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Tinago, Siquijor, Siquijor


Name: Year Level & Course: Date: 02 - 08 - 2023

I. IDENTIFICATIO: Give the correct answer on the following below. You may choose your answer from the box and
write the correct answer on the blank before the number.

1. Euclid, the founder of modern geometry.

2. Archimedes, the founder of engineering mechanics and calculated a value for pi which is still used to this very day.
3. Bronze Age in the search for finding pigments used to color the human skin, copper was discovered, then it was
realized that alloying copper with tin resulted into bronze which in those days were used to make swords and other
4. Mesopotamia, two-wheeled carts had been created and it became the most frequently used mode of transporting
heavy goods from one place to another.
5. Urbanization is the development of large city, and the first city popped around 3000 B.C.
6. Middle Ages (450 – 1450 A.D.) gave birth to many scientific and technological development. Also during the Middle
Ages (often called Dark Ages), warfare had improved tremendously.
7. Leonardo da Vinci, a great pioneer in Arts, architecture, engineering and science, stressed the importance of
8. Copernicus rediscovered what some of the ancient Greeks had known that the sun was at the center of the solar
system and that the earth revolves around it.
9. Galileo invented the telescope.
10. Isaac Newton was born in 1642. He helped define the laws of gravity and planetary motion, co-founded calculus, and
explained the laws of light and color.
11. Albert Einstein became the most famous scientist of the 20th century. His work had profound impact on everything
from quantum theory to nuclear power and the atom bomb, and came up also with the famous equation e = mc2 used
in Calculus.
12. The Banaue Rice Terraces is a sophisticated product of engineering by pre-Spanish Filipinos.
13. CUNEIFORM- one of the major contributions of the Sumerians is the development of the first writing system.
14. URUK CITY- a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the first true city in the world but also for the way
it was erected.
15. THE PLOW- this enable them to dig the ground where seeds would be planted in a faster pace. As the plow breaks
the ground, the farmer would just drop the seeds and the farm work would be already done.
16. rOADS- to facilitate faster and easier travel, the Sumerians developed the first roads
17. PAPER OR PAPYRUS- although Egypt was not the first to develop a system of writing, they were able to make writing
easier for the world.
18. HIEROGLYPHICS- a system of writing using symbols.
19. NEWSPAPER – the first newspapers, known as GAZETTES, contained announcements of the Roman Empire to the
20. ROMAN NUMERALS- Romans devised their own number system specifically to address the need for a standard
counting method that would meet their increasing communications and trade concerns.
21. SILK- is produced by silk worms, but Chinese were the ones who developed the technology to harvest the silk and
process it to produce paper and clothing.
22. GUNPOWDER- originally it was developed by Chinese alchemists who aimed to achieve IMMORTALITY
23. GREAT WALL OF CHINA- once considered the only man-made structure that could be seen from the outer space. t
was constructed to keep out foreign invaders and control the borders of china.
24. MICROSCOPE- a devise that could magnify things invisible to the eye. Guided by the principles used for the invention
of the eyeglasses in earlier years, ZACHARIAS JANSSEN was able to develop the first compound microscope.
25. TELESCOPE- an optical instrument that helps in the observation of remote objects, was a great help for navigators
during this time.
26. PASTEURIZATION- the process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil faster.
27. LOUIS PASTEUR, a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist, invented PASTEURIZATION.
28. SAMUEL M. KIER was able to invent kerosene by refining petroleum.
29. KEROSENE- was later on referred to as the ILLUMINATING OIL because it was used at first to provide lighting to
30. VICTOR LLAVE and his team at H2O Technologies were able to invent an amphibious tricycle that can cross not only
flooded areas but also rivers and lakes. SALAMANDER AMPHIBIOUS TRICYCLE
31. SALT LAMP- a young Filipino name AISA MIJENO was able to invent a lighting system that utilizes a material
abundant in the Phil….saltwater.
32. MEDICAL INCUBATOR- Dr. Fe del Mundo, a Filipino pediatrician and the first Asian woman admitted to Harvard
Medical School, devised a medical incubator made from indigenous and cheap materials which did not run on electricity.
33. CLAUDIUS PTOLEMY , a famous philosopher and astronomer stated that the planets, as well as the sun and the
moon, moved in circular motion around the Earth.
34. CHARLES DARWIN, an English naturalist, biologist, and geologist, published a book, On the Origin of Species.
35. Pedro Flores He was the first person to manufactured yo-yo in the United States.
36. Jose Rodriguez He was a noted Filipino scientist and researcher who has invented methods of controlling leprosy.
37. Pedro Escuro He was known for his isolation of nine rice varieties.
38. Roberto Del Rosario He is the inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System.
39. Gavino Trono She was the Mother of Seaweed Diversity in the Philippines.
40. Geminiano de Ocampo He was a Filipino Ophthalmologist known to some as the “Father of Modern Philippine
41. Gregorio Y. Zara He invented the first two-way video telephone.
42. Abelardo Aguilar He discovered Erythromycin – is an antibiotic that is used to treat and prevent a variety of
infections in the body.
43.Francisco Quijumbing He is said to be a Filipino botanist claimed to be the inventor of Quick ink used by The
Parker Company.
44. Discoro Lopez Umali He was recognized as “the Father of Philippine Plant Breeding.”
45. Francisco M. Fronda He was recognized as the “Father of Poultry Science” in the Philippines.
46. Agapito Flores He has been acclaimed as being the inventor of the first fluorescent lamp.
47. Ramon C. Barba He was recognized for his outstanding research on tissue culture in Philippine mangoes.
48. Lourdes Jansuy Cruz She was notable for her research on sea snail venom.
49. Rafael Dineros Guerrero III He was known for his research on Tilapia culture.
50. Fabian Millar Dayrit He was known for his research on herbal medicine.

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