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_ _ _ No. _ _ _

~7 APR 194
SUBJECT: Transmittal of Technical Data
TO: The Commandant
Command and General Staff School
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Transmitted herewith are thirty (.30) copies of the
technical data booklet, "Tank, Heavy, T26E.3," for your infor­
mation and distribution.
2. The Heavy Tanlc, T26E.3 is now being produced and
rushed overseas. It is considered far superior to a:c;y other
tank of equal speed or weight . This 46 ton tank, necessitated
by its heavy armor and powerful armament, has a groWld pressure
of 12.6 lb./sq. in., and can be operated at speeds up to
25 m.p.h. It will climb a 60% grade and will cross a trench
almost 8 feet wide •
.3. The armor is thicker than any U. s. tank standardized
to date and is p~ced at varying angles designed to provide the
greatest possible protection against enemy projectiles. Mount­
ing the 90mm Gun, M3 , the Heavy Tank, T26E.3, is believed to be ·
superior to any enentY tank.
4. If additional copies ed, they will be
supplied upon request.

/ ~f>~
Lieutenant General, Chief of Ordriance
2 Incle
1. Booklet (30}
2. Receipt
,­ ,..

: not auie.


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2 Dlcla
Now rolling off America's production lines and being rushed oversea , the Heavy Tank
T26E3 is con idcred far superior to any other tank of equal speed or weight. It is the
culmination of a consistent program of experimentation and development and embodies
improvements which have been tested thorou ghly on thi and other tanks of the T20 eries.
In spite of its weight of 46 tons, necessitated by its heavy armor and powerful armament,
the vehicle has a ground pressure of only 12.6 lb. /sq. in., and can be operated at speeds
up to 25 m.p.h. If considered de irable this unit ground pre urc may be reduced to 10.9
lb./sq. in. by using the T80 type track and ex tended end connectors. It will climb a 60%
grade and will cross a trench almost 8 feet wide.
The armor is thicker than on any U. S. tank standardized to date, and is placed at vary­
ing angle designed to provide the greatest po iblc protection against enemy projectiles.
Mounting the 90-mm Gun M3 and pos essed of characteri tic Ordnance reliability,
Heavy Tank T26E3 is believed to be upcrior to any enemy tank . Because of the demon­
strated uperiority of thi vehicle, it is being used as the ba is of additional tank develop­
ments, with the purpose of providing a well-rounded combat team. Heavy Tank T26E4
will mount the new 90-mm Gun Tt5E2, a gun more powerful than the :vf3. Heavy Tank
T26E2 will mount the 105-mm Howitzer 1\14 in lieu of the 90-mm Gun M3.


Heavy Tank T26E3 uses armor plate 4 inches thick
on the front upper hull and on the turret front, pro­
viding the heaviest armor where it is most needed.
This armor i placed at suitable angles to provide
additional protection by helping to deflect enemy pro­
jectiles. Armor of the front upper hull has a basis of
6.9 inches, lower, a basis of 6 inches and a gun mount
shield of 4)1 inch basis.
Becau. e of its modern design, including its efficient
power plant and transmission and its cushioned tor­
ion bar uspension, Heavy Tank T26E3 is fast-mov­
ing and highly maneuverable, providing a smooth ride
and affording a stable firing platform.
Studies are being made of the possibility of increas­
ing the frontal armor basis to 8 inches, including
turret o ~ubseq,_ue p olluction vehicles.

- -

Greater Firepower
Firepower of Heavy Tank T26E3 is greater than that of any
previous American tank. Principal armament is a 90-mm Gun M3
mounted coaxially with a Cal. .30 Machine Gun Ml919A4 in a
Combination Gun Mount TWE2 in the turret. These guns may be
depressed to -10° and elevated to +20° and may be traversed
through 360°, either manually or by power.
The 90-mm Gun M3 which has proved its excellence in the 90-mm
Gun Motor Carriage M36 is considered superior to the famed
German 88-mm gun. Its range and abi lity to smash enemy armor
has been greatly increased by recent developments in ammunition.
The Shot, Fixed, H .V.A.P.-T., 90-mm, T30El6, fired from this
gun, has a muzzle velocity or 3,350 feet per second . It will penetrate
all plates of the German PzKpfw V " Panther" and " King Tiger"
tanks. The H. V.A.P. Shot will defeat the glacis plate of the "Panther"
at ranges up lo 450 yards and of the " King Tiger" up to 100 yards.
Up to ranges of 800 yards the com bined thickness of the gun
mantlet and tuuet front plate of both the " Panther" and " King
Tiger" will be defeated by thi s shot. The AP Shot T33 will defeat
the glacis plate of the "Panther" tank up to 1,100 yards range.
A Cal. .30 Machine Gun, Ml919A4 (flexibl e) i in the bow, oper­
ated by the assistant driver. A al. .50 Machine Gun, M2 HB
(flexible) on the turret, operated by the tank commander, affords
protection against low-flying aircraft.
In addition, provision i made for ca rrying 5 cal. .45 sub-machine
guns and 1 cal. .30 carbine with grenade launcher. The vehicle has
stowage space for 70 rounds of 90-mm ammunition, as well as for
small arms ammunition and grenades.

Torsion Bar Suspension
One of lhe most notable improvements on Heavy Tank T-26E3
is in lhe use of an individually sprung torsion bar suspension,
similar to that whi ch proved ils worth on lhe 76-mm Gun Motor
Carriage MIS, Light Tank M24, and other recently standardized
vehicles. The suspension, as applied lo Heavy Tank T26E3, was
especially designed to provide for lhe great size a nd weight of this
vehicle, and has proved its superiority in many tests.
Each bogie wheel is independ ently sprung, vertical movement of
the bogie wheel being transmitted through a crank arm lo a s haft
which runs transversely under or through the vehicle. Bumper
springs and double-acting s hock ausorbers give ndditional protec­
tion against shocks, increasing the shock-absorbing ca pacity of the
system lo !J times that of lhe Medium T a nk M4 volute spring
suspension. This permits a higher sustained speed over ad,·erse
battlefi eld terrain, provides grenter comfort for personnel and
reduces fatigue, increases the reliability of the \"E'hicle by cushioning
components against shock, prO\·ides a more stable firing µlat form
for delivery of effective firepower, a nd irnprO\"eS traction and obs ta­
cle crossing ability.
A center-guided track, 24 inches wide, is used. Because of the
width of lhis track, coupled with its ground contact length, th e
unit ground pressure or Heavy Tank T:?UE3 is markedly ueller
than thal of a medium L'l.nk with the s tandard 16,fe inch track.
This feature may ue further improved by the use or the T80El
track and ex tended e nd connectors. This combination result s in a
28 inch track and an over-nil vehicle width of l+l inch reducible lo
124 inch for rail transportation.
ill~IC . -~ -,;c - •• - ­

Engine and Power Train

Power to operate Heavy Tank T26E3 is upplied
tial. AsD~c
track is tkt1 al y s e

smooth turning action. In pite of it ize, the Heavy

directions while the tank is "buttoned up." The com­
mander serves as antiaircraft gunner.

by a Ford GAF gasoline engine through a Torqmatic Tank T26E3 has a turnin g radius of approximately The driver and a istant driver are seated in the
transmi ion and transfer ca e, the track being driven only 30 feet. lower front hull, acce to their po ition being through
by sprockets at the rear. two hatches. The assistant driver serves as bow ma­
chine gunner.
The GAF engine i a modification of the Ford tank
engine which has proved so out tanding on Medium General Design Features An emergency exit door is located in the floor of
Tank M4A3. It is of the V- 8 liquid-cooled type, with
In pile of its size and weight, Heavy Tank T26E3 the hull.
a gro hp. of 500 at 2,600 r.p.m. and a maximum
torque of 1,040 lb.-ft. at 2,200 r.p .m. is operated by a crew of five men, occupying positions
similar to those in a Medium Tank M4. Peri copes are provided for the driver, assistant
The three-speed Torqmatic tran mis ion is the same driver, gunner, loader, and commander.
type as u ed on 76-mm Gun fotor Carriage .M J8. The commander, gunner, and loader are seated in
As compared with the mechanical tran mission used the rotating turret, 69 inches inside diameter, entrance Compact in design, H eavy Tank T26E3 is low and
on Medium Tank 14, it increa es the mobility of the to which i through the commander's hatch, or a wide. The over-all width of 1361 5 inches may be re­
vehicle and decrease driver fatigue. duced to 124 inche for hipping. When traveling in

f~~~:,:ft'.r·t·h···..IMII•lsi.J~·i;P1"til J
non-combat areas, the turret i turned to the rear and
teering is by the time-proven controlled differen­
the 90-mm gun is secured in an exterior traveling lock.
Characteristics .30Cal. .. g£
.-45 Cal .. .
.. . .
. ..
Gunner•s Ouadrant , M1 . . .. . ........... . . .. ............... . ......... . 1
Vision Blocks (in cupola) . ... .•.•.• . ..... . ..... . .•.............. . ..... 6

Armor Actual Basis Rad io ...... . ...........•...•.•...• .. .... SCR 508 , 528 or AN / VRC 3
Crew ........ ······· · ······ · ·········· ··· ······· ··· ······ · · ·· · · ······ . 5
Hull , front, upper .... . . ......... .. .. .. .. . . 4 in . 6 .9 in. lnterphone stations ..... . ................ . ... ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Physical Characteristics lower ...........•...... .. . . ... 3 in. 6 in . Battery , Voltage, total ................... .. ....................... . .. 24
Weight (combat loaded) .. . ... . .......... .... .....•.•....... . . 92 ,000 lb. Sides , forward .. . ... .... . ......... . ..... 3 in. 3 in . Fire Protection and Decontamination Fire Extinguisher CO, - 10 lb. (fixed) ... .. .. 2
2 in .
Le;~~hf~r:;,~;d : .. .".".".·." ·.·.·. ·.·.-.·.·:.·:. ·.·.·:.·. ·.•.·.•..... ·.•. ·.•........... ·.·.·.-.·_-_·_")3 ~~;,~ :~:
2 Engine Compartment ...... . . . . ..... ..... . 2 in. CO - 4 lb. (hand) .. ... ....... . ................................... . 2
Top .. ...... .............•. ... . .. ..... V1 in .
Decontam inating Apparatus M2, 1 'h qt.. ... ............. . ...... . ... . .. 2
gun to rear . ...... .. ... .. .... .. ...............•.. . ......... 268 3 ~ in. Bottom ... . . ......... ........ . .. . ..... . 1 in .
W idth (over-all) .... . .... ... ... .. ..... •... . .•.•.•. .. ....... 136 15/ 16 in. Turret , front ........ . •....... .. .•......... 4 in . -4 in.
ship ping ..... ... ............•...•... . ... ...... .... . ....... .. 124 1n. Sides and rear ..... .. . . . ..... .. ......... 3 in . 3 in.
Height .. .. ......................... . . . ....•...•. • . . . ... . . . .. 109 '• in . Top . . ..... , .. ....... .... ..... 1 in. Engine
Turret ring d iameter (inside) .............. . ...•.•.•.•. • . • ......... 69 in. Gun Mount Shield .. . . . ........ ... ........ 4 'h In. 4 1h in. Make and Model. .......•.......... . . ..............•.. . .. . . Ford GAF
11 Type ... . ........ . ....... . ... . . • .•.•.............. . ... . ..... VS , LC.
Ground clearance ... . ...... . ............ , .. . . . ....... . . . .... 17 /t &in. Number of cylinders . . . . . ...... . . .. .. .. . .•.•. • . . . . . . ............ . .. S
Tread (center to center of tracks) ..... .. .... .. .... . .. . .......... . 110 in.
Performance Fuel (gasoline) ........ . ...... . . . ........ . .... .. • . ......... . . . 80 octane
Ground contact length-right side . . .. . ... . .... . ...... . ...... . ... 1 52 11. in. Maximum speed on level .....•.......... . . . ...•.... ... .•. . .... 25 m.p.h.
-left side ... . .......... .. .. .. ... . ... . .. 14S 71\6 in. Maximum governed speed ... .... . . .. . . . ..•......... . ........ 2,600 r.p.m.
Maximum grade ability ... . ..•.•. . ..........• . •.• . . .. .. .... .. .. ... 603 Gross horsepower .. ....... ..... ......... . . .... . ... . ". . 500 at 2 ,600 r.p.m.
Ground pressure . . . . ................................... . . 12.6 lb./sq. in,
Trench crossing ability .... . ... . .. .... . . ....... .. ................. 95 in. Maximum torque ......... .... . .. . . . . •.. . ...... 10-40 lb. / k. at 2,200 r.p.m.
Vertical obstacle ability .............. . ... .. ..•......•. . .......... -46 in.
90-mm Gun M3 with a Cal .. 30 Machin• Gun, M1919A4 (Aexible) Fording depth (slowest forward speed) ...... .• ......• .. ......• . ...... 4S in.
Jn Combination Gun Mount T99E2 in power operated turret Turning radius . . ..... ................. . .•.•.•.•. .. ...•.. . .. ... . .. 30 k. Transmissi on , Type ........... . ......•.. . • . . . .... ..• . . . • .. . ...... Torqmatic

~~~:~::~~ .................................................. . . .................................. . -~ 10~_'0. 1~g:

Fuel capacity . . .... . ........... . ..... . ......... . • . •.•.... . .... 1 S6 gal. Gear ratios
Cruising range (approx .) .. ... . •.•.•.• . • . ... . ...•.•. . ..... . . . .... 75 miles First speed . .. . . ...•.•. . .•.•......... . •..... .. . . . . . . . •.•. . ... .... 1 :1
1 Cal . . 30 Machine Gun M1919A4 (Aexible) ... .. .. . . . .•. ..... .... In bow Second speed .. .. ........ .. . ... .. . . .... ... . .. ...... . ........ 1:2.337
1 Cal. ,50 Machine Gun M2 HB (Aexible) ..... .. . ..... ... .. .. . . . On turret Third speed ...... . ........ . .•.... . ..... ..... ..... •.• . . .. . ... 1:-4.105
Reverse .............. ... ...... . ....... ... ... . .. . ......... . .. 1 :1 .322
Provision for: . . ...... . .......... . .... ... .. ······ · .......... 6 Differential , type .. .. . .. . . . • . ..•. ....... .... ........ ..•.•. .. ... . Controlled
5 Cal . .45 Submachine Guns M3 .... . . . .. 1 Suspension, type .. ................•.•.•..... .. .. . .•. . . . . . . . .. Torsion bar
1 Cal. .30 Carbine M1 and Grenade Launcher MS Wheel or tire size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 x 6
Track, width ...... ..... .. ...... ... . ... . . , ,.. ... ... . .. . ...... . . .. 24 in .
Ammun ition, Stowage pitch .... . ...... .. ...... . . . .. .. ..... . ........ ... ... . .. .. ... ... . 6 In .
90-mm ... .. .... , ...... •.•.• . •.•.•. , .•.•...• .... . . ....... . .. .. . . 10 rd. number of shoes per vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 164
.50 Cal. .. . .. . .........•.•.•...•......... . .. . ..... ..•.•.•. ..... 440 rd.


Heavy Tank T26E4 utilizes the new super velocity

90-mm Gun Tl5E2 as it principal armament. This
gun is mounted coaxially with a Cal. .30 Machine
Gun, Ml919A4 (flexible) in a combination mount in
D *Characteristics _
D 1 Cal. .30 Machine Gun, M1919A4 (Rexible) ... . . In bow
a 360° power-operated turret. Elevation from -10° 1 Cal. .50 Machine Gun, M2 HB (Rexible) ..... ... On turret
Physica I Characteristics Provisions for:
to +20° are anticipated. 5 Cal. .45 Submachine Guns, M3
Weight (combat looded) .. ..... ....... ......... 94,000 lb.
Length (over fenders) ............................. 243 in. 1 Cal .. 30 Carbine, M1 and Grenade Launcher, MS
The 90-mm Gun Tl5E2 u es the same breech ring
(over-all gun forward) ... .•........ . . . .. . 405 3/s in .
a the 90-mm Gun 1\13, but i 70 calibers in length and Width (over-all) ........... .. .. . ............. 13615/ 16 in. Ammunition Stowage
use separate-loading ammunition. It ha a muzzle shipping ............ . ...................... 124 in. 90-mm ... . .. . .... . ... . ......... . ....... 60 rd. (estimated)
v locity of 3,200 f/s with a 24.06 lb. projectile and Height ......................... . ............. 1093/s in. .50 Cal.. ..................... . ..... . . . ... . .. . . . 440 rd.
.30 Cal. ...... .............. .............. . .... 5,000 rd.
3,850 f/ with a 16.70 lb. projectile. It i equ ipped with Turret ring diameter (inside) ................. . .. . .... 69 in.
.45 Cal. ......... . ........... .. ................. 900 rd.
Ground clearance ...... .... .. .......... . ...... 17 1 l!t 6 in.
a muzzle brake. Tread (center to center of tracks) .................... 110 in. Grenades ..... . ............... . .. .. ................. 12
Ground contact length-right side . .. ...... .. ..... 152 1f.i in .
Olher armament will be the same as on Heavy -left side ................ 148 7/16 in.
Vision and Fire Control
T ank T26E3. Ground pressure ............ .. .......•..... 13.0 lb./sq. in . Periscope, M6 ...... . .... .. ... .... .. .................. 6
Periscope, M10 type .... .. ... . ....... •.... . ............. 1
towage pace will be provided for an estimated 60 Armament Telescope, M71 type ............. . .................... 1
round of 90-mm ammunition a well as for small arm 90-mm Gun T1 5E2, with a Cal. .30, Machine Gun, Azimuth, Indicator, M20 ........ . . ..................... 1
ammunition and grenade . M1919A4 (Rexible) in combination Gun Mount, Elevation Quadrant, M9 .. .....•..... ................... 1
in power operated turret Gunner's Quadrant, M1 . .............. .... ............. 1
Thi vehicle is ha ed on Heayy Tank T26E3, and Elevation .. ......... . . ......... . ........ -10° to + 20° Vision blocks (in cupola)............................... 6
general ~haracteri s tics will be the ame except for the Traverse .. .. ......... . .. ... ... . .............. . .... 360° *Other characteristics same as for Heavy Tank, T26E3.
change m the armament, fire codfr.ol and ammuni­

ED 8
tion towage. : -;· '
The Heavy T ank T26E2 will provide a heavy tank
with a 105-mm howitzer.
Principal armament is a 105-mm Howitzer M 4,
mounted coaxially with a Cal. .30 Machine G un
Physical Characteristics
D Provision for:
5 Cal. .45 Submachine Guns, M3
Dbl.)....:... o .......
1 Cal . .30 Carbine, M1 and Grenade Launcher, MB
l\11919A4 (flexible) in a combination gun mount in Weight (combat loaded) .. . .................... 92,000 l.b.
t he t urret. The howitzer and machine gun may be Length (over-all) ............ . .. ........... . .. .. . . 243 in . Ammunition Stowage
elevated from -10° to + 35° and may be traversed Width (over-all) .... . ........ . ....... '. ....... 136 1 5/16 in . 105-mm ..... . ............ . . .. .................... 72 rd.
shipping ................. . .......... . ..... 124 in. .50 Cal. .......... . .......................... . .. 440 rd .
360° manually or by power. Height . ....... . .......... . ................. . .. 1093/s in . .30 Cal. ......... .. ... ................. . .. . . .. . 5,000 rd.
Turret ring diameter (inside) .............. . .......... 69 in . .45 Cal.. ......... . ....... . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .. . ... . 900 rd .
The 105-mm Howitzer M4 was designed for use in Ground clearance .... . ................ . ....... 17 l Ifi 6 in. Grenades ... .... . ....... . .... . . .. ..... . ..... . ....... 12
l\14 ~ri e medi um tanks and has already proven itself Tread (center to center of tracks). ....... . ...•....... 110 in .
G round contact length-right side ........ .. . ... .. . 1521/.a in. Vision and Fire Control
in battle. Fi red from this weapon, t he Shell, H .E., -left side ... ....... . ..... 148 7/1s in. Periscope, M6 . ............. ..... . ...... . ... .... . .. ... 6
l\11, ha a muzzle velocity of 1,550 f/s and has a Ground pressure .... . ...... .. ............ . . 12.6 lb./sq. in . Periscope, M1 OD, in Periscope Mount, T130 ... . .. . .. .. . .. 1
maxjmum range of 12,205 yards. (One Periscope, M4A 1 furnished as spare)
Armament Telescope M76G with Instrument light, M33
Other armament is t he same as on Heavy T ank 105-mm Howitzer M4 with a Cal. .30 in Telescope Mount, T131 ............. . ... . ... .. ..... 1
Machine Gun, M1919A4 (Aex ible) in Elbow Telescope, M62 .. .................... . ...... . ... 1
T 26E3 . The vehicle has stowage space for 72 rounds combination mount in power operated turret Elevation Quadrant, M9 . ....... .. . ..... . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. 1
of 105-mm ammunition, as well as fo r small arm s Elevation ............................... - 10° to +35° Gunner's Quadrant, M1 ... ......... . ..... . ... .. . . . . . . .. 1
amm unition and grenades. Traverse ........ . . . ........ . . . .. ........... . . . .. 360° Vision blocks (in cupola) ..... . .. . ........... . .. .. ...... 6

General characteristics of t his vehicle are t he same

as those of H eavy Tank T26E3, on which it is based.
1 Cal. .30 Machine Gun, M1919A4 (Aexible) . . ... . . . In bow

"Ei'l '"'" ~-· ~"·· H~•y TED"· IO

Heavy Tank T26EI is similar to the
pendi11g standardization. Principal armament is the
The Heavy Tank T26 Serie i an outgrowth of the T26 in design, but u es a Torqmatic tran mission be­
90-mm Gun M3.
Medium Tank T20 Serie ·, including Medium Tanks cause the weight of the electric drive was con idercd
T20, T22, T23, and T25, and variation , development exce sive. Ten pilot model have undergone tho rough
of which wa started in 1942. H eavy Tank T26E3, test , resulting in modifications and improvements in
now under production, utilizes new components and the production model, now designated T26E3. Heavy Tank T26E4 is a proposed
new principle of design which were te ted and proved moclificatiort"of Heavy Tank T26E3 which will mount
sati factory during the period of thi development. the new s~p~r velocity 90-mm Gun TI5E2 as its
Heavy Tank T26E2 is a modifica­ principal ai-mament.
tion of H eavy Tank T26E3 and mounts a 105-mm
Rea~~ Tank T26 wa de igncd a a
H owitzer 14 as its principal a rmam ent.
modification o~. '1edium Tank T23, u ing an electric Heavy~,.ank T26ES is a proposed
drive, but nd mounts a 90-mm modificatio'! of.,Jieavy Tank T26E3 to provide an
gun. One pi armor basis 01'·"8· inches on all frontal turret and hull
production model, under Limited Procurement
II surfaces.

t --

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