Acosta (Groupings)

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Acosta, Alexandra Shania B.


DESCRIPTION NG CAPITAL: Dhaka, also spelled Dacca, city and capital of Bangladesh. It is
located just north of the Buriganga River, a channel of the Dhaleswari River, in the south-
central part of the country. Dhaka is Bangladesh's most populous city and is one of the largest
metropolises in South Asia

TOTAL POPULATION (2021): 167,140,078 population


Bangladesh’s constitution of 1972 specifies a parliamentary form of government under a prime
minister and a president elected by a national assembly, its implementation has been
interrupted by coups. In 1975 a military coup led to a regime of martial law, and, though the
form of government that followed was a mixture of presidential and parliamentary systems,
power effectively remained with the army. The country experienced additional upsets and
periods of martial law in the 1980s, but in 1991 a parliamentary system was restored, with a
president as head of state and a prime minister as head of government. The parliament of
Bangladesh, called the Jatiya Sangsad (House of the Nation), is a unicameral entity consisting of
some 350 seats, most of which are filled through direct election. The remaining seats are
reserved for women; these members are elected by the parliament itself. Legislators serve five-
year terms. The parliament elects the president, who also serves a five-year term, with a two-
term limit. The president then appoints the leader of the legislative majority party (or coalition)
as prime minister.

TS NAME #1 with picture (high quality)

Spilling out into the Bay of Bengal is Cox’s Bazar, an area covered in salty fishing skiffs and
bustling jetties, this little town in the far south-east of Bangladesh is known for its stunning
beach which stretches for an amazing 120 kilometers from north to south along the side of the
balmy Indian Ocean. This is the third longest beach on the planet and you will find local
fishermen reeling in the day’s catch as well as bubbling rock pools and crashing turquoise waves
that make this a great spot for surfing.

TS NAME #2: with picture (high quality)

The Sundarbans are located at the point where the mighty waterways of the Brahmaputra and
the scared Ganges crash into each other at the edge of the Bay of Bengal as you would expect,
the area is also covered in spectacular wildlife and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, here you
will find Bengal tigers stalking the mangroves as well as rhesus macaques swinging in the
canopies. Other highlights include chitals and you will also find local huts dotted around the
area and hiding beneath waxy palm trees.
TS NAME #3: with picture (high quality)
Srimangal is the tea-growing capital of Bangladesh and the area is a riot of different hues of
green. The area is famous for its rains which help the tea to grow and you will find a sea of
different plantations here as you explore the highlands and the hamlets that make up
Srimangal, on a trip here make sure to visit a local tea processing plant which will usually
include a trip to a tasting house so that you can enjoy a cup of fragrant tea whilst enjoying the
views over the rippling fields. Hiking is also poplar in the area although the undulating
landscapes mean that some hikes are more challenging than others.
TS NAME #4: with picture (high quality)
Chittagong has a population of 2.5 million which is nothing when you compare it to other cities
like Dhaka, that said, this frenetic port town is still worth a visit, particularly if you are traveling
to the beautiful Hill Tracts of Bangladesh, these gorgeous trails that include pretty Foy’s Lake
are hidden along scenic valleys and Chittagong is widely considered to be the jumping off point
if you are planning a trek. In the city proper you will find Chittagong Ship Breaking Yard where
you can see hulking tankers being ripped apart, and other spots of interest include the shrine of
Sufi Amanat Khan, one of the most revered saints in Bangladesh.

TS NAME #5: with picture (high quality)

Set amongst the beautiful Chittagong Hill Tracts is the delightful mountain town of Rangamati
which is a serene and peaceful alternative to many of Bangladesh’s frantic cities, the town sits
on the banks of Kaptai Lake which is known for its blue and green waters as well as the
woodlands that surround it. Small, colorfully painted boats bob on the surface of the lake and if
you are lucky then you may see an Asian elephant strolled along the riverbank. The main draw
here is the hiking and wildlife excursions as well as the golden statue of Buddha Dhatu Jadi.
Other top spots to visit also include the Parjatan Hanging Bridge and the regal palaces of the old
Chakma Raj.
TS NAME #6 with picture (high quality)
The little enclave of Saint Martin is like nowhere else in Bangladesh as this is the only coral
island in the country, the region is covered in shifting sands and lapping seas, all nestled close
to coconut groves. In many ways it looks more like the Caribbean than South Asia, and you will
find delicious seafood here including fiery curries. Scuba diving is also a popular pastime, so if
you want to check out some of the country’s amazing aquatic life then this is the place to do it.
TS NAME#7 with picture (high quality)
Paharpur is a pint-sized town which is most well known for the Naogaon District where you will
find UNESCO World Heritage Site ruins called Somapura Mahavihara, this spot is said to be one
of the most fascinating Buddhist archeological sites in South Asia and takes the form of a large
redbrick quadrangle which is bisected with alleys and chambers that would have been
meditation rooms in days of old. Make sure to check out the ornate stone work which dates
back to the 8th century.

TS NAME #8 with picture (high quality)

Kuakata Beach juts out into the Indian Ocean from the southern side of the river islands of
central Bangladesh, one of the great reasons to come here is to watch the sunset over the sea
with the glowing Sundarbans in the distance, the beach is fringed with tropical palm trees and
you will also find small rivers that cut through the land to the Bay of Bengal, this area of
Bangladesh is less visited by tourists so if you are looking for the road less traveled then this is a
good spot to choose. Some of the people you will see here are the local fisherman and you can
sample delicious curried crab and lobster.
TS NAME #9 with picture (high quality)
The ancient city of Gaur sits on the Indian border and is located in north-eastern Bangladesh,
nowadays the city is ruined and uninhabited and you will see red-hued arches as well as towers
and crumbling monuments, power struggles between the Afghans and the Mughals meant that
the town was abandoned in the 16th century and you should make sure not to miss the relics
here such as the carved stone reliefs in the Eunuchs’ Mosque and the royal tombs.
TS NAME #10 with picture (high quality)
Sonargaon used to be a thriving trading hub but now it is something of a ghost town that
straddles the Ganges, here you will find eerie carved mansions and docks, old mosques, and
jungle vines twisting in between everything. If you want to see a completely different side of
Bangladesh that many people don’t experience, then this is the place to come.

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