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By: Aaron Jaed Carino

Jesus is the reason for the season.

The longest and festive celebration of Christmas, the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ,
happens in the Philippines. Many families value this season to show love and reverence to God by
being and coming together. In doing so, there are many different familial, social and religious ways
which people do in engaging themselves in this important season of the year.

At Saint Albert the Great Science Academy, apart from the usual and anticipated class Christmas
party, the PASKUHAN NIGHT which is now on its second year, continues to contribute to a
meaningful celebration.

The Central Student Government of the previous school year headed by Randyl Tulagan started the
said festive Christmas program highlighting the creativity and faith of Albertans. For two
consecutive years of PASKUHAN NIGHT, the caroling in which elementary pupils sing Christmas
songs and carols to students in the classroom, teachers in the faculty lounge and school
administrators in different office usually commence the celebration.

Since the making of the giant parol or lantern highlighted last year’s Paskuhan, the quadrangle in
front of the academy had the look and ambiance of a Christmas village. Giant Christmas trees made
of recyclable materials were scattered all over the area. The trees’ lively colors, tall stature, lights,
and colorful ornaments bring out the spirit of Christmas, making the academy trees presentation the
night's highlight.

One interesting event that touched every Albertan heart was the Belen-making contest in a Tableau
way by elementary pupils. Selected students from the class dressed themselves like those characters
in the manger, Mama Mary, Saint Joseph, angels and baby Jesus and took their best pose showing the
picture and scenario of a famous Belen.

Liveliness was felt in the atmosphere as cool gushes of wind passes by. Performers did twists on their
jingle to amaze the crowd. Lights went out, and bursts of light went up to the sky before exploding
followed by a final burst that shines brightly among others, showing us vibrant fireworks, ending the
event with a bang.

Considering it as a meaningful event and a significant project, the current governing body headed by
Vince Jordan Baraquio, president, continued holding it last Christmas season. With the success of the
event, PASKUHAN Night, a Christmas event, may come as one of the academy’s best tradition and

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