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Self-Check Questions for Module 1: Introduction to Web Development

1. Internet Fundamentals:
a. What is the historical background of the internet, and how did it evolve from ARPANET?

The success of ARPANET (packet switching, where data is broken into small packets
for more efficient transmission) led to the adoption of TCP/IP as a common standard,
enabling other networks to join and communicate. This expansion marked the birth of
the internet as a network of interconnected networks.
In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, proposed the World Wide Web
(WWW) to share information among scientists. He developed the first web browser and
server, creating the foundation for easy access to documents and information.
In the early 1990s user-friendly web browsers were introduced and made the internet
more accessible to the public. This era witnessed a surge in online content and services
until it was then commercialized.
The 2000s saw the widespread adoption of broadband internet, providing faster and
more reliable connections. Additionally, the rise of smartphones and mobile internet
expanded internet access beyond traditional computers.
Today we do have social media platforms that keep us in touch with family and friends
from different places, make new friends and connect with people who like the same
things as you, join groups or support important causes, and share information about
important topics and today we also witnessed the rise of cloud computing, allowing
remote storage and access to data and still upgrading every day.

b. Explain the role of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the functioning of the internet.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are important for the internet to work. They're like
helpers that link your computers or phones to the internet. When you want to use the
internet, your device asks the ISP for help, and they make sure you can connect and do
things online.

2. Data Transmission and Protocols:

a. Define the concept of packets in data transmission.

Data packets work by breaking down information into smaller units for efficient
transmission over a network. By using this packetized approach, data transmission
becomes more efficient, reliable, and adaptable to the diverse conditions of the internet.
It's like sending a jigsaw puzzle in separate pieces and having them put together
perfectly on the other end.

b. How does the TCP/IP protocol suite contribute to the communication on the internet?

TCP/IP protocol suite provides the foundational framework for communication on the
internet. It ensures that data is properly packaged, addressed, transmitted reliably, and
understood by devices across the network, enabling the seamless flow of information
that we experience in our everyday online activities.
3. Web Browsers:
a. Describe the primary functions of web browsers.

The primary function of a web browser is to allow users to access and view content on
the World Wide Web or it acts as a gateway between users and the vast world of
information on the internet, providing tools and features to navigate, view, and interact
with online content.
b. What is the significance of rendering engines in the context of web browsers?

Rendering engines serve as the engines driving web browsers, translating code into the
visual and interactive experiences users encounter. Their importance lies in their
capacity to interpret and display web content with precision, efficiency, and adherence
to established standards.

4. URLs and Hyperlinks:

a. Explain the structure of a URL.

URL consists of ten parts: the scheme, subdomain, top-level domain, second-level
domain, subdirectory, parameter, port, path, query, and fragment.
 The scheme (also called protocol) tells web servers which protocol to use when
they access a page on your website.
 A subdomain in a URL indicates which specific page of your website the web
browser should serve up.
 Second-level domain (SLD) is the name of your website. It helps people know
they’re visiting a certain brand’s site.
 The top-level domain (TLD) specifies what type of entity your organization
registers as on the internet.
 A subdirectory — also known as a subfolder — helps people understand which
section of a webpage they’re on.
 Port is a number used to specify a connection endpoint and to direct data to a
specific service. Different servers will use different port numbers. This number is
always associated with a host network address, like an IP address.
 The path specifies the location of the file or resource that the user wants to
 A query string specifies the parameters of the data being asked from a website’s
 Parameters are the values being queried during a search. The parameter can be
a number, encrypted value, search term or other data that can be found on the
website. URL parameters contain a key and value, separated by an equal sign
(=). A URL can contain multiple parameters, which are then each separated with
an ampersand (&).
 Fragments are an optional component of URLs that are typically placed at the
end with a hash (#). They indicate a specific location on the webpage like an ID
or name attribute, but can also direct to other resources like a footer, or sidebar.

b. How do hyperlinks contribute to navigation on the World Wide Web?

Hyperlinks play a fundamental role in navigation on the World Wide Web by allowing users to
move between different web pages and resources. It creates a network of interconnected
information on the web, facilitating easy and intuitive navigation. They enable users to explore
diverse content, move between pages, and access information with just a click, contributing to
the dynamic and interactive nature of the World Wide Web.

5. Web Standards and W3C:

a. Why are web standards important in the context of web development?

Following web standards when building websites is important. It helps make websites
reliable, easy to use, and able to work well with new technologies. This is good for the
people making websites, the people using them, and the internet in general.
b. What is the role of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in maintaining web standards?

W3C acts as a global organization that sets the rules for how we build and use the web.
By establishing and maintaining web standards, W3C contributes to a more accessible,
reliable, and consistent online experience for users worldwide.

6. Internet Security:
a. Briefly explain the importance of HTTPS in ensuring secure browsing.
HTTPS is essential for securing online communication, protecting user privacy, and
establishing trust between websites and their visitors. It is a foundational element in
creating a safer and more secure browsing experience on the internet.

b. What are some common security threats on the internet, and how can users protect themselves?

Several common security threats exist on the internet, and users should be aware of
them to take appropriate measures for protection. Examples are Malware, Phishing,
Data Breaches.

7. Mobile Internet and Emerging Technologies:

a. How does responsive web design contribute to a better user experience on mobile devices?

Responsive web design is a user-centric approach that prioritizes adaptability and

optimal user experience across a variety of devices, particularly on mobile platforms. It
contributes to user satisfaction, engagement, and the overall success of a website in
the diverse landscape of the modern digital world.
b. Briefly discuss the significance of Web Assembly in the context of emerging web technologies.

WebAssembly is a game-changer in web development. It makes websites faster, works

with different programming languages, and can run on various devices. This is
important because it lets developers build more powerful web applications that run
almost as fast as if they were built for a specific device, opening exciting new
possibilities on the internet.

8. Internet Culture and Trends:

a. How have social media platforms influenced the web?

Social media has really changed how we use the internet. It helps us connect with
others, talk online, share things like pictures and videos, and even affects what we see
and buy. It has a big impact on how we communicate, what we enjoy online, and
different parts of our everyday lives.
b. Name and describe one current trend in web development.
Dark Mode Standardization. Facebook and Twitter have already implemented this
feature. These apps provide an easy option to toggle between the two modes,
depending on the reader's preference or system settings. Mastering website
personalization is essential as visitors expect a completely customized experience, so
be sure you deliver on that promise.



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