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Forums Outdoors

Deer Sausage Recipe

5,814 Views | 29 Replies
jgw02 1:02p, 12/6/14

Anyone have a deer sausage recipe they would like to share? We

tried making some last year for the "rst time and was not
pleased with it and wanted to try something di#erent this year.
FIDO*98* 1:29p, 12/6/14

Post your recipe so we can tell you how to improve it.

I use 40% Venison, 50% pork butt, 10% pork fatback. Only
seasoning I use is salt, pepper, and mustard seed.
HTownAg98 1:32p, 12/6/14

Yes, post the recipe, and tell us what you think was wrong with it.
I use the same ratio as "do, but the recipe is salt, black pepper,
garlic, and red pepper.
jgw02 1:46p, 12/6/14

It was my in-laws recipe, they are emailing it to me and I'll post it.
It was extremely salty so I will be curious to see what you think -
if it is just a function of backing o# the salt or if there are other
contributing factors.
Chetos 2:54p, 12/6/14

Wait a minute... Your in-laws entrust you with the family recipe
and your going to post it on the internet... Oh my
HTownAg98 3:13p, 12/6/14

As a starting point, salt should be in a 1:60 ratio of the meat, all

by weight. In other words, one pound of salt for 60 pounds of
KW02 4:28p, 12/6/14

Was it the "rst time you tried to make it on your own. What was
wrong with the taste? Not mixed well problem or problem with
jgw02 5:29p, 12/6/14

Sounds like a salt issue thanks for the ratio

Max06 6:42p, 12/6/14

Mesquite Country on Texas Bow Hunter has a pretty solid set of

"starter" recipes. They are all good but most need to be tailored
to your liking. He's a commercial processor, so he's got to be
doing something right.
jgw02 7:17p, 12/6/14

Here is the approximate recipe for 100lb meat:

35 lb pork
65 lb venison
10 oz pepper
35 oz salt
2 tbs salt Peter
3 tbs cayenne pepper

Let me know what you guys think, looks like too much salt and
not enough pork
Bobby Ewing 7:27p, 12/6/14

Salty and hot. 3 tbs of cayenne per 100???

HTownAg98 9:52p, 12/6/14

According to my calculator, you need about 26.7 ounces of salt

total, including the pink salt. The pink salt is supposed to be 4
ounces to 100 pounds of meat. Thus, for this recipe I'd use 4
ounces of pink salt and 22.7 ounces of kosher salt. Also, that's
way too much red pepper. I use about 3/4 ounce for 100 pounds
of meat.
If you haven't noticed the trend in my post, try to convert your
recipe to weight instead of volumetric measuring. You'll be more
accurate in your seasoning, and it's much easier to scale things
up or down.
One "nal thing, before you stu# it, take a small piece of sausage,
and microwave it to cook it. Taste it and see what it needs. The
reasoning for cooking it in the microwave is so the browning
you'd get if you cook it in a pan won't interfere with your taste
buds in "guring out the seasoning. Good luck.
jgw02 5:53a, 12/7/14

Thanks for the recommendations! I'll incorporate on my next

HTownAg98 6:56a, 12/7/14

The salt/pink salt isn't technically a 1:1 ratio, but at a small scale
of 100# of meat, it doesn't matter. Just make sure the salt to
meat ratio is about 1:60, and taste it before you stu# it.

1 ...
Deerdude 6:58a, 12/7/14

Back o# the salt, mix all ingredients into meat and cook some
patties. Adjust to personal preference.

BMo 7:32a, 12/7/14

In reply to Max06

Mesquite Country on Texas Bow Hunter has a pretty solid set
of "starter" recipes. They are all good but most need to be
tailored to your liking. He's a commercial processor, so he's
got to be doing something right.

Last I heard he was with Stubbs BBQ in some capacity. You're

right though, his recipe's are excellent.
bohica379 8:29a, 12/7/14

Old meat market recipe and I have people begging me to make it

for them.

50 lbs of sausage
25 lbs boston buut and 25 pounds deer
1 pound pickling and canning salt
5-6 ozs. Black pepper
2-3 ozs. cayenne
2-4 ozs granulated garlic
2 ozs Pink modern cure

Coarse grind meat together

mix spices with ice and water ( I use about 1/2 gallon total)
Pour over meat and mix by hand or a meat mixer (about 3-4
Fine grind and stu# in pork casings
Hang until dry ( usually overnight)
Cold smoke 4-8 hours (dependent upon weather)
Can be frozen for fresh or hung up to dry

Adjust seasoning to your taste

Tree Hugger 7:17p, 12/7/14

It was extremely salty so I will be curious to see what you
think - if it is just a function of backing o# the salt or if there
are other contributing factors.

Another factor with salt can be failing to rinse natural casings

jgw02 7:35p, 12/7/14

Really appreciate all the feedback received, look forward to

making the updated batch.
KW02 9:23p, 12/7/14

I "gured this thread could use some pics. Approximate 180 lbs in
60/40 pork to deer ratio. No one took pics when we did the

2 edits 1 ...
Cen-Tex 9:48p, 12/7/14

Nice set up. Only missing the cervezas.

1 ...
Dirty-8-thirty Ag 9:57p, 12/7/14

We are making our annual batch of link and dried sausage as

well as some panhaus on the 27th of this month. Can't wait. Sad
to say, but that is about the highlight of my year these days.
Max06 10:14a, 12/8/14

In reply to KW02


Tell me about your linking process here.

The people I learned from would literally stu# a link, cut, tie,
repeat. I don't have the patience for that and usually end up
doing shorts and hanging them in a 3-link chain.
bohica379 4:21p, 12/8/14

I have not used string to make sausage in 20 plus years. leave a

little casing and twist then wrap one end over and the other end
under and then hang on a stick to dry. Never drop anymore and
saves your "ngers from the string. Was from an old meat market
where I learned the trick. Works best with pork casings.
KW02 5:22p, 12/8/14

Tell me about your linking process here.

The people I learned from would literally stu# a link, cut, tie,
repeat. I don't have the patience for that and usually end up
doing shorts and hanging them in a 3-link chain.

We have two people running the stu#er. We will put on a casing

and crank out the entire casing if there is enough meat in the
stu#er. From there, someone (the guy with the knife) cuts the
stu#ed casing into links to be tied. Then, we have people that tie
up each link. As to how to tie, most of these were tied with two
people (the old way we did it). If you look at the "rst picture of
the sausages getting hung in the smokehouse the ones were the
ends do not touch are the new way we tie and only require 1
person. Both ways you put the string down on the casing a bit
and after you tie you squeeze out the sausage not in the tied
portion and that goes back in the stu#er.

Edit: We did not dry any of these. Sometimes we get some of the
sausages that have the smallest casing and dry them if the
weather cooperates.

1 edit ...
college of AG 8:51a, 10/3/19

BUMP, because I am making sausage for the "rst time this year
with help from my brother who has done it before.

I get the recipe and cooking before stu!ng to adjust, stu!ng,

tying, etc.... But I also want to dry some sausage. HOW???
HTownAg98 9:53a, 10/3/19

You'll want to use some Instacure #1. Figure out how much you'll
need (the ratio is on the package, usually 1 ounce to 25 pounds
of meat) and swap out the same amount of salt you'd use in your
recipe. The scientists will say it's not a 1:1 swap, but on batches
less than about 500 pounds, it's close enough.

When it comes to the actual drying, higher humidity is actually

better. If it dries too fast, you will get case hardening, which is
where the outside is dry but the inside is raw. 50-70% humidity is
"ne. Some air circulation is a good as well. A small desk fan is
enough. You can hang it wherever it will be in a cool place
outside of direct sunlight. If you have the ingenuity, you can do it
in a refrigerator.

2 edits ...
college of AG 10:16a, 10/3/19

Thanks for the help. I have made bacon and have the cure
around and can do that part.

What range of temps do I need to look for?

(1)stu# sausage (2) smoke (3) dry ?

How do I know it is "dry enough" or ready?

HTownAg98 10:31a, 10/3/19

In reply to college of AG

college of AG said:
Thanks for the help. I have made bacon and have the cure
around and can do that part.

What range of temps do I need to look for?

Anywhere above freezing to about 55 is !ne.
(1)stu# sausage (2) smoke (3) dry ? yes

How do I know it is "dry enough" or ready?when the

sausage has lost 30% of its green weight.

OilManAg91 1:29p, 10/3/19

Does anyone have a suggested recipe for jalapeno cheese

sausage? I assume with the cheese you can cut down on the pork
% or it might be too fatty. What is the amount of cheese and
dried diced jalapenos per 50lb tub?
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