opportunity to carve out a niche in the market with

innovation, specialty expertise, and strategic placement.

The CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) industry is essential to improving security and

monitoring in a variety of settings, including workplaces, homes, and public spaces. However, a

complicated web of legislative and regulatory challenges affects this business, significantly

affecting how it operates. First, data privacy and protection are two of the top issues facing the

CCTV sector. CCTV systems record and preserve private video data, frequently containing the

personal information of people. In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR) sets down tight guidelines for the handling of personal data, which includes video

recordings. Operators of CCTV systems must get permission or provide proof of a good reason

before processing such data. Second, Permits and Licensing: Local authorities frequently provide

permits and licenses for the installation and use of CCTV systems. Zoning restrictions, safety

requirements, and other factors may apply to these permits. Obtaining the required approvals

might be difficult legally and practically. Third, Accessibility and Openness: Operators of CCTV

systems may be required by law to provide people access to their own recorded data as well as

information about how it is being utilized. Transparency in data processing procedures is

becoming more and more important. Lastly, the design, implementation, and use of CCTV

systems are fundamentally impacted by governmental and regulatory issues. A thorough

awareness of data privacy, security, and compliance standards is necessary to navigate this legal

environment. Stakeholders in the CCTV sector must keep up with changing laws, adopt best

practices for data protection, and interact with policymakers if they are to succeed in this

dynamic environment. They must also ensure that their solutions adhere to moral and legal

obligations while advancing the larger objectives of safety and security.

The need for surveillance solutions, technical improvements, and rising security concerns

across a variety of industries have all contributed to the market expansion of CCTV (Closed-

Circuit Television). However, it is not immune to a variety of financial issues that have an

influence on its operation and growth. The following economic issues might have an impact on

the CCTV sector:

 Market Saturation and Competitions

 Price Sensitivity and Commoditization

 Economies of Scale

 Global Supply Chain Challenges

 Customer Budget Constraints

 Dependence on End-Market Demand

The CCTV sector is faced with a wide range of economic difficulties, including price

constraints, market saturation, a continuing demand for technology advancement, and regulatory

compliance. Companies must carefully control expenses, look for chances for difference, and

adjust to shifting market conditions if they want to succeed in this dynamic environment.

Marketing Strategy

We don't just concentrate on immediate profitability while determining prices. Our staff

takes a customer's value over time into account. A happy consumer is more likely to buy from us

again, recommend our business to others, and stick with us. Remember that just because

something is offered at a particular price at launch doesn't mean that price will always be used.

Changing prices in reaction to seasonality, market conditions, or shifts in demand is known as

dynamic pricing. It is frequently utilized in e-commerce and can increase profits via real-time

pricing adjustments. It is essential that our pricing be high enough to sustain our operation which

is the most important factor. If we set our prices at a loss or with an unsustainable profit margin,

we will struggle to grow and expand.

Our shop trying to reach customer that they are often interested in systems that are

affordable and easy to install and administer, which makes them a desirable market for product

and service suppliers. We are targeting the residential customer/s because our shop offers

homeowners a peace of mind and the capability to remotely monitor their houses in addition to

acting as an alarm to possible intruders. And, the retailers and e-commerce customer that

frequently look for fresh ideas that offer current information on consumer trends and purchasing


Our business relates to customers using social media sites. This portal disseminated

informational content and product updates regarding our product. Additionally, we'll try email

marketing, which was important in keeping their subscribers up to date. And newsletter with

insightful information, bargains, and notices of forthcoming seminars and events will be

distributed. Through online surveys, email correspondence, and customer service channels, we

urge you to provide us with feedback. By understanding your consumers' experiences and

identifying areas for improvement, this feedback benefited our shop. We put these findings into

practice by implementing improvements, ensuring that our goods kept up with consumer


Marketing and Content Creation

SecureHome uses inbound marketing techniques for residential clients. On our website,

we provide a ton of educational material that addresses common security issues. Homeowners

looking to increase their security are drawn to blog entries on subjects like "Home Security Tips"

and "Choosing the Right CCTV System for Your Home". To ensure exposure in web searches,

these articles have been SEO-optimized.

Social Media Engagement

To interact with both SMBs and business clients, The SecureHome maintains an active

presence on social networking sites, including TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Success stories,

product updates, and industry insights are all shared. This tactic will assist us in creating a group

of followers that are enthusiastic about our CCTV and security equipment.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is used in our store. Through memberships on their website and during

events, we assemble an email list of prospective clients. Based on the type of consumer, email

messages are divided. Small company owners, for instance, receive deals and material that are

specifically designed to nurture leads and turn them into customers.

Online Reviews and Reputation Management

The SecureHome encourages happy customers to post complimentary reviews on

websites like our Google My Business. We simultaneously aggressively manage our internet

reputation, responding to critical comments in a timely and professional manner to preserve a

favorable brand image of our shop.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

SecureHome uses pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to attract SMB clients. We place bids

on small company security-related keywords to make sure that our adverts are prominently

shown in search results. By using a focused strategy, we can contact small company owners who

are actively looking for security solutions.

We start by providing thorough product specs in response to their inquiries. This covers

information about the camera's field of vision, lens type, low-light capability, and weather

durability. These specs for a CCTV device can have a big impact on how successful it is in

certain situations. Information on resolution, compression techniques, and network compatibility

are critical in the case of IP cameras. Our store regularly conducts training sessions and release

updates on the features and specifications of our products to ensure that our staff is properly

prepared to respond to inquiries. The primary goal for our store is making sure that the staff

member handling queries is informed and helpful. The workforce should be knowledgeable on

the technical specifics and capabilities of the goods to effectively communicate with customers,

whether through a specialized sales department, customer service, or online chat.

Getting clients is merely the first step in the intensely competitive closed-circuit

television (CCTV) business. For any CCTV business to succeed and develop over the long run,

retaining and attracting clients is just as important. Here are some details for retaining and

locking in a customer:

Loyalty Programs

Establish loyalty programs that offer rewards to customers who make purchases at our

store. These programs may offer exclusive access to upcoming features or items, discounts on

future purchases, or priority customer service. As they encourage repeat transactions, loyalty

programs are an efficient approach to keep and lock in clients.

Referral Program

Encourage your current customers to recommend our store to their friends and co-

workers. Provide awards or discounts as incentives for successful referrals. By integrating them

in the expansion of your consumer base, referral programs help keep your current customers.

Educational Resources

To ensure that clients are getting the most out of their CCTV systems, we provide them

with instructional materials. User guides, instructional videos, webinars, and blog entries on

CCTV system upkeep, troubleshooting, and security best practices can all be included in this.

The interaction with clients and the distribution of goods is an important component of

business achievement in the dynamic and always changing Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)

market. Our shop needs to minimize product lead times and maintain a lean inventory by

optimizing our supply chain. When clients submit purchases, our items are guaranteed to be

accessible thanks to effective supply chain management. We also have organized collaborations

with security system installers and merchants to increase the reach of our goods. To guarantee

that our items are accessible in real stores where clients may get help in-person, particularly for

household and small company clients. And we offer an e-commerce platform where customers

may browse, choose, and buy things online if they prefer self-service. Residential and small

company segments can benefit from direct sales efforts made through our website.

In addition, by tailoring distribution plans to the requirements of various consumer

segments, we make sure that our products are available when and where they are required. Client

happiness, trust, and long-term loyalty are improved with a balanced approach to client

engagement and product distribution. These factors are crucial for the CCTV industry's ongoing


Operational Strategy

The young entrepreneurs decided to put up a physical store of CCTV at the Peñaranda,

street, Legazpi City which offers different varieties of CCTV that average cost of Php1,200 to

Php14,100. The design of the actual CCTV cameras is done by manufacturers. The finished

cameras are packaged, typically in boxes with protective foam or other cushioning materials.

Product labels, including model numbers, specifications, and certifications, are attached. The

Securehome will buy its goods directly from the supplier to decrease upfront costs, increase

quality control, and limit subsequent liabilities for defects.

Customers will be introduced to several CCTV options as soon as they enter the store,

and Securehome staff will keep them entertained while assisting them in selecting the best

CCTV for their home, business, establishment, etc. It assured that the personnel are skilled

enough to respond to customer questions and assist them in selecting the appropriate CCTV. By

providing customers with personalized attention and quickly addressing their concerns, buyers

will be persuaded and turn leads into sales.

After buying the product the planner staff will discuss the schedule for installation with

the client. The technical support specialists will offer technical support to users, such as assisting

with software configuration, addressing user inquiries, and guiding them through system

capabilities. The Installers/Technicians will be responsible for installing the CCTV cameras at

the designated locations. This involves mounting the cameras securely, routing cables, and

connecting them to the recording system. They may also need to configure settings such as

camera angles, resolutions, and motion detection.

A CCTV store typically employs various employees to handle different aspects of the

business. Here are some common roles that are found in our CCTV store:

Crew staff:

They provide product information, help customers choose the right cameras and

accessories, and offer advice on system configurations. Sales representatives may also handle

order processing, invoices, and customer inquiries.

Technical Support Specialists (Customer Service):

They offer guidance on connecting cameras, setting up recording software and resolving

technical issues customers may encounter.


Installers or technicians are responsible for physically installing and setting up


He/she is responsible for managing employees, setting sales targets, monitoring

inventory, and ensuring smooth day-to-day functioning.


A Cashier is a retail professional who scans items to ensure prices and quantities are

correct, assists those who need help or advice on products, and handles returns and exchanges

when necessary.

Operating Expenses:


Staffs Rate/day Numbers Monthly Salary

Manager ₱ 500.00 2 ₱ 26,000.00

Technician ₱ 500.00 1 ₱ 13,000.00

Customer Service ₱ 400.00 2 ₱ 20,800.00

Cashier ₱ 400.00 1 ₱ 10,400.00

Crew staff ₱ 400.00 1 ₱ 10,400.00

Total ₱ 2,200 7 ₱ 80,600



Package COGS Selling Profit per Markup


Bullet ₱1,000 ₱1,200 ₱200.00 20%

Dome ₱1,200 ₱1,440 ₱240.00 20%
CCTV wire ₱1,250 ₱1,500 ₱250.00 20%
CCTV wire ₱2,800 ₱3,360 ₱560.00 20%
Network ₱2,500 ₱3,000 ₱500.00 20%
Package A ₱9,700 ₱11,640 ₱1,940.00 20%

Package B ₱11,280 ₱14,100 ₱2,820.00 20%

Table 2

Table 1 shows the salary of each employee. To determine the appropriate salary for each

employee, we set a range for how much an individual in a given position should be paid.

Employers set pay rates and salary ranges by recognizing the experience, skill and education an

employee needs to perform the job. Considering the potential salary increase that will be offered

for a promotion to set the salary range minimum and maximum.

In the table 2 it displays the price of the product from supplier and, how we calculated the

price with 20% markup to our selling price with the formula of:

(COGS x desired markup = Selling price)

The supply of components and materials is a vital aspect of a CCTV business, and several

important issues are associated with it. The reliability of producers is essential. Components and

materials for CCTV systems must meet certain standards for quality and performance to ensure

that the suppliers consistently deliver reliable products to maintain the quality of our products.

Supply chain disruptions will affect the flow of the business, such as natural disasters,

economic fluctuations, or global events (like the COVID-19 pandemic), can impact the

availability of components and materials. Having a contingency plan in place will mitigate such

disruptions and maintain a consistent supply. Longer lead times for specific components or

materials can delay project timelines. Considering that there are backup suppliers for critical

components or maintaining buffer stock to address potential delays.

Delaying the orders and installation of CCTV might lead to customers dissatisfaction. By

accurately capturing order details, checking inventory availability, and generating order invoices

can significantly impact efficiency and customer satisfaction.

By providing excellent customer service and support, including technical support, it will

build a strong reputation and ensure customer satisfaction of the CCTV business. The

Securehome also will offer multiple communication channels for customers to reach out for

assistance, including phone, email, and Facebook page. Ensuring that these channels are staffed

and monitored regularly. Collecting feedback from customers after interactions will lead to

measuring their satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

Here are the communication channels to reach out for assistance:

Contact No.- 09512194225

Facebook - "SecureHome page"

Email -

Human resource strategy

Our service requires adequate knowledge and big responsibility because it has to do with

providing security for people. Providing security for people is no joke at all therefore in starting

this business they must be fully ready and prepared for the business.

The house owner will be able to survey the area where the camera covers 24/7 for

burglars and evil people. This security system helps people to feel safe every time. This kind of

job opportunity will require employees to be very responsive to their customers because they will

always call for one reason which is safety. In addition, our company will offer a training service

for future applicants to test their capability, to increase productivity and efficiency.

The human resource manager is willing to give free training to those who are qualified to

the job. While they are training, new employees will earn their regular salary of Php500.00.

Our company offers mandatory benefits that are compliant with our country's labor laws.

In addition to these required benefits, we also provide additional benefit plans.

The statutory benefits we can give to our employees are:

Social Security System (SSS) - this will provide replacement income for workers in times of

death, disability, sickness, maternity and old age.

Once employees and employers make their required SSS contributions, the benefits

covered through this scheme include:

Retirement - This is a cash benefit paid out as a monthly pension or as a lump sum granted to a

retiree. Most employees who are at least 60 years old and have made a minimum of 120

contributions are eligible.

Sick leave - Entitles employees to at least 90% of their daily wage in case of hospitalization or

need to stay home due to illness. Employees can receive this sick pay up to 120 days a year.

Employers pay this leave benefit, which then gets reimbursed by the SSS.

Disability - Employees who develop permanent disabilities are entitled to a minimum monthly

pension of between ₱1,000 and ₱2,400 depending on years of service, plus a ₱500 supplemental

monthly allowance.

Maternity leave - Grants 105 days of fully paid leave to employees becoming mothers, with an

optional extra 30 days leave without pay. The SSS reimburses the employer for funding the


Death benefit - Beneficiaries of deceased employees are given a lump sum or monthly pension.

If the deceased employee has dependents, up to five of them are given 10% of the member’s

monthly pension or ₱250,000, whichever is higher.

Unemployment insurance - Offers a one-time payment to employees who are “involuntarily

separated” from work. This does not apply to employees who are let go due to misconduct.

Funeral grants - Given to fund the funeral expenses of the deceased employee. The payment

ranges between ₱20,000 and ₱40,000 depending on the employee’s SSS contributions and salary


These mandatory benefits programs are required by the Labor Code of the Philippines,

which sets the minimum labor standards for the country’s workforce. And this is to ensure that

our employees will receive fair compensation and is treated fairly.

Here is the training process that we will include:

Identify potential trainers.

- We wouldn’t have a new employee perform any real job alone. So, we need to find

trainers who are willing to share their knowledge. Being selected to train other

employees should be an incentive for good employee performance. Not only that, but

it also shows which experienced employees can be promoted over time.

Structure training process

- Any good training program starts with a structured plan. This shows a list of the tasks

the job requires on a regular basis and detail the policies and procedures employees

should know.

Automate the learning process

- Having a learning environment with training materials that can cover some aspects of

the job and providing access to it can save trainers time and help trainees retain

needed information. Also, they can use it after the training to refresh knowledge, or

practice something. Not only that, but employees will also know where to turn first,

before seeking other assistance and taking time from another employee’s tasks.

Allow trainees to practice their skills

- After learning from their instructor, new employees should be allowed to practice

their skills, under the supervision of their trainer. During this time, trainers should

evaluate their performance. If there are any issues, the trainer can address and correct

them. Once on-the-job training is complete, we will conduct an assessment to ensure

the employee has gained the skills needed for their job.

Check-in during and after training

- Depending on the length of the training, it may be necessary to assess progress

during the process. For example, evaluating the trainee’s skills after learning a

particular aspect of the job. Remember, part of the on-the-job training is ensuring that

new employees have the knowledge and skills to complete their job independently.

After the training sessions, they will get feedback about several insights on their training.

To see how effective training is for the employees. They can assess areas that may need

improvement or skills that may need more time for training.

We can also get insight into how both the trainer and trainee performed. This allows us to

determine whether the trainer is effective, or if another employee is better suited to the task.

Financial and Forecast

Figure 1.

The figure 1 shows the total breakdown of initial monthly budget amounting to

Php167,850 that will be divided into; Shop maintenance (5.9%), Transportation (3%), Worker’s

payroll (47.9%), Shop rent (8.9%), and Utilities (15.9%), and loan (22.3%) with the total of


Month/s Average Units Sales Cost of Sales Profit

Price monthly

January Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

February Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

March Php12,080 70 Php845,600 Php676,480 Php169,120

April Php12,080 70 Php845,600 Php676,480 Php169,120

May Php12,080 70 Php845,600 Php676,480 Php169,120

June Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

July Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

August Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

September Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

October Php12,080 70 Php845,600 Php676,480 Php169,120

November Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

December Php12,080 75 Php906,000 Php724,800 Php181,200

Total Total Revenue:


Table 1

In table 2.1 it shows the Average price, units, sales, cost of sales, profit monthly and the

annual profit, where the formula used is:

Average price x Unit = Sales x 20% (our desired Markup) = Gross profit

12,080 x 75 = 906,000 x 20% = 181,200

12,080 x 70 = 845,600 x 20% = 676,480

To get the annual revenue all you need to do is to add all the gross profit per month. If

our shop has been successful for over 3 years, we can get the estimated money for 3 years which

is Php6,378,240.

Since we gave our CCTV business enough time to prepare, our shop will be open by

January 2024. As much as we are able, The SecureHome will meet consumer requests. We will

give our customers access to a suggestion and/or remark box. Our shop, will managing

exceptional occurrences including changes in demand, personnel turnover, economic situations,

calamities, and efficient management techniques. These occurrences have a big potential to

affect our CCTV store's profitability, but it also depends on a number of other factors, like the

market and the company's current risk management procedures.

So, it’s essential to have a thorough risk management and contingency plan in place and

to continuously evaluate and update it in order to accommodate shifting conditions in order to

minimize these risks and their financial effect.

Stage of Development and the Implementation Plan
Since our company is set to be launched on the first quarter of 2024, we already have
solicited the prices of the tools, materials and equipment needed for our business. As the reason
for the date of launching, we believe a new year means a good start for a business.
SecureHome is in the stage of development of the following:
1. The purchase of all things needed in the business.
2. Testing the functionality and quality of the materials.
3. Working for business permit.
4. Expanding the business after years.

As we are preparing for the launching of the business, everything should be finalized and
checked thoroughly. SecureHome will be launching in January 2024. The launching timeline and
daily schedule are shown below.

Personnel Plan
In the meantime, our personnel plan calls for technicians who can install a surveillance
system. In the start of the business, we assumed that there will be 2 workers in the service to
execute and manage the operations. As the demand increases, we will expand our business and
hire additional workers for our service.

SWOT Analysis
 Good Location
 Excellent customer service
 High quality materials
 Highly effective in crime prevention

 High cost of material supplies
 Credibility
 Brand Reputation
 Households and office establishments investing in surveillance system for security
 Partnership with CCTV equipment supplier brands
 Affiliate programs
 Existing same services that are known to customers
 New surveillance installation service that enters the market and increasing competition
Key Revenue & Costs
The materials and equipment used for the installation of the surveillance system such as
the cameras, NVRs (Network Video Recorders), etc. and the service fee will be the cost drivers.
Overhead expenses such as utilities, rent fee and payroll for employees for the additional cost
Funding Requirements and Use of Funds
SecureHome is seeking Php ₱745,000 in bank to open its service. The funding will be
dedicated for the purchase of the inventory, business permit, and shop renovation. The breakout
of the funding is shown below.
 Shop Renovation: ₱10,000/month
 Inventory: ₱724,800
 License and Permits: ₱10,000/Year

Key Assumptions
The following table outlines the key assumptions required to achieve the revenue and
cost numbers in the financials and to pay off the business loan.
 Initial Numbers of target income per month: 75 units
 Average Cost of monthly profit: Php181,200

Angel and venture capital funding

After knowing and computing the expenses to operate the CCTV store the young

entrepreneurs figure out how much money they’ll need to start their business. According to the

computations for the start-up cost, it requires ₱744, 800.00 to operate this business. The funding

will be dedicated to the inventory, business registration, and shop renovation.

Starting Expenses Amount

Inventory ₱724,800

Business Registration ₱10,000.00

Shop Renovation ₱10,000.00

TOTAL: ₱744,800.00

Table 1

Our business has made the decision to loan in the bank to have the precise amount for

funding. Since ₱745,000 is almost near to the exact amount of our capital, the entrepreneurs have

decided to get a loan with that amount. The annual interest of the chosen bank is 10% rate which

will give a total of ₱745,000.00 payment in the bank in 2 years and ₱37,250.00 per month. The

computation of loan is below:

Loan x Annual interest + Loan = 2 years payment

₱745,000.00 x 20% + ₱745,000.00 = ₱ 894,000.00

Loan /24 months = Monthly payment

₱894,000/24 = ₱37,250.00

Since the owners are willing to loan the start-up capital can be covered. The following
tables above were taken in consideration to come up with key assumptions to achieve the
revenue and cost in the financials and pay off the business loans.



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