CVL742-Module 1, Part 3 - WBS

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Project Management
Module 1 (Part 3)
Work Breakdown Structure

S. Madeh Piryonesi, PhD

1/5/2024 S. Madeh Piryonesi, Project Management 1

Work breakdown structure (WBS)

• Concept of WBS

Chunk 1 of work Chunk 1 of work

Component Component
1 2

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

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Work breakdown structure (WBS)
• The purpose of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is to sub-divide
the scope of work into manageable work packages
• It was originally developed in the 1960s,
and it soon became the backbone of the Level 1

planning and control systems

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

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Work breakdown structure (WBS)
• A great tool for quantifying the scope of work as a list of work
• Essential to ensure the estimate includes the complete scope of work
• WBS is a cascade of project deliverables and project works
• The project scope is broken into smaller, more manageable
• Each descending level of the WBS representing an increasingly
detailed work package

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WBS: No Universally Right Answer!
• 1

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WBS: Methods of Presenting WBS
• Graphical view vs textual view

Civil Plumbing Electrical

Wall/roof Piping Sewer Wiring Appliances

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Try subdividing foundation and piping as
an in-class assignment

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Example of Work Breakdown From
Hendrickson (1998)

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WBS Considerations
• WBS consists of a multi-level hierarchy describing the entire scope
of project, that its proper levels depend on the
o Size of the project
o Importance of the project
o Complexity of the project
o Level of detail needed to effectively plan and manage the project

• The 100% rule: the WBS includes 100% of the work defined by the project
scope and captures all deliverables in terms of work to be completed
o The rule applies at all levels: the sum of the work at the ‘‘child’’ level must equal 100% of
the work represented by the ‘‘parent’’
• Time sequence does not matter

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WBS Considerations
• Develop the WBS before the schedule

• Stop breaking down the work when you reach a level that you
can estimate accurately

• Try to include everyone in the development of the WBS

especially those do the work

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Approaches to Build a WBS
• Bottom-up approach
o Low-level tasks are listed (via brainstorming) and assembled
o Time consuming

• Top-down approach
o This approach is much more popular than the bottom-up method.
o Big chunks of work are decomposed into smaller work packages

• WBS Templates
• (Organization-specific) WBS standards or guidelines
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Preparing a WBS using Top-Down Approach

100% rule is vital

Step 1 Step 2
Step 3 Step 4
Identify the final Decompose major
products of the deliverables to a
project. A thorough Define the project’s level of detail Review and refine
review of high-level major deliverables appropriate for the WBS until
project scope (include interim management. project stakeholders
documents (such as deliverables) Identify small agree on details.
Statement of Work) deliverables or work
is recommended. packages

1/5/2024 S. Madeh Piryonesi, Project Management 12

Preparing a WBS using Bottom-Up Approach

100% rule is vital

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Aggregate Review and

Repeat until all
deliverables to the refine the
Identify all Group related sub-elements
next level. Analyze WBS until
deliverables (or deliverables (or have been
the subset again to project
work packages) work packages) aggregated to a
ensure that all of the stakeholders
of the project together work has been single parent
agree on
included (i.e. the project)

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Organization-Specific WBS Guidelines
• An organization-specific WBS standard is a set of principles for
constructing a WBS and may include
o Format
o numbering scheme
o Naming convention
o required elements
• WBS standards are common in many organizations with a high level of
project management maturity

• These standards help ensure consistency and completeness in WBS’s

throughout the organization

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WBS Templates
• It is a sample WBS, with hierarchical elements filled in to some
level of detail, or a generic WBS ‘‘container’’ that is customized
with project-specific information
• An organization can have templates for different types of
o WBS for tunnel
o WBS for building
o WBS for power plant

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and
• This example is from the owner’s perspective
• It shows detailed design, fabrication, and installation of an offshore production
• As the detailed engineering, fabrication, and installation are distinct phases of the
work, these are placed at Level 2 of the WBS.
• This fits with the progression of the work, but also with the contracting strategy;
that is, different contractors for engineering, for fabrication, and so on may be
employed or used.
• The logic of decomposition at the next level varies with the deliverable. Not all
branches of the WBS are decomposed to the same level of detail. It is also
possible that certain WBS elements will be decomposed by a sub-contractor.

• Source: PMI (2006), Practice Standard for Work Break Down Structure, 2nd Edition

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and
• Piling
• Topside
• Steel jacket

Source: PMI (2006), Practice Standard for Work Break Down Structure, 2nd Edition

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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Example of WBS (Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical)

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