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Introduction …………………
page 1

Genre and plot ………………

page 2

Characters & Development …….

page 3 – 7 Particular environment
……… page 8
• Impact on the audience

Critical Reception
……………… page 9
• positive and negative

What we learned about the series ….

page 10

In this report we will talk about a series created by Alex Pina, a Spanish film
producer, screenwriter and director born in Pamplona on June 23, 1967, who at 50
years of age created a Spanish television series that would mark a before and after
in the entertainment industry, this was called “La Casa de Papel”, a series that over
4 years, 7 months and one day has about 5 seasons, 41 episodes of approximately 40
to 50 minutes each. This television series has captivated large audiences globally.
As the plot progresses, viewers become involved in it and become attached to the
characters and their stories.

A series based on robberies, full of strategy, tension, and betrayals with robbers
who use names of cities, as the series progresses they encounter unexpected
obstacles and find themselves in a style of game of wits with the authorities.
“La Casa De Papel” has a distinctive style with Dali masks and red jumpsuits as a
sign of identity, creating an iconic and easy to recognize image.
In addition to everything mentioned above, this series touches on quite deep
themes such as social inequality, resistance, the fight against authority and the
system, all of this through complex characters, provocative dialogues, questioning
the morality of the viewers and making us reflect on the nature of justice.
Since its debut in 2017, the series has sparked global fervor, becoming an icon of
the heist genre and a benchmark for storytelling. In this computer essay, we will
analyze the key aspects that make “La Casa De Papel” so prominent and have such a
great popular influence.
We will take you into a world of robberies and assaults directed by the Professor
and his entire team, where money is the first objective and which will lead them to
chaos, to having to generate strategies at the last moment, to doubting themselves
at the same time, time that makes the rest doubt and where the Spanish Mint and
Stamp are the main and iconic stage that changed the industry forever…


Money Heist has several interesting genres, such as robbery, drama, thriller and
crime. It is a captivating series and highly recognized as best drama at the Iris
Awards (where it won six others), Phoenix and International Emmy. It's about eight
thieves from an organized gang, which sets out to commit the heist of the century,
taking hostages at Spain's National Mint and Stamp Factory, while the gang leader
manipulates the police to fulfill his plan. It took them five months of preparation,
seen to be reduced by eleven days to be able to successfully carry out their great
coup. Each episode is able to unearth strong emotions, each event that happened
will move you. There will be deaths that will make you cry, jokes that will make you
laugh, adrenaline that will give you chills, great suspense and tense moments. They
say that Money Heist is a house of surprises, something that characterizes it are its
plot twists inevitably arriving when you least expect it, and they are also always
present. It has a succession of chases, arrests and some paradisiacal sights,
Inevitably, we were already immersed in the atmosphere of this series. To top it off,
each heist is always more imposing and impressive than the previous one. The
viewer is able to immerse themselves in the dynamics, the shots, the approaches
and the super photography. They make us feel emotion that lingers in us
throughout the viewing, which would not be possible without the different angles
from which we see the course. Overhead, aerial or close-ups are always present
when it comes to conveying all the feelings and emotions that creators want to
convey to those on the other side of the screen.
We also see how they fall in love and form couples over the course of the series.
The creator of the series "Money Heist" is Álex Pina. Although it cannot be
determined with certainty what the author intends to say, it can be inferred that
the series aims to entertain audiences with an exciting and action-packed plot. The
series follows a group of thieves who attempt to carry out the biggest robbery in
history at Spain's National Mint and Stamp Factory.

Characters & Development

Speaking of characters in this program we have quite a variety not only physically
but also with quite marked and different personalities. This series gives you the
opportunity to get attached to each one

This series has several types of characters such as:

The robbers:

• Sergio Marquina (El profesor)

• Raquel Murillo (Lisboa)
• Silene Oliveira (Tokio)
• Agustin Ramos (Moscú)
• Daniel Ramos (Denver)
• Monica Gaztambide (Estocolmo)
• Andres de Fonollosa (Berlín)
• Agata Jimenez (Nairobi)
• Aníbal Cortéz (Río)
• Radko Dragic (Oslo)
• Mirko Dragic (Helsinki)
• Martin Barroti (Palermo)
• Maria Victoria (Mariví)
• Santiago López (Bogotá)
• Jakov (Marsella)
• Julia Martinez (Manila)
• Matias Caño (Pamplona)

We also have civilians:

• Arturo Román
• Alison Parker
• Paula Vicuña Murillo
• Mercedes Colmenar
• Ariadna Cascales
• Pablo Ruiz Gómez
• Mario Urbaneja
• Amanda
• Miguel Fernández
• Paquita
• Tatiana Marsé
• Benjamin Ramos
• Rene
• Rafael de Fonollosa

and last but not least the Spanish police:

• Alicia Sierra
• Coronel Luis Tamayo
• Inspector Angle Rubio
• Suarez
• Coronel Luis Prieto
• Alberto Vicuña
• Benito Antoñanzas
• Cesar Gandia
• Comandante Sagasta
• Ramiro Vazquez
The characters in "Money Heist" are very interesting and well developed. Each has
a unique personality and background that is revealed throughout the series.
Everyone experiences a great deal of emotional and psychological changes as the
plot unfolds.Some characters become braver and more determined, while others
face personal challenges and struggle to overcome them.

Some of the totally emblematic characters are: The Professor: The Sage and the

The Professor is a character who combines two different archetypes, the Sage and
the Creator.

On the one hand, the Professor is a Wise seeker of truth, who uses his intelligence
to analyze the world. The wise fear ignorance and spend a lot of time studying and
reflecting. They are the typical scholars, philosophers, academics, and teachers.
Our main character even has a nickname that alludes to it: the Professor.

The biggest weakness of these characters is that they only study and never act on
what they discover. The Professor spent many years preparing the plan to rob the
Mint and Stamp Factory and the Bank of Spain. He could have made that mistake of
never carrying out the heist... But in the end he did.

It also responds to the archetype of the Creator, a kind of creative and imaginative
characters who can be artists or inventors and are generally innovators and
visionaries. For him, his artwork is the plan for the perfect heist. His plan is his life
and nothing matters more to him than that.
Creators think that "if you can imagine it, it can be done" and their biggest fear is
the vision or mediocre execution. That's why they try to develop all their skills so
that their plans are perfect and there are no bad solutions.

Nairobi: The Caregiver

The Caregiver is typically a "father" or "mother" character who cares about the
protagonist in some way. They want to protect and care for others, they are
compassionate and generous. Nairobi is a mother to the whole band. He listens,
understands, and supports them without judging them.

The problem with this archetype is that they are often martyrs and sacrifice
themselves for the protagonist or, in the case of Money Heist, for the good of the
group. They are generous and compassionate, but because of that they can be

Tokyo: The Rebel

The Rebel archetype believes that rules are meant to be broken and wants to
change something that isn't working. While they may start with a good goal in
mind, they easily cross the line from rebellion to crime. Tokio entered the world of
crime at the age of 14, following in the footsteps of her 28-year-old boyfriend. Since
then, it has alternated periods of normality, with its conventional use, with others
linked to all kinds of robberies. Of course, they are getting bolder and bolder.

The goal of the rebels is to overthrow what doesn't work, which is why they are
usually always thinking about revolution. This motivation is what gives Tokyo that
instability throughout the heist that does not hesitate to break the rules whenever
he sees fit, either to get emotionally involved with one of the members of the gang
or to disobey the orders of the Professor or Berlin when he sees fit.

Río: The Innocent

The innocent is an optimistic character whose worst fear is doing something

wrong. They are always looking to do the right things and have a certain naïve
innocence about them. That innocence of Rio, who is capable of proposing to Tokyo
the day before the heist begins, clashes with the young woman's rebelliousness and
her unpredictability.

The innocent don't seem to understand the harshness of the world and are
continually trapped in a romantic, dreamy place. Like Rio when he lives on the
desert island with Tokyo after escaping with the money from the first heist. He
thinks utopically that he can live his whole life with a woman like Tokyo next door
without the situation exploding.

Lisboa; The Lover

The lover archetype is a loyal partner who fears being unwanted or unwanted.
They are passionate and committed, but they also want to be more attractive to
others and please everyone, at the risk of losing their own identity. Throughout
Season 1 and Season 2, Raquel Murillo goes on a journey of transformation from
police inspector and antagonist of The Professor to his lover and ally. It's the
journey that turns her into Lisboa.
But the greatest weakness of lovers is that by becoming partners, friends or spouses
of the protagonists they leave aside part of their identity, and can become a puppet
in the hands of others. This is what happens to Raquel, who forgets her past as a
brilliant policeman to be in the shadow of the Professor and his plans.

Berlin: The Ruler and the Explorer

Berlin also combines two archetypes that enhance the depth of the character.

Explorers want to experience new things and be free. They seek a better, more
authentic life and fear adjusting to the status quo. They believe adventure is just
around the corner. Berlin is a white-collar thief specializing in jewelry theft. He
entered the world of crime to maintain the very high standard of living to which he
was accustomed from the cradle. He is a man who knows how to have fine manners,
who believes himself superior to the rest of the band, whom he intimately despises.
Explorers want to experience a better, more authentic, fuller life. And they are
afraid of being trapped in conformity and boredom, so Berlin prefers to throw
himself into the adventure of the heist to live intensely the few years that remain
of his life. But Berlin also lives with the archetype of the Ruler, wanting control and
creating a successful community. He is the boss in charge inside the Mint and
knows how to exercise his command with authority.

The weakness of the Rulers is that they fear being overthrown and, as a result, may
become authoritarian or delegate no role to those closest to them. Berlin also
knows how to be brutal and direct when it comes to it. Her Achilles' heel is women,
and this will be the circumstance that puts her leadership at risk.

Denver: The Jester

The jester is a character who wants to enjoy his life and have a good time. They like
to joke around and make others laugh, and they genuinely want to make the world
a happier place. Denver's most characteristic gesture is laughter, like that of Joker,
another great buffoon. And he manages to make Mónica Gaztambide fall in love
thanks to his imitation of Travolta dancing and their laughter together. Jesters can
be portrayed as fools, tricksters, or comedians. That's their weakness, wasting time
and being able to appear frivolous. After all, they are the type of people who think
that you only live once.

Particular environment
Impact on the audience
The setting in "Money Heist" is used to create a tense and exciting atmosphere. The
series is set in Spain's Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, which is a closed and
claustrophobic place. The characters are trapped in the building and unable to
escape, creating a sense of constant tension and danger.

In addition, the series uses dark and gloomy lighting to create an atmosphere of
mystery and danger. Lighting is used to highlight certain elements of the
environment, such as money printing machines, and to create shadows and
reflections that increase the sense of tension.

Music also plays an important role in creating the atmosphere of the series. The
title track, "My Life Is Going On", is an emotional and poignant song that is used to
set the emotional tone of the series. In addition, the series uses background music
to create a sense of tension and danger.

It has had a huge impact on the world of entertainment and popular culture. The
series has been very popular around the world and has been praised for its exciting
plot and interesting characters. In addition, the series has inspired many fans to
create art, costumes, and other content related to the series.

The series has also had an impact on fashion, with many fans buying costumes and
accessories from the series. In addition, the series has been praised for its portrayal
of strong and powerful female characters.

Critical Reception:
Money Heist has many reviews, both positive and negative, which vary
greatly from each other. The audience often expresses itself by
generating debates about what their best seasons were. They comment
and praise the way in which they became so quickly attached to the
characters, some said that it seemed that they were living the same thing
as them, that is; as if they were really participating in this completely
interesting story.

positive and negative

"Money Heist" is a very exciting and action-packed series that has been
very popular all over the world. Some of the strengths of the series

Interesting and well-developed characters: Each character has a unique

personality and background that is revealed throughout the series. The
characters experience a great deal of emotional and psychological
change as the plot unfolds.

Exciting Plot Full of Twists: The series follows a group of thieves who
attempt to carry out the biggest robbery in history at Spain's National
Mint and Stamp Factory.The series is full of twists and surprises that
keep the viewer entertained. A tense and exciting atmosphere: The
setting in "Money Heist" is used effectively to create a tense and exciting
atmosphere that keeps the viewer on their toes. The dark and somber
lighting, the emotional and soulful music, and the closed, claustrophobic
environment combine to create a sense of tension and constant danger

However, there are also some weaknesses in the series, such as:

Some characters can be irritating: Although the characters are

interesting and well-developed, some of them can be irritating or
frustrating to some viewers.

Some aspects of the plot may be unrealistic: Although the series is

exciting and full of twists, some aspects of the plot may be hard to
What we learned about the series
1_ Work as a team: In both the previous two seasons and this one, teamwork is one
of the most captivating things about the series. Not only because each of the
members respects and supports each other, but because each one has important
functions and fulfills them successfully.

In addition, something that is also important to note is that each of the members is
valuable, as can be seen in the skills they bring to the entire team.

This means that the more multidisciplinary and united the team is, the greater its
effectiveness will be. This is an important lesson that, when applied in work teams,
has the potential to give you excellent results.

2_ Learn from your mistakes: This third season kept us all in a thread -again- due to
the elaborate plan Spoiler Alert! from Berlin that the team had to follow, without
the latter being there to guide them or give them some final adjustments.

This left a lot of room for complications or mistakes, but they knew how to
overcome them to move forward and not only that, but also taking into account the
mistakes already made so as not to stumble over the same stone again.

3_ Take a risk: The start of this third season begins because everyone decides to
take a giant step out of their comfort zone.

We might think it's crazy because they were each living the life of their dreams, but
they still dared to make their mark and make a difference not only in the life of one
of their peers, but in the entire system.
The risks are good. We are not telling you to take risks at the same level as these
people with city names, but we are telling you to get out of your comfort zone
because by doing so you will know things that you would never have imagined.

4_ Enjoy what you do: Despite the difficulties, the pressure and everything that
was happening around them, one of the lessons that this team leaves us is to enjoy
the things that are done, especially because they are done with conviction.

5_ Be organized: In La Casa de Papel, things are achieved because there is the most
precise organization. Of course, there are times when things can get a little out of
hand, but they got back on track because of the organization they had.
Organization makes it possible for you to achieve goals in shorter times because
you work more efficiently.

6_ Have several options: Something that also caught our attention a lot and differs
from previous seasons, is that this time they had more than one option in case
something went wrong. They didn't put all their eggs in one basket. They had their
option A for each of the steps of the plan, but they also had B and even C, which is
quite useful in order not to be defeated by the first obstacle that may present itself.

7_ Always have a goal in mind:

In all seasons of Money Heist, the goals are clear and that is the goal that moves
them all; They have a common motivation. By having a clear focus and a clear goal,
it will be difficult for them to get you out of the way, you will know what you
should organize yourself on and all the previous points will make more sense.
The series impacted us in a positive way, it also caused us all kinds of different
emotions consecutively. From moments of extremely confusing tension and despair,
to situations of relief and peace.


• https://cursosdeguion.com/301-arquetipos-de-

• https://es.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_casa_de_papel

• https://www.yellowbreak.com/7-lecciones-que-

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