MTE0101 - Lecture #2 (I)

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MTE 0101 Ekonomi Energi Ketenagalistrikan dan Efisiensi

(3 SKS)

Magister Teknik Elektro

Institut Teknologi PLN (IT PLN)

Disampaikan oleh : Dr Dhany Harmeidy Barus, ST, MT

Kurikulum & Silabus

Nama Mata Kuliah : Ekonomi Energi Ketenagalistrikan dan Efisiensi

Kode Mata Kuliah : MTE 0101
SKS : 3 ( Tiga )
Semester : 1( Satu )
Fakultas/Jurusan : Program Studi Magister Teknik Elektro
Dosen Pengampu : Dr. Dhany Harmeidy Barus, ST, MT
Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Membahas dan memahami ekonomi energi ketenagalistrikan dan efisiensi.
Standar Kompetensi : Diharapkan mahasiswa mampu memahami prinsip ekonomi energi ketenagalistrikan
dan efisiensi yang dapat dihasilkan.
Metoda Perkuliahan : Pengajaran, diskusi, latihan dan presentasi tugas/ proyek
Ekonomi Energi Ketenagalistrikan dan Efisiensi (MTE 0101)

Topik Kuliah :

• Sistem Penyediaan dan Pemanfaatan Energi di Indonesia

• Komponen Biaya dalam Pembangkitan Listrik
• Time Value of Money
• Konsep Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
• Konsep Unit Commitment dan Economic Dispatch
• Konsep Demand Management Program dan Cost of Saved Energy (CSE)
Engineering Cost

• Fixed cost : cost that are constant or unchanging regardless of the

level of the output or activity
• Variable cost: cost depend on the level of output or activity
• Marginal cost: variable cost for one more unit
• Average cost : total cost devided by the number of unit
• Total Cost = Total Fixed Cost + Total Variable Cost
Sunk Cost and Opportunity Cost

• A Sunk Cost is a money already spent as a result of past decission.

Sunk cost should be disregard in the analysis of engineering economic
because current decision cannot change the past
• An opportunity cost is associated with using a resource in one activity
instead of another. Every time we use a business resources
(equipment, money, man-hour, etc) in one activity, we give up the
opportunity to use the same resources at that time in some other
Life cycle cost

Life-cycle costing refer to the concept of designing products,

goods,and services with a full and explicit recognition of the
associated cost over the various phase of their life cycles
Merit Order

The merit order is a way of ranking available sources of energy,

especially electrical generation, based on ascending order of price
(which may reflect the order of their short-run marginal costs of
production) together with amount of energy that will be generated
Basic Cost Concepts in Power Generation

• Total cost: The total cost of producing Q MWh of electricity (takes units of dollars);
• Average cost of energy: The average cost of producing one MWh of electric energy (takes units of
dollars per MWh)
• Average cost of capacity: The average cost of one MW of electric power capacity (takes units of
dollars per MW)
• Marginal cost of energy: The incremental cost, in dollars per MWh, of producing an additional
unit of electric energy.
• Variable costs are those that change when output changes. Examples of variable costs for power
generation include the cost of fuel, the cost of labor or materials, costs to start up and shut down
plants, and some types of environmental costs.
• Fixed costs are those that remain at a fixed amount no matter how much electricity the plant
produces. Examples of fixed costs include capital, some types of labor costs, insurance and land
• Note: The cost of capital and the cost of fuel are the biggest drivers in overall power
plant economics. The relative importance of fuel and capital costs vary widely by

Komponen Biaya Tenaga Listrik





Sumber: PLN
Peran Jenis Pembangkit

PLTU BB : Beban dasar, pembebanan rata sepanjang hari, start-stop lama,

fixed cost tinggi, variabel cost rendah
PLTGU (Combined Cycle) : Beban dasar, beban menengah : pembebanan rata
sepanjang hari, atau bervariasi mengikuti demand (load following) , start-
stop cepat (PLTG) atau lama (HRSG), fixed cost tinggi, variabel cost
PLTG : Beban puncak : pembebanan bervariasi, hanya dioperasikan pada
waktu beban puncak, beberapa jam saja dalam sehari, start-stop cepat,
fixed cost rendah, variabel cost medium/tinggi
PLTA : Beban dasar (RoR), beban puncak (reservoir), start-stop cepat, fixed
cost sangat tinggi, variabel cost rendah/sangat rendah
Relative comparison of operating cost and operational flexibility
Example capital and operating costs for power plants *

* Exclude subsidies, incentives, or any "social costs" (e.g., air or water emissions)

Because of the apparent tradeoff between capital and operating cost, comparing the overall costs of
different power plant technologies is not always straightforward. Often times, you will see power plants
compared using a measure called the "Levelized Cost of Energy" (LCOE), which is the average price per
unit of output needed for the plant to break even over its operating lifetime
The Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE)

The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE): is the net present value of the unit-cost of
electricity over the lifetime of a generating asset. It is often taken as a proxy for the
average price that the generating asset must receive in a market to break even over its

It : investment expenditures in the year t

Mt : operations and maintenance expenditures in the year t
Ft : fuel expenditures in the year t
Et : electrical energy generated in the year t
r : discount rate
n : expected lifetime of system or power station
Ilustrasi LCoE
Ilustrasi LCoE (lanjutan)
Cost Structure of Several Generation Technologies
Average CAPEX Structure of the Technologies (general data)
Changes in CAPEX affect the LCOE

Sensitivity of LCOE for several generation technologies to 20% increase in cost of CAPEX
Capex component of LCoE

Changes in solar LCOE related to changes in solar capex component. Each point represents 20% change of the
capex component relative to the previous point
OPEX Component on LCoE

Sensitivity of LCOE for several generation technologies to 20% increase in both fixed and variable OPEX
Capacity Factor (%) of Different Types Power Plant in Indonesia
Capacity Factor Affect the LCOE
Bagan LCoE Pembangkit di Indonesia

Sumber: IESR
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