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Journal of Hospital Infection 146 (2024) 31e36

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Proposal for a screening protocol for Candida auris

S.E. Leonhard a, G.M. Chong a, D.E. Foudraine a, L.G.M. Bode a, P. Croughs a,
S. Popping a, E. Schaftenaar a, b, C.H.W. Klaassen a, y, J.A. Severin a, *, y
Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, St Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands


Article history: Background: Candida auris is an emerging multidrug-resistant yeast which can cause
Received 1 September 2023 severe infection in hospitalized patients. Since its first detection in 2009, C. auris has
Accepted 21 December 2023 spread globally. The control and elimination of this pathogen in a hospital setting is par-
Available online 27 January ticularly challenging because of its ability to form biofilms, allowing for long-term patient
2024 colonization and persistence in the environment. Identification of C. auris from cultures is
difficult due to the morphologic similarities to other yeasts, its slow growth, and the low
Keywords: culture sensitivity when using standard agars and temperatures.
Candida Aim: We have developed a screening protocol for C. auris colonization using an in-house-
Fungal drug resistance developed polymerase chain reaction (PCR), combined with confirmatory culture in
Molecular diagnostic techniques optimized conditions.
Hospitals Methods: C. auris-specific primers and probe were developed, targeting the internal
transcribed spacer (ITS) region, and specificity was confirmed in silico using the BLAST
tool. The PCR was validated using a panel of 12 C. auris isolates and 103 isolates from 22
other Candida species and was shown to be 100% accurate. The limit of detection of the
assay was determined at approximately four cells per PCR.
Findings: C. auris screening was introduced on February 15th, 2023, and was used for
patients who had been admitted to a healthcare facility abroad in the two months prior to
admission to our hospital. The screening protocol included swabs from nose, throat,
rectum, axilla, and groin. In the first eight months, 199 patients were screened and seven
were found positive (4%).
Conclusion: Our proposed screening protocol may contribute to control C. auris in hospitals.
ª 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd
on behalf of The Healthcare Infection Society. This is an open access article
under the CC BY license (

* Corresponding author. Address: Department of Medical Micro-
Candida auris is a pathogenic yeast and is considered a rising
biology and Infectious Diseases, Erasmus MC University Medical Centre
healthcare emergency worldwide [1]. C. auris is characterized
Rotterdam, P.O. Box 2040, 3000 CA, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.:
þ31 10 70 33510. by a high rate of antifungal resistance with reduced suscepti-
E-mail address: (J.A. Severin). bility to triazoles, polyenes, and echinocandins [2e4]. The
y control and elimination of this pathogen in a hospital setting is
These authors contributed equally to this study.
0195-6701/ª 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Healthcare Infection Society. This is an open access article
under the CC BY license (
32 S.E. Leonhard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 146 (2024) 31e36
particularly challenging because of its high salt- and thermo- Candida spp., including C. haemulonii and C. duobus
tolerance and ability to form a biofilm, allowing for long- haemulonii, updated databases have recorded a sensitivity and
term patient colonization and persistence in the environment specificity of 100% [10]. Molecular methods have demonstrated
[5]. their ability to identify C. auris and are based on sequencing
C. auris was first cultured in 2009 from an ear swab of a 70- the D1eD2 region of the 28S rDNA or the internal transcribed
year-old Japanese woman, although retrospectively C. auris spacer (ITS) region of rDNA. Furthermore, several real-time
strains were found in South Korea as early as 1996 [3,6]. In the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays have been developed
years after its first description, C. auris spread across four for the detection of C. auris [4,12e14]. The sensitivity of these
global regions (South and East Asia, Africa and South America) assays is high (>93%) in several studies with a limit of detection
and whole-genome sequencing analysis showed that these as low as one colony-forming unit (cfu) per PCR [13e15].
strains were part of different clades, indicating an independ- Here we describe the development of a screening protocol
ent spread [7]. The first case of C. auris in the USA was reported for C. auris colonization using real-time PCR with culture for
in 2016, and an alarming increase in cases was seen between PCR-positive sites. In addition, we report on our experiences in
2019 and 2021, with a total of 1471 clinical cases and 4041 cases the first eight months after implementation of the protocol.
found by screening identified in 2021 [8]. In Europe, several
outbreaks in healthcare settings have been reported in Den-
mark, France, Germany, Greece, and Italy [9]. A total of 1812 Methods
C. auris cases were reported by the European Centre for Dis-
ease Prevention and Control between 2013 and 2021, and the Implementation of C. auris screening protocol
number of cases nearly doubled between 2020 and 2021 [9].
However, this is most likely an underestimation as most Euro- Screening for C. auris colonization was added to the
pean countries, including the Netherlands, do not actively standard screening protocol for patients admitted to the
screen patients for presence of C. auris. In the Netherlands, Erasmus MC University Medical Center (Erasmus MC) with a high
only five imported cases have been reported in the past five risk of infection or colonization with multidrug-resistant micro-
years [9]. organisms (MDROs) (Figure 1) [16]. This includes patients who
Colonization of C. auris has been described in several body have been admitted to a healthcare facility outside of the
sites, including skin (especially axilla/groin), urine (especially Netherlands for more than 24 h in the past two months.
in patients with an indwelling catheter), nose, throat, vagina, Patients directly transferred from a healthcare facility abroad
and deeper airways. Data of samples collected during a C. auris or those with additional risk factors for MDRO carriage were
outbreak in the State of New York showed that the greatest also screened, regardless of the duration of admittance in the
yield can be expected when using a combination of axilla, facility abroad. All these patients were kept in an isolation
groin, and nose swabs when screening for C. auris [4]. room and healthcare workers wore gloves, gowns, IIR medical
Unlike most other Candida spp., C. auris grows especially masks, and caps until results of the MDRO screening were
well at 40e42  C and in media with 10% saline [5]. At 30e35  C, known and negative. The standard screening protocol includes
growth is slower or absent. On Sabouraud agar, C. auris colo- swabs of the nose, throat, and perineum for meticillin-
nies are beigeewhite, and, on most traditional chromogenic resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and the throat and
media, colonies appear white or pink, although some may rectum for all other MDRO. For C. auris screening, swabs of the
appear red or purple [10,11]. Based on culture morphology, it is axilla and groin were added to this protocol and, if present,
not possible to reliably distinguish C. auris colonies from other swabs of wounds, indwelling catheters, or insertion sites of a
Candida spp. Therefore, culture alone is not sufficient as an central venous catheter were also taken. Finally, sputum or
identification method [11]. Although previously matrix-assisted tracheal aspirate was obtained in case of productive cough or
laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) was intubation. The perineum swab was not used for C. auris
unable to differentiate C. auris from genetically related screening. E-swabs (Copan Diagnostics, Brescia, Italy) were

E-swab medium of PCR MALDI-TOF

positive body site inoculated determination Sensititre®
on CHROM- and SABGenta performed on all Yeast-one
agar at 40°C for 14 days suspected colonies


Dry swabs taken Inoculation of all dry MALDI-TOF

E-swab: nose, C. auris real time PCR on
of nose, throat, swabs on CHROM- and determination Sensititre®
throat, rectum, E-swab medium of all
rectum, axilla, SABGenta agar at 40°C performed on all Yeast-one
axilla, groin screened patients
groin for 14 days suspected colonies

Negative Stop

Figure 1. Flow diagram of Candida auris screening protocol. PCR, polymerase chain reaction; MALDI-TOF, matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
S.E. Leonhard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 146 (2024) 31e36 33

Table I
Primer/probe combinations tested
Primer/probe name (Reporter)eSequencee(Quencher) Concentration (mM) Reference
Cauris-F1 CCT-GTT-TGA-GCG-TGA-TGT-CT 0.1 This study
Cauris-R1 CGT-GCA-AGC-TGT-AAT-TTT-GTG 0.5 This study
Cauris-P1 (FAM)eCAA-CGC-CAC-CGC-GAA-GAT-TGe(EDQ) 0.1 This study
Cauris-F2 CAG-ACG-TGA-ATC-ATC-GAA-TCT 0.2 [11]
Cauris-R2 TTT-CGT-GCA-AGC-TGT-AAT-TT 0.2 [11]
Cauris-P2 (Cy5)eAAT-CTT-CGC-GGT-GGC-GTT-GCA-TTC-Ae(BHQ-2) 0.05 [11]
PhHV-P (Yakima Yellow)eTTT-TTA-TGT-GTC-CGC-CAC-CAT-CTG-GAT-C 0.1 [19]

used for sample collection. If the sample tested PCR positive, Table II
10 mL of the E-swab medium was inoculated on a Chromagar Overview of Candida species tested in PCR validation
and a Sabouraud agar with 4% glucose, gentamicin, and
Species No. tested PCR result
chloramphenicol (SABGenta, MP Biomedicals, Santa Ana, CA,
USA) and incubated for 14 days at 40  C. Furthermore, new Candida auris 12 þ
swabs (cotton tip, no transport medium; Copan Diagnostics) of Candida albicans 10 e
the aforementioned body sites were requested and sub- Candida glabrata 10 e
sequently inoculated on ChromAgar and SABGenta agar and Candida tropicalis 10 e
incubated for 14 days at 40  C. MALDI-TOF determination was Candida parapsilosis 10 e
performed on all C. auris-suspected colonies. When determi- Pichia kudriavzevii (Candida krusei) 10 e
nation confirmed identification of C. auris, the MICs of tri- Candida dubliniensis 6 e
azoles, echinocandins, and amphotericin-B were determined Candida norvegensis 5 e
using the Sensititre Yeast-one (Trek Diagnostic Systems Ltd, Kluyveromyces marxianus (Candida 4 e
East Grinstead, UK) and the results were interpreted according kefyr)
to the tentative MIC breakpoints of the Centers for Disease Clavispora lusitaniae (Candida 4 e
Control and Prevention [17]. All positive isolates were stored lusitaniae)
at e80  C. All positively screened patients were treated in Candida guilliermondii 3 e
isolation, and after discharge or transfer their rooms were Pichia cactophila (Candida inconspicua) 3 e
cleaned and subsequently disinfected with 1000 ppm chlorine Nakaseomyces bracarensis (Candida 2 e
[18]. bracarensis)
Candida haemulonii 2 e
Candida metapsilosis 2 e
Real-time PCR assay Nakaseomyces nivariensis (Candida 2 e
The developed method is based on real-time PCR using Wickerhamomyces anomalus (Candida 2 e
Taqman probes and uses PhHV (phocine herpes virus) as an pelliculosa)
internal process control. DNA was isolated from 200 mL of e- Candida blankii 1 e
swab medium using the MagNA Pure 96 in combination with the Cyberlindnera fabianii (Candida 1 e
MagNA Pure 96 DNA and Viral Nucleic Acid Small Volume Kit fabianii)
(Roche Diagnostics, Almere, the Netherlands). Amplification Pichia fermentans (Candida lambica) 2 e
reactions (20 mL) contained 5 mL of DNA and primers/probe Yarrowia lipolytica (Candida lipolytica) 1 e
(Table I) in 1 LightCycler 480 Probes Master (Roche Diag- Pichia kluyveri 1 e
nostics) and were subjected to amplification on a LightCycler Total 103
480 (Roche Diagnostics) using the following protocol: after an
PCR, polymerase chain reaction.
initial denaturation for 5 min at 95  C, 50 cycles were applied of
denaturation for 5 s at 95  C and annealing 30 s at 60  C after
which the samples were cooled down. Primer/probe concen- Specificity of the assay was also
trations were optimized for maximum sensitivity under our assessed in vitro by testing 103 isolates from 23 other Can-
reaction conditions. dida spp. and formerly named Candida spp. (Table II) taken
Two primer/probe combinations targeting the ITS region from our clinical strain collection and identified by MALDI-
were evaluated (Table I). One design was taken from liter- TOF. An additional 50 clinical faeces samples were included
ature, a second design was based on all available ITS to assess the performance in clinical samples. Twelve C. auris
sequences in the non-redundant BLAST database. Specificity strains were used as positive controls; the analytical limit of
of the primer/probe combinations was assessed in silico by detection was evaluated by performing dilution series in E-
BLAST analysis of the amplified target sequence (http:// swab medium.
34 S.E. Leonhard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 146 (2024) 31e36

Results none showed inhibition. This indicates that the PCR was robust
in clinical samples and faecal carriage of C. auris was not
PCR validation present in our patient population. As the PCR was developed to
run using our standard LightCycler 480 protocol, the protocol
All 12 C. auris strains tested positive with both primer/ was easy to implement in our routine diagnostic workflow.
probe combinations. All non-auris Candida spp. and formerly Although recent updates of MALDI-TOF show an increase in
named Candida spp. tested negative. The 50 clinical faeces sensitivity and specificity in detecting C. auris, MALDI-TOF
samples also tested negative with both primer/probe combi- requires growth of C. auris prior to identification [11]. Fur-
nations. In all samples a valid test result was generated, and no thermore, suspected colonies need to be identified based on
inhibition was observed. morphology before the MALDI-TOF can be used [10]. Culturing
Using our reaction conditions, the first primer/probe com- C. auris at standard temperatures of 30e35  C is slow, lacks
bination (amplifying a significantly shorter PCR product) was sensitivity, and is hampered by the fact that colonies are dif-
slightly more sensitive by a factor of w2 but this was not ficult to distinguish from other Candida spp. based on mor-
statistically evaluated. A series of 10-fold dilutions was per- phology. These limitations are only partly avoided when swabs
formed of a 0.5 McFarland suspension of cultured C. auris, are incubated at higher temperatures in enriched media with a
which contained w5*106 cfu/mL. It was determined that high saline percentage before inoculating them on agars [5,11].
approximately four cells per PCR can be detected with the Advantages of PCR include rapid test results and high sensi-
optimized protocol corresponding to w200 cells per collected tivity and specificity [4,13e15]. Furthermore, when screening
E-swab. for C. auris by PCR, it is not necessary to use enriched media
and incubation temperatures specific for C. auris for all
screened samples. This makes initial screening with PCR more
Screening in clinical practice efficient. In only one of the seven patients who tested positive
in our screening, C. auris was cultured in just one of the four
The screening protocol was implemented at the Erasmus MC
PCR-positive body sites. Furthermore, even though samples
on February 15th, 2023. In the eight months thereafter (until
were incubated at 40  C, growth of C. albicans and
October 18th), a total of 199 patients were screened, and seven
K. marxianus was also detected. Altogether, this indicates that
patients were found positive. Three of these patients were
culture is less sensitive compared to PCR, and that culture at
injured soldiers from Ukraine. In Table III the characteristics of
high temperatures alone is not sufficient to select for C. auris.
the positive cases and their laboratory results are outlined.
We chose to include swabs of the nose, throat, rectum, axilla,
In only one of the positively screened cases were we able to
and groin following data collected during a C. auris outbreak in
culture C. auris. In this patient, after three days, growth of one
the State of New York which showed that the greatest yield is
pink colony and multiple green colonies was seen on the
expected when using a combination of nose, axilla, and groin
CHROMagar of the swab from the groin. MALDI-TOF was per-
swabs when screening for C. auris [4]. We added the axilla and
formed on all colonies and identified the pink colony as C. auris
groin swabs to our standard screening for MDROs. This facili-
and the green colonies as C. albicans. The swabs from the nose,
tated an easy implementation of this screening protocol in our
throat, rectum, axilla, and the wounds did not show growth
hospital. The importance of swabbing several sites is supported
after 14 days.
by our finding that one patient only had a positive axilla swab in
In the other patients, C. auris was not cultured, but growth
our PCR.
of other yeasts, including C. albicans, C. tropicalis, and Kluy-
Our findings are in contrast with a recently published
veromyces marxianus was seen on the CHROMagar and SAB-
screening protocol in a tertiary centre in Germany [20]. They
Genta agar at 40  C. None of the patients colonized with
screened patients with a history of medical treatment abroad
C. auris developed an infection caused by this pathogen.
and screened rectal swabs or stool, respiratory samples, and
skin or wound swabs if present. All samples were plated on a
Discussion chromogenic Candida agar (CHROMagar Candida) and incu-
bated for 48 h at 37  C. Among 655 patients who were screened
In this report we describe the development and imple- for C. auris upon admission, no colonization was detected.
mentation of a screening protocol for C. auris using an in-house Several factors can explain the difference in results. First,
developed PCR, combined with specific cultures of PCR- C. auris may have further emerged after their study
positive body sites. In the eight months after its introduction, (2017e2022). Second, they did not include the groins and axilla
seven patients were found to be colonized by C. auris. None of as standard screening sites. Third, the culture incubation
the colonized cases developed an infection due to C. auris. This temperature and duration were not optimized for growth of
highlights the importance of structural C. auris screening C. auris. Fourth, this may indicate, as we also found in our
among patients previously admitted to healthcare facilities study, that culture is not as sensitive as PCR, or that difficulty in
abroad to prevent further spread in Dutch hospitals. differentiating C. auris from other Candida spp. may have led
In the validation, our PCR showed 100% specificity among to missed cases.
103 samples of other Candida spp. Although our study included A limitation of our PCR validation is the small number of
only a small number (N ¼ 12) of C. auris-positive strains, the C. auris strains used for assay validation. Furthermore, we have
sensitivity was 100%. The highest dilution in which C. auris was found a relatively low number of clinical cases positive for
still detected showed a limit of detection of four cells per PCR, C. auris compared to some reported large outbreaks. The low
similar to other published PCR methods for C. auris, in which number of positive clinical cases may be due to the still limited
limits of detection varied between 1 and 54 cfu per reaction introduction of C. auris in Dutch hospitals or the limited sen-
[13e15]. Fifty clinical faeces samples all tested negative, and sitivity of our screening protocol. Nevertheless, our results
Table III
Characteristics of the positive cases and their laboratory results
Case no. Sexa Transferral Clinical description Month of specimen C. auris PCR: Ct valuesb C. auris culture Antifungal
hospital(s) collection resultsb susceptibility
testing (MIC)
1 Male Hospital in Ukraine Victim of bomb attack. Mar, 2023 Groin: 36 Dry swabs were Fluconazol: >256
and Poland Transferred for orthopaedic Axilla: 36.3 taken of all body mg/mL
surgery, including external Throat: 37.6 sites and 8 wound Micafungin:

S.E. Leonhard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 146 (2024) 31e36

fixation device. Nose: 33.5 sites. One groin 0.12 mg/mL
swab showed Anidulafungin:
growth of C. auris 0.06 mg/mL
after 3 days. All Caspofungin:
others remained 0.06 mg/mL
negative after 14 Amphotericin-B:
days. 2 mg/mL
2 Male Hospital in Ukraine Victim of bomb attack. Apr, 2023 Rectum: 37.9 No growth N/A
and other Dutch Transferred for orthopaedic
hospital surgery, including external
fixation device.
3 Male Hospital in Malignancy with recurrent Apr, 2023 Axilla: 35.7 No growth N/A
Germany and pleural effusion. Thoracic drain
other Dutch placed in hospital in Germany.
hospital Drain removed in other Dutch
hospital prior to admission to
Erasmus MC.
4 Male Hospital in Cardiovascular disease Sep, 2023 Throat: 37 No growth N/A
5 Male Hospital in Ukraine Military trauma, treated with Oct, 2023 Nose: 37 No growth N/A
external fixation device
6 Male Hospital in Liver disease Oct, 2023 Nose: 35.8 No growth N/A
Curaçao Rectum: 35.2
7 Female Hospital in Pre-admission Oct, 2023 Throat: 35.2 No growthc N/A
Suriname Groin: 35.4
PCR, polymerase chain reaction; MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration.
All were adult patients.
Both E-swab medium and dry swabs of the nose, throat, axilla, groin and rectum swab, and any wound sites if present, were inoculated on CHROMagar and Sabouraud agar with 4% glucose,
gentamicin and chloramphenicol (SABGenta) and incubated for 14 days at 40  C as per protocol. In this table only the sites that were positive are shown.
In this patient only E-swabs were taken.

36 S.E. Leonhard et al. / Journal of Hospital Infection 146 (2024) 31e36
indicate that our screening protocol is more sensitive than isolated from the external ear canal of an inpatient in a Japanese
culture, as we were able to culture C. auris in only one of seven hospital. Microbiol Immunol 2009;53:41e4.
PCR-positive cases. To further improve our screening method, [7] Chow NA, Muñoz JF, Gade L, Berkow EL, Li X, Welsh RM, et al.
we plan to further improve culture conditions. Tracing the evolutionary history and global expansion of Candida
auris using population genomic analyses. mBio
In conclusion, we developed, validated, and implemented
in-house an C. auris-specific PCR. In the eight months after its [8] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Increasing threat of
implementation seven C. auris-positive patients were identi- spread of antimicrobial-resistant fungus in healthcare facilities
fied, of which three originated from Ukraine. As screening for 2023. Available at:
C. auris was added to our standard screening of MDROs, the p0320-cauris.html [last accessed March 2023].
protocol was easy to implement in our hospital. Our findings [9] Kohlenberg A, Monnet DL, Plachouras D. Candida auris survey
reflect the more extensive spread of C. auris among wounded collaborative group. Increasing number of cases and outbreaks
soldiers from Ukraine or hospitals in Eastern Europe and the caused by Candida auris in the EU/EEA, 2020 to 2021. Euro Sur-
importance of screening for C. auris in hospitals across Europe. veill 2022;27(46):2200846.
[10] Meijer E, Voss A, Meis J. Candida auris: huidige inzichten. Ned
Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2022;30:61e6.
Acknowledgements [11] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Identification of
Candida auris. Available at:
C. auris control strains were kindly provided by the candida-auris/identification.html?CDC_AA_refVal¼https%3A%2F%
Department of Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases,
2Frecommendations.html#identify [last accessed March 2023].
Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. We [12] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidance for
thank the technicians at the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory detection of colonization of Candida auris. Available at: https://
at the Medical Microbiology Department of the Erasmus MC for [last
expert technical assistance. accessed March 2023].
[13] Mulet Bayona JV, Salvador Garcia C, Tormo Palop N, Gimeno
Cardona C. Validation and implementation of a commercial real-
Conflict of interest statement
time PCR assay for direct detection of Candida auris from sur-
None declared. veillance samples. Mycoses 2021;64:612e5.
[14] Walchak RC, Buckwalter SP, Zinsmaster NM, Henn KM,
Funding sources Johnson KM, Koelsch JM, et al. Candida auris direct detection
None. from surveillance swabs, blood, and urine using a laboratory-
developed PCR method. J Fungi (Basel) 2020;6(4):224.
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