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ACCURACY CERTIFICATE: The undersigned SANTIAGO QUIROZ PARDO, identified civilly and
professionally as it appears next to my signature, acting as Official Translator: CERTIFIES that the
following texts are the result of the Official Translation from Spanish to English from a document
identified as (Diploma), which I have before me, this is an exact copy, that to the letter reads:

Legal Capacity: Resolution 19349 of November 4, 1980.

Colombian Ministry of Education, Bylaws Amendment 8963 of September 11, 1991

Considering that:
Daniel Alejandro José
Corrales Romero
Citizen’s card No. 1022365136 Issued in Bogotá D.C.
Has completed the studies and fulfilled the requirements established by the Institution and
the legal provisions, is granted the degree of

Bachelor of Business
And is issued the hereby diploma that certifies her suitability,
In witness whereof it is signed.
Bogotá D.C., March 27, 2020

[Illegible Signature] [Illegible [Illegible Signature]

Diploma 118194 registered in Book 15, Folio This Diploma was registered Registered in Book of Certificates 19, Folio 120

Issued in Bogotá on January 19, 2024.

Santiago Quiroz Pardo
C.C. 1032451930, Bogotá.
Certificate of suitability No. 507 of 2018, from Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Address: Cll. 121 No. 3A-20 oficina 306, Usaquen, Colombia.
Phone: 3012715981
Page 2
ACCURACY CERTIFICATE: The undersigned SANTIAGO QUIROZ PARDO, identified civilly and
professionally as it appears next to my signature, acting as Official Translator: CERTIFIES that the
following texts are the result of the Official Translation from Spanish to English from a document
identified as (Diploma), which I have before me, this is an exact copy, that to the letter reads:
19, Internal Reg, 127119 in the Institution based on the
legal provisions, especially
Decree No. 2150 of December
5, 1995

Issued in Bogotá on January 19, 2024.

Santiago Quiroz Pardo
C.C. 1032451930, Bogotá.
Certificate of suitability No. 507 of 2018, from Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Address: Cll. 121 No. 3A-20 oficina 306, Usaquen, Colombia.
Phone: 3012715981

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