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The consumption of junk food affects the effective and efficient functionality of

the central nervous system. In the end, the use of fast food, as well as processed
pastries, may result in the development of mental health issues. Various inquiries
reveal that junk food consumption is linked to the development of depression.
Notably, poor dietary practices such as the intake of commercially baked foods,
sweetened beverages, and sweets raise consumer’s risk of encountering depression by
51% (Zahedi et al., 2014). As such, the emotional imbalance manifested by
depression negatively affects the overall well-being of a person. Thus, depression
is one of the long-term adverse effects of junk food consumption.

In a study, Zahedi et al. (2014) sought to investigate the degree to which the use
of junk food increases the threat of developing mental health problems among
Iranian children and adolescents. The study uncovers that the regular intake of
fast food increases an individual’s chances of experiencing psychiatric distress in
the end. Notably, psychiatric distress manifests in the different forms of violent
behavior demonstrated by children and adolescents consuming foods such as fried
chicken, chips, burgers, and sweetened beverages regularly (Zahedi et al., 2014).

Psychiatric distress portrayed by violent behavior among regular consumers of

snacks and sweetened beverages also affects other aspects of a person’s well-being.
Zahedi et al. (2014) uncover that violent behavior has the potential of undermining
an individual’s cognitive and social development. Particularly, children and
adolescents consuming junk foods to the frequency of a daily basis engage in
violent conduct such as physical fights and bullying. They also demonstrate
irregular levels of confidence.

In a similar undertaking, O’Neil et al. (2014) find a close association between the
unceasing intake of junk food and depression among children and adolescents. The
research reveals that proper dietary habits during the early stages of an
individual’s lifespan considerably affect their mental health in the long term. As
such, failing to embrace quality dietary practices from an early age heightens the
chances of individuals experiencing mental problems, especially depression (Jacka,
Rothon, Taylor, Berk, & Stansfeld, 2013).

Thus, mental or psychological issues arising from the use of unhealthy meals
undermine the well-being of individuals, especially children and adolescents. As
such, mental health imbalances that result from unhealthy dietary behaviors may
inhibit the proper growth and development of children and adolescents.

Over the centuries, the world has witnessed a substantial rise in sugar
consumption. In the recent past, most of the sugars the global population consumes
emanates from junk foods that people take regularly. Adversely, high-calorie levels
acquired from unhealthy diets result in a skyrocketing rise of diabetes and obesity
prevalence in the entire regions of the globe. For this reason, projections
presented in the literature review show that the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is
on the brink of realizing a 55% increase by 2035.

Shockingly, populations in developing countries in regions such as Sub-Saharan

Africa reveal greater tendencies of reporting significant cases of Type 2 diabetes
in the next decade. In this view, junk food menace cuts across geographical regions
since demographic factors have been presented to expose individuals to health risks
of consuming junk food.

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