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B1.3 – UNIT 1.

1. READ the blog post. Then choose the best title:
a. Preparing for an interview?
b. Getting the job you want!
c. Dress for success!

2. WRITE two comments in response to the blog post. In one comment, show appreciation and agree. In the
second comment, disagree. Please use all the grammar and vocabulary we studied in unit 1. (150-170 words)

FIRST COMMENT I talk to everyone who agrees with me about this post that you are in the right position, being
interviewed for the job you have always wanted can be a total preparation, inform yourself about the company
and these tips they give you can help everyone, have a good interview increases our chances. To get the job,
exude confidence from the interview to be successful in the rest of this application.

SECOND COMMENT: In this case I disagree with you, nowadays many companies focus on what you contribute
with the job, how your abilities can help the company to success, many people like to look good not only for
interviews that’s the way they are. Dressing the way you like make you feel comfortable and with a lot of
confidence those factors could be decisive for getting job. We are not talking about the appearance we are talking
about who we are. Taking pride on who we are motivates us to be more truthful

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