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Intro : Hello everyone, my talk will be about stress .

As we know, stress is very

common in society nowadays, especially for many students. Stress in students
can arise from various reasons, often related to studying, relationships, and
financial issues.

*Firstly : regarding studying: In reality, the academic curriculum in our country is
relatively demanding as it heavily focuses on theory. Therefore, students often
spend a lot of time understanding and memorizing concepts and principles
before practical application. This situation makes students spend a lot of time
studying, leaving them with no time to
rest and develop other necessary
*Secondly: financial issues: Most students live away from their families and have
to manage their expenses independently. Therefore, besides studying, many
students have to work extra hours to support their lives. Moreover, some
students have to earn money to cover tuition fees, accommodation,
transportation, meals, etc.

*Thirdly :due to mismatched majors: In reality, many students choose majors

based on their family's desires or choose arbitrarily based on their abilities without
knowing what they truly
like. Furthermore, there
are also many cases
where students realize
that their chosen majors
are not as expected.
*Fourthly :due to work-
related stress factors: which
can stem from various
reasons. Below are some
common causes:
Time pressure: When there are too many tasks to complete within a short
period, or when deadlines conflict, time pressure can cause stress.

Ineffective work management: Lack of clarity about tasks, no specific work plans,
or lack of support from colleagues and superiors can also cause stress.

Mismatch with the job: When the job does not align with one's skills, interests, or
personal values, the worker may feel tense and stressed.
Pressure from supervisors or colleagues: Unreasonable demands from supervisors
or negative relationships with colleagues can also contribute to feelings of stress.

Signs of stress in students:
• Sensitivity and instability in mood. When stressed, temperament often becomes
irritable, easily annoyed, frustrated, anxious, impatient, etc.
• Often lacking interest in activities, feeling bored and sluggish when studying.
• Having a negative, pessimistic outlook.

• Frequently experiencing insomnia, difficulty sleeping.

• Constantly feeling worried, restless.

• Some students use alcohol, cigarettes to relieve stress.

• Stress also causes physical symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness,
lethargy, decreased energy, stomach pain, bloating, poor digestion, etc.

Consequences of stress on students

• Poor performance due to lack of concentration when studying, tired body
• Conflicts easily arise with friends, lovers and colleagues due to difficulty
controlling emotions
• May face many mentality problems such as depression, concerned.
• Prolonged stress also increases the risk of other diseases such as sleep disorders,
high blood pressure, cerebral anemia, vestibular disorders, etc. In addition to the
above effects, stress in students also increase the rate of alcohol and tobacco use,
How to overcome stress in students
1. Make friends and expand relationships
When entering the university environment, having many relationships will greatly
support you in your studying and living process. You should try to open up and
actively talk to people around you.
2. Eliminate "toxic" relationships
are relationships that only bring negative emotions and only you are the one
making the effort, sharing, etc. While the other person doesn't care or pay attention
to your feelings.
If eliminated, it will help lighten the mood and can reduce stress.
3. Plan to study science
Be proactive: discuss with the lecturer if you have any problems with the lesson
and self-explore and study more documents to gain a deeper understanding of the
lecture as well as apply it effectively in practice. It will help you study, work and
live most effectively.
4. Building a healthy lifestyle requires balancing study and work time with enough
sleep, time to rest and exercise. In addition, a healthy diet is needed.

arise /əˈraɪz/ (v) xuất hiện, nảy sinh
curriculum /kəˈrɪk.jə.ləm/ (n) các môn học, khóa học ở trường
independently /ˌɪn.dɪˈpen.də (adv) độc lập
accommodation /əˌkɑː.məˈdeɪ.ʃən/(n) chổ ở, nhà trọ
instability /ˌɪn.stəˈbɪl.ə.t̬ i/(n) bất ổn định
irritable /ˈɪr.ə.t̬ ə.bəl/(adj) bực tức
anxious /ˈæŋk.ʃəs/ (adj) lo lắng
alcohol /ˈæl.kə.hɑːl/(n) rượu cồn
tobacco /təˈbæk.oʊ/ (n) thuốc lá

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