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General Directions: Read the following items carefully and D.

Love or money
choose the best answers. SHADE the letter of the most
appropriate answer on your answer sheet. NO ERASURES 10. Facts in the real world that can be used to support an
1. What is a persuasive approach? B. Evidence D. Rebuttal
A. To advocate/convince your readers about your topic.
B. To know how the literary text is structured and 11. This theory concerns itself on how the lower or working
formed. class is exploited by society.
C. To know the historical background of a text. A. Marxist C. Structuralist
D. All of the above B. Formalist D. Feminist

2. The main goal of critique is. 12. The literary element that describes the ways that the
A. To analyze the text. author uses words, the author's word choice, mood, and
B. To influence the readers. figurative language.
C. To inform the readers. A. Tone C. Mood
D. To convince the readers about your topic. B. Style D. Imagery

3. Who wrote “The Road not Taken"? 13. What type of elements is “Every act of kindness is an
A. Carl Marx C. Robert Keating expression of love”.
B. Robert Frost D. Roman Jakobson A. Characterization C. Theme
B. Plot D. Conflict
4. Presents evidence for a claim in order to let the reader know
why it is more favorable. 14. This type of element whose characters do not change
A. Informative writing C. Persuasive writing overtime.
B. Argumentative writing D. Descriptive writing A. Static C. Round
B. Dynamic D. Flat
5. What is a formalist approach?
A. It is the type of literary approach which looks for its 15. What type of element is the narrator who's a participant in
structure and form. the story relating his or her own experiences directly or an
B. To know the historical background of a text. observer.
C. To know the gender relationship in a text. A. 1st person point of view C. 3rd person point of view
D. Focus on social injustice between the Bourgeoisie B. 2nd person point of view D. 4th person point of view
and the Proletariats.
16. It analyzes how the elements work together to form the
6. Why is it important to learn how to write an argumentative unity of structure and to give meaning to the text.
essay? A. Marxist C. Formalist
A. To know how the literary text is structured and B. Critique D. Informative
B. To educate the readers by imparting straightforward 17. Who developed the social and political theory of Marxism?
information. A. Robert Frost C. Viktor Schlovsky
C. To develop critical thinking and research skills. B. Ramon Jakobson D. Karl Marx
D. To convince your reader about your topic.
18. The theory that posits the struggle between social classes.
7. A type of writing that explains a certain problem or topic. A. Formalist C. Structuralist
A. Persuasive Essay C. Informative Essay B. Marxist D. Critique
B. Argumentative Essay D. Critique
19. What part of the essay where main points are summarized
8. Which of the following is NOT a tip for writing an and reviewed and the reader is left with something to think
argumentative essay? about?
A. Prepare a list of the pros and cons in your plan A. Introduction C. Conclusion
before you start. B. Body D. Rebuttal
B. Argue directly with your reader.
C. Select the best approach you find most appropriate 20. This type of informative writing gives a step-by-step
for your argument. explanation on how something works or how to do something.
D. Use good transition words when moving between A. Definition essay C. Opposing sides essay
arguments and most importantly when moving pros B. Cause and effect essay D. Process essay
and cons.
9. Which of the following could be an excellent topic for an 21. What type of literary device is the repetition of vowel
argument writing? sounds in the poem?
A. Cellphone should be banned in schools A. Assonance C. Imagery
B. Same sex marriage legalization B. Alliteration D. Rhyme Scheme
C. The roles of parents in school.
22. What type of purpose is this “The principal should let us wear hats?”
A. Stir up sympathy B. Support a cause C. Prove something wrong D. Make a change

23. It shows the concrete representation of the object that is described in the poem.
A. Assonance B. Alliteration C. Imagery D. Rhyme Scheme
24. What type of purpose is this “Cell phones don’t cause brain cancer.”
A. Stir up sympathy B. Support a cause C. Prove something wrong D. Make a change

25. The letter r, t and s are examples of what?

A. Assonance B. Alliteration C. Imagery D. Rhyme Scheme


Directions: Write your answers at the back of your answer sheet. CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY AND NO ERASURES.
____________26. “Better grades get you a better job and more money.”
____________27. “Vote for Sarah!”
____________28.“If you don’t adopt this dog, it could have to live in a shelter.”
____________29. “Please support my football team by buying discount coupons.”
____________30. “I am sure you’ll agree that the Milky Way is the best candy bar.”


Directions: Match the definition of column A to the descriptive word of Column B. Choose your answer.

31. Is a social, economic and political philosophy that analyzes B
the impact of the ruling class on the laborers, leading to uneven Pyramid of Capitalist System
distribution of wealth and privileges in the society. Bourgeoisie
32. The kings, the priests, the soldiers, and the rich people. Proletariat
33. One pioneer of the Formalist approach. 2nd person point of view
34. Who wrote the story of “The Necklace”? Imagery
35. The people in the lowest level of the pyramid. The ordinary Marxist
workers. Roman Jakobson
36. It consists of descriptive language to their senses. 3rd person point of view
37. This includes weather conditions and social conditions. Guy De Maupassant
38. This element is the major problem in the story. Setting
39. It is the grouping of people into a set of hierarchical social Robert Frost
categories, the most common being the upper, middle, and Plot
lower classes or the bourgeois and proletariat. Conflict
40. It uses pronouns “They”, “She”, “He”, “It” or maybe a name. Characters

IV: Give the given statements.

41-42. When and where did the Formalist approach begin?

43-45. Give 3 examples of literary text under Marxist approach.

46. Give one character in the story of “The Necklace".

47-50. Differentiate Argumentative and Informative writing in 4 sentences only.

For bonus points: Who is your pre-service teacher in English? Full name.

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