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COMPLETE THE SENTENCE WITH CORRECT WORD FROM THE BOX 1.- The___ TRAM___ from the town centre to the airport only takes 20 minutes. 2.- If the weather is good, | ride my to work. 3.-The train from Edinburgh to Manchester was really expensive, so wetookthe 4.- He isn't old enough to drive a car yet, but he's got a 5.- In the 19th century, immigrants travelled from Europe to the USA by 6.- It only takes two hours to travel by from London to Bristol. 7.- The metro system in London is called the 7 In New York you can take the to visit the Statue of Liberty. 8.-When there is a serious accident on the motorway, the doctors sometimes arrive by 9.- It takes 12 hours by to get to Mexico City from London. 10.-There's a special service from the town centre to the stadium when there is a football match. eaLIVEWORKSHEETS Complete the text with the past simple positive or negative form of the verbs in brackets. Paul (call) a taxi, but it ® (come) so he (take) a bus to the airport, The plane * (be) late, so he © (wait) for three hours at the airport. The weather © (be) bad so the plane 7 (land) ina different city. He ®, (arrive) at his hotel at LO pm. The ceptionist 9, (ask) him, ‘Good journey?’ ‘No, | (have) a good journey. It was terrible.’ Write questions about a trip to Mumbai to match the answers. | went there last November. you go there? 1. 2 How? | travelled by Air India from London. 2. ago0d time? Yes, | had a very nice time. 3. Wnerer | stayed in a notel by tne sea. 4. How long? | only stayed a week. Then | went to Delhi. hot? Yes, it was about 35°. 5. S8LIVEWORKSHEETS Write sentences about what Clare likes doing. Use the words in the box and a verb + -ing. teves likes doesn't mind doesn't like hates 1 ‘Chinese food is fantastic!’ Clare loves eating Chinese faod. 2 ‘I never listen to Mozart.’ 3 ‘I sometimes take the metro. It's OK but it’s not great.” 4 ‘| don’t want to watch the football - it's baring." 5 ‘| speak good French - it's a nice language.’ Complete the text with can, can’t, could or couldn't. In my family we love playing sport. | | well and my sister ® ski well, When we were children we ® bath play football very well, but we're bath a bit too slow now. The only sport | + do is swimming. | didn't learn to swim. My sister did and she swim very fast — 50 metres in about 40 seconds. We also tried to learn musi instruments. | studied the guitar, but I © play well al all. | was always too busy playing sport. play badminton Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. 1 Ifyou want to go running, you —_________ buy comfortable running shoes. 2 You____SSSséFg to the gym every day — three times a week is enough 3 —_______ | _____________ use the same machines every time | go to the gym? 4 You —___ take a srnall towel with you when you go to the gym. 5 He —_____ be careful on his bike. Last year he had a bad accident. SSLIVEWORKSHEETS Complete the conversation with the correct form of the present continuous or present simple. SHARON Hi, Jason. How are you? What !___(da)? JASON — Right now | 2___ (cook) dinner. SHARON Really? But you never 9_____ (cook). JASON — Well, I'm a bit bored with the meals al the student café. |4___ (make) spaghetti with tomato sauce. SHARON Very good. Usually when | 5____ (make) t/&___ (put) in lots of pepper. JASON == Pepper? OK | ?___ (ada) it now. SHARON But not too much. Jason? Jason? What's that noise? Are you there? JASON Sorry, | dropped the phone. | §______ (try). to cook and talk to you at the same time. S8LIVEWORKSHEETS

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